Introduce Yourself To The Newbies

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Hello there, newbies (and whoever else might be readin this :p)! Welcome to the greatest forums around the web, LPF. Feel proud for joining it ;)
My name is... well, let's leave it at shirakawa_otori. I'm not japanese, before you ask lol I just happen to like japanese stuff a lot (movies, anime, manga, even music - I've recently been hearing some really cool japanese hip hop!), so I picked this name out of a book (actually, 3 books... a trilogy called Tales of the Otori. Everyone should read them, they are amongst my favorite books ever). I though it sounded cool, and I feel happy with this name hehe I'm 20 years old, that makes me... well, old. But I'm childish and immature, so I don't feel 20 years old at all - which is kind of a problem, because I see the walls of time starting to close in on me and I'm afraid of what the future might bring (at least that's what I've been discussing with my therapist lately :\). Hmm, let me see. I'm a cinephile, absolutely addicted to movies. My favorite genre is horror, and my favorite recent horror movie is Dead End (everyone should see that too). My favorite recent non-horror movie is none other than the amazing Kill Bill (both volumes :p), followed closely by Garden State.
Like I said, I like anime a lot. My favorites are Hellsing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Excel Saga, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. I've watching one called Bleach recently, and it's pretty good too.
I love to draw, and I do it everytime I can - often during classes too. Unfortunatelly, college takes up much of my time, so I don't draw as often as I'd like to. Oh well, that's life.
I read a lot too, although lately my rate is slowing down. I used to read 2 or 3 books at a time and finish them really quickly, but now I read one at a time, and I stay with it too long, I only get to read like... once a week or something. It's a shame.
I like to read comics too. I used to read Spiderman all the time, but then I started spending money in other stuff, and now I don't get money to buy the comics lol so I don't read them anymore. I have the first part of the Ultimate Spiderman collection, and that's the most recent stuff I bought. About other comics, I love "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" and "Lenore", absolutely my favorites. I should have those books in a special container or something, so no one could ruined them with their greasy hands lol
I'm a huge music fan. I bet you all can guess one of my favorite bands *wink wink* lol I like lots of different stuff, but what I listen to is mostly rock, punk, emo, and hip hop. The bands I like are too many to list!
Overall, I think I'm a nice, funny girl (maybe over-sarcastic sometimes), I like to be helpful and to be a real friend to people that are real friends to me. My friends are one of the most important things in my life, and without them I don't know where I'd be now. I'm kinda weird in a good way, like I like to watch bad movies to laugh at them, and I have a strange sense of humor. Many people I know really think I'm weird and they have a hard time understanding me :\ oh well, that's their problem. A friend of mine once told me and my best guy friend that we both gave him headaches LOL We can start conversations about nothing at all, and then they kind spin out of control, and we find ourselves talking about the strangest things. I swear, if someone would tape our dialogues, they'd turn out to be a great dialogue movie lol Anyway, that seems to annoy people, but we have a blast out of it xD. On the bad side, I'm lazy, kinda neurotic sometimes, I have mood swings, my room is always a mess (but an organized sort of mess, if that makes any sense lol), sometimes I'm too stubborn and proud, I don't know...
Anyway, I hope you have as much fun here as I have. I love this place, really. And the people here are as cool as it gets. So if you ever need anything, you can pm me, I'll be willing to help :)
Sorry for the long introduction, sometimes I write too much *blush*
I'm woody. aka sarah. but ppl call me woody. im a girl...u can tell by now. I lurve A perfect circle, korn, NIN, Marilyn Manson and linkin park.
im australian.
i hope you have fun on lpf. its a good and interesting place to be.
see ya

feel free to pm me any newbies. im always glad to show them new things on here and all the tricks in the book. :p
Name's Tack (and yes, it is my real name). Sixteen years old and in my last year of high school. Got dark brown hair, almost black when it's wet, and brown-green hazel eyes in case y'all are wondering. I live under a rock in Canada, near what has been labelled a "crap-town in a line of crap-towns" with a three digit population sign, in Alberta. By September, I'll be in Edmonton going to university to study Architectural Technology.

As for hobbies, they pretty much consist of fast cars, rock music, and martial arts. I'm an artist on many levels... Writing, sketching, some cartooning, music, martial arts, swordsmanship, automotive mechanics, interior and exterior architecture. You name it. If you're wondering, most of my experience with swordsmanship is derived from spinning poi (or fire, you could call it), and I practice a style called "Draa Velve", which is a drowish form, meaning "Two Swords".

Drawing blanks today. Usually, I can think of more to say about myself without making it sound like boasting. But, hey, it's Sunday evening and I technically don't have to think until 9:00AM tomorrow morning. In the meantime, welcome to y'all who are new at the forums. Enjoy the boards!
Hey new people! I'm Sara, 16 years old (17 in July), and I live in California. I don't go on these forums as much as I'd like to mainly because of school. But my hobbies are listening to music (Linkin Park, Blink 182, Green Day, Slipknot, etc..), going online to chat and read these forums, and sleeping when I get the chance. Oh yea, and I'm on my schools track team so I like to run. I think that's all you need to know about me! Have fun in the forums!
Hi everyone! I'm from Russia, so I don't know english very good, but I very very very love Linkin Park! I hope you understand me! Peace!
Hey everybody

As you can see, lol, my username is uwantme2b. I don't really know why, because that's rubbish, but I never know what to call myself so I'm stuck with that :p You can call me Becks - which is my real name - if you like.

