Insulting peoples children

GF Admin said:
... Now realistically speaking a males masturbation frequency ebbs and flows, in his teens he is likely to masturbate more, middle age will see a substantial decrees in masturbation events. ... .

..give or take but that's why I just averaged out twice a day making it a more reliable number. And if you are equating the masturbation with fornication together your women folk friends might only know half of the story.
GF Admin said:
I would say that about 99.9% of them get laid by their boyfriends/husbands about once every 2 weeks at best. many have never even had an orgasm and all of them are starved for attention.
Dude. Man. Guy. Buddy....c'mon. You do know women just say that **** to appeal to your sense of conquest don't cha? How could you be so naive?

When you meet women that are "taken", they will almost always say
(1) That their boyfriends/husbands don't pay attention to them.
(2) That their boyfriends/husbands don't give them sexual attention.
(3) That when they do get some from their boyfriend/husband its terrible and they never have an orgasm.

Women are inherently attention whores. I blame it on the constant impression given to them when they are little girls impressing upon them that they are "princesses" and should be treated that way, waited on hand and foot and showered with constant attention. Think about it.
Cassiopeia said:
I know that it is schoolyard tactics....but it is one thing that gets to me.
I do view kids as innocents...even if they have shithead parents. My kid has a shithead dad, and I am here to tell you that he is a GREAT kid, despite that.

Other than that, people can spew anything they want and it will just roll off my back. LOL

The only thing great about your child is his **** sucking ability. His tight ass
is kinda great too I guess, but my large **** can't fit in it.
wolvesslasher said:
The only thing great about your child is his **** sucking ability. His tight ass
is kinda great too I guess, but my large **** can't fit in it.

Hey sick ****.

My kid is 8 years old. You really sure that you want to post something like that? Even in jest, comments like that are taking it WAY too far dude.
Jhony5 said:
Women are inherently attention whores. I blame it on the constant impression given to them when they are little girls impressing upon them that they are "princesses" and should be treated that way, waited on hand and foot and showered with constant attention. Think about it.

No kidding. Only some of us are Princesses worthy of being waited on hand and foot, and showered with constant attention. The others are just undeserving attention whores. I'm with you on this one...Bitches.
wolvesslasher said:
The only thing great about your child is his **** sucking ability. His tight ass
is kinda great too I guess, but my large **** can't fit in it.

Unless your a priest i'm taking this as a joke.
Jhony5 said:
Dude. Man. Guy. Buddy....c'mon. You do know women just say that **** to appeal to your sense of conquest don't cha? How could you be so naive?

When you meet women that are "taken", they will almost always say
(1) That their boyfriends/husbands don't pay attention to them.
(2) That their boyfriends/husbands don't give them sexual attention.
(3) That when they do get some from their boyfriend/husband its terrible and they never have an orgasm.

Women are inherently attention whores. I blame it on the constant impression given to them when they are little girls impressing upon them that they are "princesses" and should be treated that way, waited on hand and foot and showered with constant attention. Think about it.

From the bar chicks I've ran into around the country, I'd have to agree with this one.

And masturbating at 14-15 years old oh my god:eek: I started at about 11-12:eek: must have been a early bloomer.
GF Admin said:
Good points.

Actually I took J5's comments to mean that women are lying, cheating, ****-sockets pretty much never to be trusted or relied upon... I see by your comments you agree.
Thats why you stuff it in while it is still soft.
Is it taking it Imus far? or Kramer far? exactly what is actually to far?? and does this definition of "To Far" apply equality to all, or just a select few?? Should someone be criminally punished for satirical blogging? If we make fun of the gay GF members is that also a criminal act? what about the Black, Latino, Asian, Eskimos etc.. GF members is making fun of them going "TO FAR" As well? Is calling people from Georgia Red Neck, sister-****ers going "TO FAR".... if so then why does everyone get to say what ever the **** they want about WHITEY???? answer me that will you, and make sure the answer makes sense and is equally applicable to everyone & everything.

