Is America a Christian nation?

As for the stripping thing, I'd go off into a rant about how people shouldn't get paid to get naked but instead I'll sum it up into a nutshell

Obviously the US has strong christian roots, and this can be evidenced by the physical symbols PW referred to, but also in the laws of the society itself. In the US, racism is not allowed, abuse of women is not allowed, all people are considered equal, violence is not tolerated, different religions are tolerated, there is freedom of speech etc. These are things which distinguish america from islamic nations.

There has been a strong move towards secularism in many countries, including the US. However, there is also a backlash as people realise the rise in crime, the lowering of morals, the devaluing of human life - is due to people disrespecting their country's roots. Many then realise that the common sense displayed in the bible is something worth holding on to...well that's those who actually think on these things.
Posted by CybacaT:
Obviously the US has strong christian roots........
...there is also a backlash as people realise the rise in due to people disrespecting their countries roots.

This is so typical of christian thinking. You have boldly asserted that America was built on the principals of christianity and those who go against christianity are against America.

Our forfathers were largely of the Xtian faith and used Xtian terminology in writting our bill of rights.
The fact that the Ten Commandments has a good moral backbone is no excuse for those in government to brandish christianity. I don't want to swear on a bible. I don't want to read the ten commandments on my way into court and think "great, i'm about to be judged by a christian".
Keep that **** out of my head.

There are so many fake-ass Xtians out there. Many of you are probably this way, I bet. People that call yourselves Xtian. People that go to church every sunday.
But yet you do things everyday that go against the word of god. You look at porn and jerk off. You lie to people. You judge others before judging yourself. Religion is just another item for sale at Wal-Mart. Go there, I bet you'll find god for sale and it won't take ya long to find it. Thats all that todays busy suburbanite Xtian needs to do to make up for they're daily sins.
No, America is definitely not a Christian nation. The mass majority might be church-goers and they might like to think of and explain our nation that way, but when it comes down to it it seems like the "nation"(I guess you could say) just wants to please everyone. One minute there should be prayer in schools and the next it's wrong to have the Ten Commandments on a wall.
You're American, cynthiaa89 ? You don't believe that the image of your people portrayed in the press is similar to reality?

Please expand on your idealogies.

I know that the majority of Americans didn't vote Bush back in. ****, they didn't vote him in first time around. Corruption is rife in politics in every so-called democracy.

When it comes down to the one vote one value, and no ****ing preferences, I'll eat my ****ing shorts. :p
We were founded by Christian forefathers that wanted to instill equality for all.
Therefor they gave the right for any religion not to be persecuted or for the state not to intervene with the church.
The statement
Scam? Maybe so, but if those dipshits in Florida would learn how to ****ing vote...

Quit molesting their kids.....

and not make starving retards national news, then maybe, just maybe.. scams wouldn't be necessary! :D