****in' old social taboos!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
Ok, so, I spend the night at a friend's house. It's her(Helisia), my friends Ben and Becca, and I.

Basically, it went down like this:

1. We meet up at movie theater. I'm driving Ben. The movie is sold out. So we all pile into the car to go to Safeway to get coffee.

2. We get coffee and cookies at Safeway, then continue on to Helisia's house.

3. We're there until like 2 in the morning. Her mom asks us to stay, since it's late and driving that late at night is dangerous. We said OK.

4. Next day, Ben and I get in trouble. Not by Helisia's mom, dad, or other adult at the house. But by Becca's father.

Why? Because it wasn't originally planned that Ben and I stay there.

Which brings up other things such as "it's not his ****ing house" and the like.

Anyway, I was just talking with Becca, who tells me that Ben and I were wrong because Helisia is a GIRL and it's WRONG because of that fact.

The kicker? I'm supposed to be employed with Ben and Becca's brother Richard by her father this summer. I'm betting there's no way that's going to happen now.

The rational that we were wrong because of some ****ing social taboo ingrained into her father in the 50s is total bullshit.

Ok first off is Becca a dude...I'm assuming not? Next did all of you call your parents and tell them you were staying?

It does not matter if it was his house, it was his kid. If the answer to the second question is NO then you were in the wrong. You need to go to him apologize, and admit to him you were wrong, then if he's a decent guy he will understand and let it go.

But if it happens again YOUR the idiot and he will shut you off.

I don't know the people involved but i'm not assuming you were having a sex party, with these parents permission. I also would not want my 18 year old having a kid. But i do expect my kids to let me know where they are as long as there living with me.
Well were you supervised? As in did Helisia's mother either have you guys sleep in the living room or somethinng? And if not did she make you keep the door open? Because I see no problem if saftey measures were in place. If not hell no. The dad should be pissed.
Is he upset at the girl's mom who ok'd this? Seems he should have the issue with her. When you let your child stay at someone else's house, you need to explain exactly what is acceptable and what is not. Or at the very least question what their house policies are.
atlantic said:
Is he upset at the girl's mom who ok'd this? Seems he should have the issue with her. When you let your child stay at someone else's house, you need to explain exactly what is acceptable and what is not. Or at the very least question what their house policies are.

Yeap. cause he alread gave her authority over his child by letting her stay there in the first place.
But what I wanna know Joker is did you get any putang?
GF Admin said:
But you where in a rush to be married & a mommy and a step mommy and whooooooHooooooo!!!!!! LOL

****er! :p

Yes, true. But I am paying for my lack of judgment. Paying for it dearly.

Regardless, I love my son, his kids, your kids, African babies, and insects in their larval stages. I love kids but am no longer in a hurry to bring any into the world. :D
Well first off, if the girls father can't trust her to not go off and **** every guy she meets, then MAYBE he shouldn't be a father in the first place. Yell at your own shitty kid before you mad at someone else's.

Second, most of the people that have responded are twice jokers age, so I don't know how things went down in prior generations but heres my take on it. Virtually all of the kids I knew in highschool that were sexually repressed and had parents like this went of to college with NO prior exposure to situations like this and not only ended up ****ing everyone they met at a party after a few drinks, but also ended up ****ing themselves over pretty bad as well. On the other hands, my close group of friends, both guys and girls, had parents who didn't mind that kinda stuff. And none of us have had to get tested since we left home.
Ok, to Snafu: Yes, there were safety measures in place, such as:

1. Them in a locked room upstairs.

2. Us downstairs.

3. Helisia's dad with a shotgun.

To Tired of Whiners: Um, get a clue. Ben and I called our parents. There was no reason she couldn't have called hers. And I talked to her dad. He actually didn't have a problem with what I did from the standpoint that, while being irresponsible to stay there that late, it was the safest choice.

To Phantom: There was, nor did we even think about, no sex. Our group of friends are actually respectful of one another. It's AMAZING...:rolleyes:

The irony being Ben and Helisia are bf/gf. I swear those two would consummate their marriage by hugging...

To Wombat: Yeah, sometimes sexual repression leads to tons of sex. Not the case here. All of us know about sex. I mean, for the love of Christ, we have the ****ING INTERNET! We know about sex, and the good and the bad, but we choose not to do it, because we realize at our age that the bad outweighs the good.
Crazywumbat said:
Well first off, if the girls father can't trust her to not go off and **** every guy she meets, then MAYBE he shouldn't be a father in the first place. Yell at your own shitty kid before you mad at someone else's.

Second, most of the people that have responded are twice jokers age, so I don't know how things went down in prior generations but heres my take on it. Virtually all of the kids I knew in highschool that were sexually repressed and had parents like this went of to college with NO prior exposure to situations like this and not only ended up ****ing everyone they met at a party after a few drinks, but also ended up ****ing themselves over pretty bad as well. On the other hands, my close group of friends, both guys and girls, had parents who didn't mind that kinda stuff. And none of us have had to get tested since we left home.

Yes, the ole do your kids a favor by sodomizing them before they go off to college school of thought.