Insane Ppl Thread v.4.0


New member
WAtch where you put your spoons, dammit.

They will bury you with cable wires and shove antelopes through your silkscreen pajamas.

Don't milk the beetle too righteously, he might come back to lick you, arduously.



New member
*gives confused look*

V translation please!?

*swims to the side* I dont know about you guys... but me & evil penguins dont get along....

*climbs out & sits down*

I'm going to have a picnic.... WHOSE WITH ME!?



New member
of course! its a must!

but we'll also have taco bell [becuase taco bell is my favorite]

*sits down on red & white plaid blanket*



New member
Uhhh i think allie made them.

*eats the chicken thingymabob*

Now i wanna swim..... *gets bam and throws him in the water...* 50 pts for the person who can dunk Bam



New member
Because, you are insane, like the rest of us..

Come join us in the really cold water!!


*splashes matt*



New member
yea come join our freezing water, evil penguin, picnic eating cult XD

*Grabs Matt's arm & pulls him into the water*

what are you gonna do about that? that's right! Nothing.



New member
*dunks matt in the water!*


*sneak tackle hugs u*

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