Introduce Yourself To The Newbies

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HI ya,
im mariska and im from the netherlands. I havent been on this forum that long, i think about three weeks but im hooked! I came here after becoming member at PMA and ppl there were member here so i became member here too..can u still follow me?? :p
obviously i love LP, since i got Meteora im completly addidcted! cant go a day without them..
Other than Lp i like a lot of rock music, alot of bands, too many to type down but Nightwish, Within Temptation, Greenday and Evanescence are some of my favs.
If u wanna know more bout me PM, email or MSN me..i allways luv talkin to other LP fans!
Hey Newbies! ;)
My real name is Andy, my nickname is Spike.
I'm 16, soon to be 17 w00t w00t.
I occasionally post on here, usually on the fan fics and the Today's Phrase thread.
That's about it.

Oh, and, errr I indirectly casued a HUGE argument a while ago.

Cya ;)
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hi noobs,

i'm taylor, i live in wa, i'm almost 14 *ten days woOt* anywayz, i love talking to people, unless ur rude in which case well.... just dont' be rude :D , This place is reallllllllllllly adictive and fun, like drugs, jk *don't do drugs kids* anywho, if ya wanna talk pm me or sumthing

hope ya have fun
God !! I've just registered ==> real new member & i don't know much 'bout this page . Can anyone show me ?????
I'm Onestepclosertonumb ( of course ^^) but some call me One ==> more quicker . I'm from Vietnam ( so my name is too hard for U to call , PASS ) & i'm 15 .
Welcome to LPF, & if you need a helping hand in the forums, give me a PM(Private Message), & I will get back & help you when I can. Hope to see you active!
I forgot to say in my last post that I am a LP FREAK. I have joined LPU and I also have their band tees, all of the cds that came out, (except the one coming out this year :p) I know all of their songs by heart. I just have to listen to the beat of the song and I sing it on my own. I started to listen to them since I was 8 years old. Their first album hyrbid theory came out in 2000.

Hey LP is the best always has always will be,and Ive liked them lots, ever since the time I fell asleep with my TV on and woke up to crawling, I think it was crawling this happened 6 years ago, and ever since then I have become ever more intwined in the rock community, and now I sing rock I play guitar rock I go to concerts, I know and am involved with multiple bands, I am passing on the flame and getting my younger brothers involved, and I just hope that they learn to stick it to the man, like the rest of us, and to keep pulling when pushed to far, and **** like that.
hey guess you can say im a noob to the forum thing. Ive been listening to LP since I was in 5th grade and I used to listen to only them but now i support my bros band ginster. Their pretty cool if you wanna check em out. Im into skateboarding and usually the only girl skating.
wazzup newbies? it's Rockslide here as u can c. welcome to LPF. need help, pm me and if I can't help ya i'll c if my friend can. i think lp is a tight band and i am from the dirty south. there are many more bands that are out there that deserve 2 b listened 2 so branch out with your musik.
Oh Jesus christ I made this thread so people maybe over the 300+ posts could talk not newbies

But Oh **** Dany that post is sure as hell welcome!
wazzup people i is new on dis site I am only 10 I aint dat clever help me I am perisously close 2 smashin up my pc. rammstein rock I am goin 2 c dem in 16 days
Hi all im introducing my self to this website im a LP freak LP controls my life
I'm Anceylee-134, I've just activated my acount, and I'm a hardcore LP fan, I've recorded Music Videos of them, I've got three albums, and I Think Chester Bennington is the best. <3.
I love their lyrics, the wonderful rhythms, the albums art, and alot more, just can't think of it right now...^^
okay well Hoody doody i am just so umm....wahts the word bored and nusiated by the excitment here i was invited here by my firend Pheonix ((she is my little sis)) yes goahead and make fun of her about ti and all anyway bye for now
yah hey here

i joined a long time ago but never posted but i posted.

im 15, im interested in dragons and lp.

Hello people! I'm Riss, I love LP and wecome. Feel free to PM me and I promise I'll reply (unless you're some like stalker wierdo). Have fun and hope you stay.
-Shadowed Heart, aka Riss.
hi, i'm thelea...i live on the island Curacao (which is kinda like a paradise that's been robbed or mugged lol..which basically means it's beautiful, but it kinda looks like a paradise should come here some time! haha)..i'm 15 and i love writing stuff. anyway...this is a really really cool web-site with amazing people, so just keep coming back and don't make accounts that you'll never use :) if u just wanna can PM me anytime (just like most other members) have fun!!
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