
hey all you remixers lookin for instrumentals. Hit it up with this guy right here!! Z44. his stuff sounds really close to the real thing. He's making some meteora tracks for me so, send him some requests. i highly recommend his work!!
Dude! can u hook me up w/ Pshing me away.....BTH(FULL) reanimation sng besides 4gtten and intheend......and if theres anyothers u have can u pm like a list or some thing?
Z44, you sould send your instrumentals to chestersings so he can put them on his site... that way, more ppl can get them and also you dont have to send them to everyone one at a time :p

Also, I think a faint instrumental would be awsome :thumbsup:
hy z44 i got the nobody's listening instrumntal
well its good but the part (come come come coming at you) all the song corrupted it :( is there anyway to remove it
well maybe someone should just post a link for the instrumentals and then people could just get them theirselves just a sugestion cuz im looking for instrumentals my self
Pheonix791989 said:
well maybe someone should just post a link for the instrumentals and then people could just get them theirselves just a sugestion cuz im looking for instrumentals my self

Thats kinda what I said... he can give em all to chestersings or stenners, they can host em, and then everyone can get them whenever... that would be the smart thing :p
i'm looking for an instrumental of nobody's listening... if anyone has one, it would be great... I want to do a cover of that song with my band... and would be nice if I could have an instrumental...

my email is:
Hey everyone; I'll have all the instrumentals please. I don't have any so all of them would be apriciated. If there are any acapellas other than h! vltg3 and numb/encore I'll have them too.
email (prefered):
streamload: wuzziewozzle
