Iran's President is a known Terrorist

Gallytuck said:
Hey, if they're making a nuclear device fairplay to them. You can't have a nuclear device with the intention of doing good with it. Considering America's history of getting itself into wars I don't feel the U.S. should be allowed to have nuclear devices either.

When you **** with such destructive technology there is no good and bad side in a conflict. If both sides have nuclear capability they're both equally as bad.

1. America DOES NOT SELL NUKES TO TERRORISTS .... we may well give them machineguns BUT NEVER NUKES.

2. America WILL NOT nuke Israel.... IRAN WILL

Any other questions?
Iran will disarm or be destroyed. As a matter of personal preference; I prefer the latter.

I hope that is a joke. If so, uh, haha I guess. If not, then you obviously know very little concerning the detrements of war.
1. America DOES NOT SELL NUKES TO TERRORISTS .... we may well give them machineguns BUT NEVER NUKES.

2. America WILL NOT nuke Israel.... IRAN WILL

Any other questions?

1. Well, it's kind of hard not to do so.

2. I will bet you a goats head, it won't happen. :cool:
builder said:
Fox news? You've got to be ****ing kidding, you moron.

Try this link to see why the rest of the world will drop the US like a hot potato when they bomb Iran.

1. Russia will not do **** to the USA because the second they start **** the billions in forigen aid that come from the USA to keep Russia from dying will STOP.

2. China isn't going to risk starting a conflict with the USA.... they try it and we will freeze all of their US assets and stop buying their products .... this means that China will be broker then the ten commandments in a MATTER OF DAYS....

3. What makes you think there will not be a coalition involved in disarming Iran?

The Chinese and the Russians know that messing with the USA is not a good idea because there will be serious conquences sent their way the second they start any ****.

Learn to accept reality and stop sucking terrorist balls.


P.S. Thanks for the rep points :p