Intelligent Design: Required by Biological Life?

"I never proof-read my posts." <> wrote in message
> Intelligence arises from components that lack intelligence.

An unsophisticated observation.

> Since intelligence can arise from the unintelligent,

Unproven, to date.

> any data that indicates
> intelligent design could also be the result of a very complicate
> system of unintelligent components producing that data.

"Data" is not the result of anything other than scientific observation and
"urine" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 19, 7:20 pm, "L. Raymond" <> wrote:
>> How do you know there is no life in all the universe except on Earth?
>> What's your evidence for this?

> There are only two realistic options to consider. 1) Life was created
> exclusively on this planet by God. 2) Life has formed on many planets
> spontaneously. If the second option is true then there must be other
> life somewhere in the universe.
> life.htm

Your small mind failed to consider:

2-a) Life was created on many planets by God.

3-a) Life has formed on JUST THIS ONE planet spontaneously because of
extremely unique circumstances.

Perhaps you should confine yourself to your Smurf-based political opinions
and leave the hard work to those more capable?
Patriot Games wrote:
> "urine" <> wrote in message
> > On Apr 19, 7:20 pm, "L. Raymond" <> wrote:
> >> How do you know there is no life in all the universe except on Earth?
> >> What's your evidence for this?

> > There are only two realistic options to consider. 1) Life was created
> > exclusively on this planet by God. 2) Life has formed on many planets
> > spontaneously. If the second option is true then there must be other
> > life somewhere in the universe.
> > life.htm

> Your small mind failed to consider:
> 2-a) Life was created on many planets by God.

[snip rest of crap]

Only an idiot or a virgin believes in Intelligent Design.

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
On Apr 19, 10:17 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Intelligent Design: Required by Biological Life?
> February 19, 2008
> K.D. Kalinsky

Here is a more readable version.

What a load of nonsense this paper is. It sounds like something meant
to fool amateurs into thinking it has scientific content.

Sri Bodhi Prana.
"Sri Bodhi Prana" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 19, 10:17 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Intelligent Design: Required by Biological Life?
>> February 19, 2008
>> K.D. Kalinsky

> Here is a more readable version.


> What a load of nonsense this paper is. It sounds like something meant
> to fool amateurs into thinking it has scientific content.

Yes... I was completely fooled by your POINT BY POINT REFUTATION....

On Apr 21, 2:28 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> "Sri Bodhi Prana" <> wrote in
> > On Apr 19, 10:17 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> >> Intelligent Design: Required by Biological Life?
> >> February 19, 2008
> >> K.D. Kalinsky

> > Here is a more readable version.

> Where?

My mistake: Intelligent Design: Required by Biological Life? by Biological Life.pdf

> > What a load of nonsense this paper is. It sounds like something meant
> > to fool amateurs into thinking it has scientific content.

> Yes... I was completely fooled by your POINT BY POINT REFUTATION....

That would be a chore akin to grading high school philosophy papers.

If you really are interested, then I would be glad to give you a
couple of examples. One, just off the top of my head, is that the
author does not understand Hagen's functional information formula. "Ex
is the degree of function x"? That does not make any sense at all.
Look at Hagen's original paper and compare what this author has to say
and what Hagen says.

Sri Bodhi Prana