Introduce Yourself To The Newbies

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Hello fellow LINKIN PARK lovers,

Just a quick hello to everyone to just let you know I'm new in here, kindly invited by my fellow CHAZ lover and honey Heart_LP ( you rock girl :thumbsup: ). If you wanna know something about me, my life and so on, go ahead and ask. I'm not afraid to spill the beans. For know that's it from me. Take care.

xxxxx The Tester

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hello ppl!
how are ya doin?
ok anyways thanx TCT :p
I´m Samira, 14 and a girl.
As I think everybody else here I LOVE Linkin Park as you can see it in my name aka Heart_LP
umm..I love music and art..specielly animations! wohoo go animations!..
I like to draw animation too..and potraits..
yeah..that´s me..
if you wanna talk then feel free to Pm me
Hey Samira!
It's me Manji XD
I forgot I was a member here too hehe.
Glad you a member too, have fun sweetie.
See you around on LJ

*looks around* ahummm... Hey
my name is Miriam but call me mia, i'm 15, and i'm a girl.
i am a huge LP fan lol not to mention mike they are the best band ever, and I'm also hyper most of the time 0_0 aaaaaaaaaaaand.. I like to listen to music,doin' art and hang out with my friends tihi ;P Oh yeah.. and my best friend on this earth O_O > LP_Heart< she's awesome man >_> .. yeah... WOHOOO 0000____0000 i know i'm wierd o_O
well I think this is all I have to say ^^
Hi!I'm Vily(Violeta).I'm from Bulgaria-Sofia :cool: sometimes I may not have very good english :( Of course I LOVE LP,like everyone here ;) I like listening to music,watching TV,going out with friends...My favorite song from Meteora is Numb,as you can see from my nickname-Numb_girl...I don't know what else to say...if you want to know smth for me-PM :)
Hi Im Geeta. Immature and sad at the same time. Not much to say its all in the profile. And If you cant prononce my name then go f*ck yourself...kidding. If you cant prononcue the name just take a wild guess, dont mind if you cant get it right.


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Hello Little New Born ones!!
Im FadedBlue aka Basmah aka Ozzy aka Billie Joe raper?o_O k..
Anywho, Im 14 turning 15 June5th:)
Im crazy, i love LP and other great rock music\m/
I am willing to help you around if you ask politely with the magic words"Please and Thank You"
I am a crazy Muslim with Black hair(slightly brown) and Brown Eyes
Im 5"4 and in grade 9:D
Living in Ottawa Canada! The country of LumberJacks and Inuits! woot woot 'Eh?'
I am also willing to be your bestfriend:D
Feel free to add me to your MSN :)

Im gonna go do some math homework now!
Enjoy the LPF!!

hihi welcome all new newbie 0_o god i scare myself, anyway *gives waffle to every1 new and as well as every1 old* hope u have a fun time here, cuz i kno i do:p umm.. all i can think of to say... bibi
Hey just joined and dont know about this site but yea i love linkin and all there music, saw them in concert last year. I am 16 and like to get into as much trouble as i can without getting caught.
Hey whats up and where are you from exactly. Hey yea numb is one of there best songs if not the best.
Treeves said:
Hello, Newbies and their loved ones! In the interest of saving time and avoiding a lot of boring chitchat later, I'm Treeves; you can call me "T"
I am a bored... certified asshole with a double specialty of flaming and saying "****" all the time. I am also the only member currently posting at this forum who is forced to be here against his will.
But not to worry, because for most of you, My job on the forum could be done by a monkey with a bottle of Motrin. Speaking of which, if you're particularly annoying, you may see me reach for this: this is Hydrocodone. It's mine! You can't have any! And no, I do not have a pain management problem, I have a pain problem... but who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm too stoned to tell. So, who wants me as a friend? :thumbsup:

YOUR SO COOL!!!!!!!!
ummm....hey newbies im keza im still fairly new to the boards and really kinda veiw them more than write on them cuz i dont know too many people-knowing only cristina (ITOTF) marizka and lpp
anyway my real names kerryann btw crappy name but hope u have fun on here its really cool and ALL of the poeple are worth knowing....
Hey guys

I'm an LP freak like eveyone else. I'm from Australia, and found this site when we were in the computer lab's at school (in food science) and then the moment I came home...I JOINED!! Lol...this place is really addicting, like a drug man! But its really fun. If you wanna talk, pm me and I'll give you my msn addy. And don't hesitate to ask any help or anything like that. Welcome newbies and hope you really get into the site. ohh and remember SEARCH FOR TOPICS BEFORE MAKING NEW

I'm Vash_the_Stampede, People call me Vash, or VtS. I am a mod here at LPF, & I am the one to come to for help on/with the site.
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