Insane Ppl Thread!


New member
Ok,show me how to spend the money girl.

*goes with woody to the mall,both go into a shop,and woody sees a t-shirt,and then Vero decided to push woody into the closet shop,runs away with all the money she took from her bag when woody was trying the t-shirt and then Vero dissappears 4ever with woody´s money*muahahahahahaha*evil laugh*U will never find me.


Amy Shinoda

New member
*finds Vero* hey... i thought this was my hiding spot!

*sees money* ooooooo... that's a lot of money *evil grin* i guess we can share the spot... *innocent face*



New member
Sorry,now it´s my hiding spot!muahahaha I will give u a dollar if u get out of it*evil grin*,i´m sorry I don´t share money,I have problems with money,I´m a compulser o_O .

Oh well,I will be a nice girl so here u have 200 dollars,is that ok with u Amy?*Gives 200 dollars 2 Amy and Vero takes a wand from her pocket and by clicking the wand on her head she dissapears*


Amy Shinoda

New member
yay!!! 200 dollars!!! *dances around happily* i have 200 dollars... lalalala... thanx Vero!!! *goes to the store and spends it all on pancakes and balloons* now i don't need u ppl anymore!! i have my own balloons!!! :D


New member
*Vero appears next to Amy and with a needle punches her balloons*muahahaha,U don´t have any balloons Amy la la la,jp:plol.

*Vero sees Amy crying cuz of what Vero did so Vero decided to give new balloons to Amy and also decided not to **** her anymore;)*

What kind of balloons do u like Amy?



New member
*minzara returns once again in the clown suit, with ballons, but accidently falls of a ledge and dies...* (NO more minzara :( )


New member
**shoots every clown in the world over various years**

evil bastards ! innocence tackers !

**walks away with Joe in my arms**or if im really disperate solid_snake**



New member
put ur hands up if u

a) suffer from a mental illness

b) have PMS

or c) have clownphobia

U TRY TO TAKE JOE ! ! U ******* JOSH!! ! !

hows the sceptic tank going?? still mutating?


Solid Snake

New member
He was eating his own socks......He just couldn't get it down in time, it's a real shame-_- But I'm sure he was happy.....o_0


New member

**kicks stupidsoul out of under my bed**

**drags Joe out from the closet**

**make em switch places**they do without question**

or is it u that r u eating their own socks??



New member
*minzara returns once again in the clown suit' date=' with ballons, but accidently falls of a ledge and dies...* (NO more minzara :( )[/quote']*says a silent prayer 4 minzara*


*starts yelling*



New member
*minzara returns once again in the clown suit' date=' with ballons, but accidently falls of a ledge and dies...* (NO more minzara :( )[/quote']Noooooooo,u can´t be dead Minzara!!*sniff*

I´m gonna do some magic spell so Minzara comes back to life*goes to make the magic spell on Minzara´s tomb*Yay!U are alive thanx 2 me :p ;) !!!.

Now go scare all the ppl who are afraid of clowns muahahahahaha*evil laugh*

Party balloons for every1!^^*Vero appears a lot of balloons with her wand*
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