iPhone anyone?


Active Members
lol, i converted and iphone hater into an iphone lover today!! He was like Hailey, I can't belive you sold out to the iphone!!! and I was like I know, but i love it, I was like here come play with it.. He had it for 15 minutes and then was begging his more for one, lol.


New member
iphone is still overrated in my books, i have a laptop, itd **** all over an ipod IMO,i dont honestly see the point in getting a phone that does "everything", its pointless,sure its cool, but its a luxury,phones are for calliong and what not, and any net surfing is going to cost you an arm and a leg for a few minutes of useage, compared to say...my laptop, that has wireless and can just switch onto it in a hot zone or carry wireless and it wont cost me much/anything, not to mention i can actually use it other than for entertainment like for work/study

even if youve managed to free ur sim and what not, apple are gonna release an update that auto installs and relocks your fone-i read it in my telegraph today

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