In fact to make an absolute ****ing nuisance of my self to society I am going to start a class action suit that will target:
All comedians
TV personalities
8a businesses
Ethnic TV channels
Sports leagues
The Mrs Black American pageant
Black collages
Black magazines
Latino organizations, clubs & events
Texas border towns
Homosexual associations, clubs & events
China town commercial & residential districts
Women only fitness centers
The Catholic Nun school
The girl scouts
The professional nursing industry
The professional beauty shop industry
Malt Liquor & Menthol cigarette advertisers/manufacturers
All Rap groups and music producers
Urban Wear
Spike Lee
Russel Simmons
The Black Caucus
All political associations based on an ethnic agenda

Feel free to add some more obviously insulting organizations to the list as you all may see fit. This class action suite will be worth trillions & trillions, and I am going to get the same lawyer that won against big tobacco to spear head it.


Dont' forget Geico.
GF Admin said:
O they are on the top of the list. I am tired of all the English accent advertising, what because you have an accent you are more creditable?

What about the poor caveman's rights?
GF Admin said:
[ ]Blue balls, or the term a man uses when he says his balls will explode if he doesn't have sex, is totally false.

I ain't gonna take any chances.
Cassiopeia said:
Hey sick ****.

My kid is 8 years old. You really sure that you want to post something like that? Even in jest, comments like that are taking it WAY too far dude.

I don't give a ****. I was just complimenting your son. You don't need to get mad about it, you should be proud that your son can suck **** better than most girls that I know. Peace.
wolvesslasher said:
I don't give a ****. I was just complimenting your son. You don't need to get mad about it, you should be proud that your son can suck **** better than most girls that I know. Peace.

It sickens me that you think pedophilia is something to joke about. At least I hope you are joking, otherwise God help any children in your life.
Cassiopeia said:
It sickens me that you think pedophilia is something to joke about. At least I hope you are joking, otherwise God help any children in your life.

Hate to burst your bubble...but God doesn't do **** for the Catholic boys.:eek:
Cassiopeia said:
It sickens me that you think pedophilia is something to joke about. At least I hope you are joking, otherwise God help any children in your life.

It sickens me that you make children feel bad about themselves if they want someone to play with their privates or don't mind someone touching their privates. They are going to be touched there eventually in their life, might as well start early if they aren't harmed in the process and if they want someone to play with their private parts. I thought sex was a good thing, not a harmful thing.
Jhony5 said:
(1) That their boyfriends/husbands don't pay attention to them.
(2) That their boyfriends/husbands don't give them sexual attention.
(3) That when they do get some from their boyfriend/husband its terrible and they never have an orgasm.

You summed up my marriage in three numbered lines. I'm scared.

Hubby comes home to eat and sleep, hasn't made love to me in about 2 years (not a joke- I only get nooners/quickies), and if I want an orgasm I have to give myself one.
Phantom said:
You summed up my marriage in three numbered lines. I'm scared.

Hubby comes home to eat and sleep, hasn't made love to me in about 2 years (not a joke- I only get nooners/quickies), and if I want an orgasm I have to give myself one.

Now I see why you have so much time to spend on the internet.:rolleyes:
It also explains that mean streak of yours.
Phantom said:
You summed up my marriage in three numbered lines. I'm scared.

Hubby comes home to eat and sleep, hasn't made love to me in about 2 years (not a joke- I only get nooners/quickies), and if I want an orgasm I have to give myself one.

Things might be different if you learned to swallow. That just shows lack of commitment.
Phantom said:
You summed up my marriage in three numbered lines. I'm scared.

Hubby comes home to eat and sleep, hasn't made love to me in about 2 years (not a joke- I only get nooners/quickies), and if I want an orgasm I have to give myself one.

I'm on my way over, Phanny. Better do those exercises we discussed.
GF Admin said:
Not swallowing is also an indication of the possibility that you are selfish and have some hang-up in the sex department.

Now you are stealing ideas from Anonymous. Sad, really sad.