Invade and annex Mexico to the United States

In article <>, Jim E at YD639275 says...
> "Desmond and Molly Jones" <> wrote in message

> >> >> Pick up a gun and start killing illegals.
> >> >>
> >> >> Jim E
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > I saw you speeding yesterday, Jim E.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Pow!
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Take your best shot, you anti gun, unarmed, liberal, capitulating loser.
> >> I live in Washington state, concealed carry is a given.
> >> I prefer a M1917Colt.
> >> Sometimes I carry a M1911, just for the reduced profile.
> >> Catch me if you can.
> >>
> >> Jim E
> >>
> >> Jim E
> >>
> >> Jim E

> >
> > Jim E. Another coward who thinks he is a big man because he has a gun.

> No, just an average size guy, with a gun.

Afraid to appear in public without his "little helper."

> An armed society is a polite society.
> Jim E

Hmm. Let's compare the "Wild West" with Japan, shall we?

"In October 1992, in Louisiana, a Japanese exchange student named
Yoshihiro Hattori went into the wrong house on the way to a Halloween
party. The homeowner's wife screamed for help and the homeowner drew
his .44 pistol and yelled for the student to 'freeze!' Not
understanding the American idiom that 'freeze!' means 'Don't move or
I'll shoot', the student continued advancing towards the homeowner. The
homeowner pulled the trigger and shot him dead."

People like Jim E. are afraid of their own shadows.

"The borders of darkness shall be won by the smugglers of light." - not
quite Peter Rowan