Insane Ppl Thread!


New member
Brkng_th_Hbt's fake split personallity(in a freaky tone): He is hiiiidingggg.... hiiddiiinggg deeeep iinnn thhheee junnggllle.... I tthhiiiiiink


New member
yup yup! It rocks my sock! *reanimates it* L-la De-d-d-da La du-u-m!
haha,i made an album called Hybrid er...Music?.. :rolleyes:

would you like to do a Reanimation of it?

My new HIT single: BumBum Lala

Bumbum lala,budumbum lala, wee oo wee oo, bumbum!

omg,isint it the greatest? :D



New member
that belongs to me too! OMG, YOU KNOW HOW TO SING IT!

awsome! New song: Life goes on?

Na na goo ba doo shizzle fizzle nzzle na na goo ba!

sexy song or what?

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