So yeah, anyway, I'm Becks, I'm 16 and I live in England. I LOVE Linkin Park, my favourite members are Chaz and Phe (tho I love them all of course!)

I love writing stories and horse riding. I have... 2 cats and a very old bunny!!!

Anyway, I'd better stop boring everyone now :thumbsup:
Well hi, my name is Genesi, but call me dess "cause thats my nickname", im 12 to be 13. i really like LINKIN PARK but i really love chester and mike if u need my help just pm me or im me at my aim account. *hugs to all* :D
okay, well, thought i'd post under my new name lol, i got it changed

i'm hyper, yes yes i'm hyper and i'm called hyper

i'll make you a sig if you request in my thread, but you gotta meet the requirements...yeah, i'm bored, laterzz
yo newbies! welcome to the best forum in the world. im shahfire. call me shah. dont call me shabana(my real name), if not ill start slapping u. lol. im in lpf since nov 2004. that's not very long time ago but yeah...u guys will pretty soon be addicted to lpf. u've been warned. i live in singapore and chk out my profile if u want to..
add me in msn. ill talk to u. i use slangs alot. i hate maths. im quite insane. heck, most of lpf members are. so quite soon , u will be too. just kididng. so have fun!
Hello!I'm Katsuja.This is pronunsiation of my real name in Japanese(as i know),and my real name is Katja.I from Russia so sorry for my english :rolleys: .I loves LP very much and my favs are Mike and Rob.And i like to draw manga and anime!
hey hey everyone... *that sounds stupid* :rolleyes:
I'm Hybrid-Heart as you can see... but that's a long name so you can call me Hybi :D
my real name is Maud.. and I'm from Holland
I'm 15 years old and.. owyeah i'm a girl ;)
I love LP ofcourse... otherwise i wouldn't be here..
my favorite band members are Chester and Mike...
but i love them all ofcourse :D
ow and i love horse riding and drawing
well that was all the information of me.. at least i think...
partOFmeLP77 said:
hey everyone, i'm kinda new here i guess, but i was wonering when your not considered a NooB anymore lol.

I think it depends more on how long you've been joined for than how high your post count is.

Not that it matters too much - don't worry about it. You'll fit right in if you hang around enough. :) I personally don't like the title "noob" or "newbie" - I don't know why exactly, I just don't agree with it. *shrugs* I'm strange like that.
yeah I'm Brkng_th_hbt...... but please call my Ryan. I'm 13 right now.. and i'm a guy. I live in the USA... etc etc etc...

and of course I absoutely love Linkin Park. :D

Most of my time i'm on the internet.. but if I'm not, i'm either drawing, playing my guitar, watchin TV, or playing video games.
umm.. hihi newbies im lpgirl as u can probly tell, i post here everyday, its like my 2nd home:p im 14, 15 in may YAY!! i live in australia the land down under, G'day mate, lol
u can call me lpgirl or renzal, i love LP thats y im HERE!! i love mikey and chazzy, my fav members, i can be weird and a lil crazy i think *scraches head* pm if ya wanna chat to me or add me to ur msn list cuz i dont BITE, hard.. i have a fanfic here, come read if ur up too it!!
anywayz this is renzal signing off!!
hello all newbies...
my name is Krista you can call me Lucky or Kris...this is a really Spiffy place..(btw.. i use the word Spiffy alot so yea)...i live in the US (florida).... im 14 and in 9th grade... im usally always in a good mood so if you need to talk about anything just PM or IM at Pinkybabi01 ... um i like writing poetry, drawling... talking (alot)... im also into kickboxing so thats all spiffy.. um.. alot of the people here are really nice.. and give good advice......
i have blonde hair.. which is occasionally brown when its wet.. um i have brown eyes... i wear too many braclets (25 of them)....but sure.. i listen to all kinds of music.... ok i usally sugarcoat things ok.. but if i get annoyed i will really tell you what i think.. um i do speak my mind from time to time.. so don't get offended if i come off as a B*tch... im usally always nice... which pretty much everyone here is..... as i said earlier i talk to much.... i guess i will try and close this up a bit.. its a really cool place here.. you will have fun.. make friends.. work personal problems.. im on alot so if you need help just PM or something. you can talk to me in my journal.... whatever.. so yea.. um have fun. .this place is real spiffy along with the ppl here. they are spiffy too.. i'll shut up now..

p.s. im in love w/ LP.. ok.. obsession is more like it.. but whatever... tootles!
well, I'm new as well.

I am Paul from Texas and I'm 18. I wish that the admin would allow bigger pics in the sig, but ah well, I can still have pics so it's no big.

and I'm crazy.

Hello all new people! :D I am the one and only (at least I think I am) CMLP. Cats Might Like Pie! lol

About me, Umm...Not really much to say. If ya wanna chat, I'm up to talk. :thumbsup: Oh, I've been here for a few months. So I'm not new. lol
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