Lol. Quick update loves! Hopefully this is enough to live off of for a week! It's not the best and I don't like the ending very much, but oh well. Enjoy!
"Mr. Bennington… you do understand that we cannot have these children running around punching each other right?" Mrs. Clark, the principle, was lecturing me on appropriate child behavior.
I was staring at her blankly while nodding my head, "Yes… yes, I do realize this, but…"
"No buts Mr. Bennington. He's going to have to be suspended for a couple of days."
My mouth dropped open, "Are you serious? You're suspending him the second day of school! Are you nuts?!?"
A look of frustration came across her face, "Please sir, try to stay calm. We understand that this is a bit unreasonable for a little gym class fight, but the parents of the boys he hit are going to be very upset with the school and that's a risk we cannot take."
I nod my head lightly and sigh.
"Do we have an understanding?" She's talking to me like I'm a child refusing to eat my vegetables.
"Yes…" I say quietly, "Yes." Louder.
"Jaime can come back to school on Monday. A long weekend to cool down will do him some good." She starts writing on a piece of paper.
"Okay." I reply calmly.
She stops writing and looks at me sweetly. It creeps me out. "Jaime told his guidance counselor that the boys he started the fight with were making fun of him. From others things that he told her, we have the impression that things aren't going too well at home."
Great… he talks to everyone, but me. What have I done that's so wrong? That makes him hate me?
"Yeah… his mother died a few years back. He's still having some issues with it." I wipe my face and start shaking my leg. There's voices outside the door. It's the guidance counselor and Jaime. She's still trying to sort out what happened. Her shadow skips around the glass window on the door. It reads "Principle's Office". Like how it is in the movies and cartoons. I just want to leave.
She nods and finishes writing on the paper. Afterwards, she hands it to me, clicking the cap back onto her pen, "Any questions or concerns, just call." She smiles.
I sigh in return, take the paper, then leave taking Jaime with me. The ride home is silent and the silence stays with us even after we get home. The guys left, I'm guessing. Jaime is turning to go up the stairs until I stop him.
"So… what exactly happened?" I asked, my hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing." He mumbled angrily.
"Well the fight didn't start on it's own. There had to have been a reason." I want to her him tell me what happened, not the principle.
He shrugged, "Just a couple of jerks."
At least I got something out of him
"Anything else you want to tell me?" I rubbed his back. He yanked away.
"Why do you care anyways?" He glared at me.
I sighed, "Because I'm your father." My voice was tender.
He was quiet and almost a whisper he said, "Those ******** deserved it."
I cocked my head, "What did you say?" I paused, "Don't ever say that about anyone no matter how rude they are to you."
His anger started to come out, "I can say whatever the **** I want! Who's side are you one anyways?!?"
"Yours Jaime, but you can’t punch anyone who gives you ****! You have to understand that! And never swear at me again!" Lower your voice Chester… yelling only makes things worse.
He was looking down, "I hate you…" He stuttered, then looked up, "I hate you!" Tears were welling in his eyes.
I froze, my throat closing up, unable to speak. He hates me? I could feel tears threatening my own eyes.
A bead of water rolled down his face and he ran up the stairs. Shortly after came the slamming of his door. I collapsed onto the stairs. He hates me… I repeated it in my head. I let the water building behind my eyes escape, head in hands. He hates me. I really am a horrible father…