Is A.I.G. leaving us because we corrupted her ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I found this article:

Question :

How should we deal with the rumours that appear on the Internet? What is the Muslim​
Lethalfind said:
I think AIG has made the big announcement she is leaving in order to get attention...who makes an announcement like that??

Errr... Paris Hilton? Nicole Ritchie? Tara Reed?
RoyalOrleans said:
Errr... Paris Hilton? Nicole Ritchie? Tara Reed?

Exactly my point people who make announcements like that do so for attention...Where would Paris, Nicole and Tara be without the Media following them everywhere reporting everything they do.
AIG on the other hand isn't lucky enough to have the Media following her around, so she comes here instead...
leaving to gain attention is like killing yourself for sympathy. You may or may not get it, and you'll especially never know if you're getting any because you won't be around to know
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
leaving to gain attention is like killing yourself for sympathy. You may or may not get it, and you'll especially never know if you're getting any because you won't be around to know

I think shes trying to make some kind of statement and she will be back to see the effect under another name, she is truly an attention whore...
Am I missing something?
Who says this was A.I.G. that wrote this? And were dose it say she
Lethalfind said:
Exactly my point people who make announcements like that do so for attention...Where would Paris, Nicole and Tara be without the Media following them everywhere reporting everything they do.
AIG on the other hand isn't lucky enough to have the Media following her around, so she comes here instead...

Perhaps she feels she has set roots within this 'community', has friends and did not wish to simply up and disappear without a little goodbye. Online friends may be trivial in comparsion to the real thing but I still think they'd warrent a goodbye.
eisanbt said:
Perhaps she feels she has set roots within this 'community', has friends and did not wish to simply up and disappear without a little goodbye. Online friends may be trivial in comparsion to the real thing but I still think they'd warrent a goodbye.

Absolutely, I enjoy coming on here, its theraputic, if she feels that way then why leave??
I don't know about you but I'm an adult with my own home and computer, if I want to be online, I am. I can visit what sights I want to, I save porn until after my daughter is asleep however.
If she is so attached, then why leave??
Maybe Allah is making her do it, whatever.
Her whoring need for attention is what has made her say, Farewell...I laugh everytime when I read that post of hers. How histrionic of her.
MRIH, you have a way with words that I admire. There is no doubt as to how you actually feel.
I hate wishy washy, politically correct speeches that are so much bullshit. Just let it all hang out, hit me between the eyes with your opinion.