Interesting results on how America feels about BUSH.

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Doesn't really surprise me. >< Though... if less than half of the people approve of him, and yet he still got elected, does that mean people switched over between then and now, or is the system even weirder than I thought?

And considering how fast sprang up after the last election, you'd think he wasn't going to be the most popular president ever. -grimace-
Well, lets put it this way. Clinton was impeached when only 39% of the population felt he needed to be, in other polls I have seen, 47% of Americans want the man (Bush) impeached. And the thing is, the charges alleged go FAR BEYOND the scope of "I got a blow job and lied about it".

Personally, I think it WAS somewhat of a frenzy notion by confused and pissed off Americans, but any more it seems Americans are for the most part now saying to our own President... Enough of your stupid wise cracks,monkey looking smirks, comments about patriotism, and references to BIN LADEN and 9/11 to support a different objective. RESULTS need to be shown not only for the Americans who lost there lives in battle, but for the loss of CREDIBILITY for taking our own actions... While myself I could really give a rats ass what the U.N. thinks of America, the WORLD PERCEPTION in general makes us look to be evil to many other countries.

America wanted JUSTICE AND PAYBACK for 9/11, not a ****ing trip to help ANOTHER COUNTRY get rid of ITS LEADER first.

Whether that is the right analysis of the situation is irrelevant coming from my keyboard, but it IS what ALOT of Americans now think. I believe this is why George Bush is losing credibility, and of course popularity in America, the polls just confirm it.
If he had the balls to be anything more than a puppet for big business I might be able to find somethingabout him that I like. He is there to serve the people and so far all he has serves is his wallet
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