Insane Ppl Thread v.4.0


New member
I need.... I need coke *runs around with sweat pouring off face* Coke *sniffs chair while eyes bug out* the taste... the taste of coke... COKE COKE COKE

I NEED COKE!!!!!!!! I'm a addicted. I AM a coke head. *chants* COKE COKE COKE COKE


me is coke head. I want coke. coke coke coke. not pepsi no lime drink, no fanta, no lemonade. I NEED COKE

tehe & you thought I was talking about drugs.

uh... two

two words

two words that

two words that complete

two words that complete the

two words that complete the world.




New member
Woah, that was the perfect thing for this thread!!!


*gets magically dressed in all black*

*hands you a coke* there ya go


white Angel

New member
Uh foxx there is one little problem with you watching me like that. I dont have the video feed that would allow you to watch me, that, you dont where I am located in my lair anyway.

*uses big ****** sword to finish off my previous job*

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