Is Bush right?

Elmo = Adolf Hitler

You might wonder why? Think about this, a highly beloved public figure. Often considered to be very loving of children. However, creates a new and perfect world which places individuals of contradicting opinions (other Sesame Street characters) outside where they're limited in their moving space to "concentration camp" worthy sections of the show. In other words, elmo is trying to push the other sesame street characters, out of his show, and out of mind. A forced disappearance of a group of individuals.

McDonalds = Gestapo
A highly systematic and organized heirachy that uses modern tactics to slowly, but surely kill off a part of society. However, under the bright and shiny uniforms and the cold smiles, their intentions remain hidden.

The Trix Kids = Nazi
Yes, Depriving a person of their natural rights. Whether that may be the right to live in peace, a right to live with dignity, or the right to live eating Trix, they divide society into two groups: Those who are worthy of these rights, and those who are unworthy. They're displayed on television in bright and exciting colors, with messages that strike fervor into any respectable citizens hearts, while still spreading messages of hate.

We need to do something about this...
Peace said:
Elmo = Adolf Hitler

You might wonder why? Think about this, a highly beloved public figure. Often considered to be very loving of children. However, creates a new and perfect world which places individuals of contradicting opinions (other Sesame Street characters) outside where they're limited in their moving space to "concentration camp" worthy sections of the show. In other words, elmo is trying to push the other sesame street characters, out of his show, and out of mind. A forced disappearance of a group of individuals.

McDonalds = Gestapo
A highly systematic and organized heirachy that uses modern tactics to slowly, but surely kill off a part of society. However, under the bright and shiny uniforms and the cold smiles, their intentions remain hidden.

The Trix Kids = Nazi
Yes, Depriving a person of their natural rights. Whether that may be the right to live in peace, a right to live with dignity, or the right to live eating Trix, they divide society into two groups: Those who are worthy of these rights, and those who are unworthy. They're displayed on television in bright and exciting colors, with messages that strike fervor into any respectable citizens hearts, while still spreading messages of hate.

We need to do something about this...

Dude... don't bogart the joint!

Okay in your intriguing way with analogies, is laden and others are "Elmos"? Or more like the Cookie Monster were they just like to bury the crumbs instead of just pushing them out of the show??
snafu said:
Dude... don't bogart the joint!

Okay in your intriguing way with analogies, is laden and others like him Elmos? Or more like the Cookie Monster were they just like to bury the crumbs instead of just pushing them out of the show??

Laden is sorta like the cookie monster. LOL

The only point of my last post was my reaction against a post by Mohammad_Rots_in_Hell.

Sadaam Hussein = Adolf Hitler
Bin Laden = Heinrich Himmler
Taliban = Gestapo
Islamic Fundamentalists = The SS

I guess I can sort of see that.

Islam = The Nazi Part
Muslim = Nazi

And this is where MIRH comes up with generalizing statements as he always does. Ironically, in the arguments that I've had with him before, he's consistently told me that he has nothing against most Muslims, but it's the philosophy of Islam itself that he dislikes. Which is odd, because he quickly associated all Muslims with Nazis in that last post.

So why my post? I was just trying to show that anyone can go and easily make comparisons with two contrasting ideas and even go as far to write proofs surrounding them.

Yes, I think my arguments are ridiculous. I really don't honestly think that Adolph Hitler has anything to do with a small red puppet that giggles when you squeeze its belly. But look, I can write out a proof for it. Hey, I could have kept on going.

Anyone can go as far to pull a random assortment of facts to prove that two ideas are related, if they put their mind to it. However, it doesn’t mean that the two actually are similar ideas. It just shows that one can debate in a convincing manner.

And hey, if it's easy to write a proof about these comparisons, it’s even easier to go onto a forum and write generalizing statements like Islam is to the Nazi party and Muslims are to Nazis without any explanation.

But I'm just saying that even if I requested an explanation, I'm pretty sure that someone could pull out some obscure statistic that Islam has always supported a terrorist campaign and that all 1.2 billion Muslims are just as ruthless as a party that had campaigned against the Jews, Homosexuals, and Gypsies.

But if in reality, if we were to compare these concepts, we'd see they were apples to oranges.

One of the fundamental concepts behind Nazism was the belief in a superior race. Other races were biologically inferior and could no way ever choose to hold themselves comparable to the superior race.

Islam considers Muslims to not be superior but in a way the ultimate inferior. As Islam means "to submit", in terms of submission to god, the Muslim is the ultimate "submitter". Just as a side note: A lot of individuals feel that "submission" is harsh and feudalist term, but seen in the historical context, it makes sense. Similar to the use of the term, Lord, in the bible, as to describe God.

Also, Muslims don't consider non-Muslims to be more inferior or following an incorrect fold, as Nazis did to the “non-Aryans”. Actually, Muslims have a term for Christians and Jews (and themselves) called Ahl Al-Kitthab which means People of the Book. It just means a general acceptance that their scriptures and beliefs are valid.

Nazis had never ever felt that different races were on the same platform as them. They saw the world as a hierarchy with themselves being the ultimate.

In the end of the day, all I'm saying is that not only was the Islam = Nazism argument faulty, but this need to consistently turn to comparisons to Adolf Hitler and Nazism to assert one's point is also a faulty method of debate.

I think we've all heard Godwin's theory. That whenever a debate occurs, the longer the debate extends, the probability of a reference towards Hitler or the Nazi party becomes 1, or definite. At that point, the debate ends, and the one who mentions Hitler, automatically wins. Because of course, they have immediately mentioned that any denial of this comparison is similar to the denial of the massacre of the Jews.

Hence, they create a "hey If you don't support our idea, then you're against us...and hence evil" theory.

Ironically, Hitler was the biggest supporter of this theory.

...and also the guy to ask when it comes to comparing a group of people to evil...
Well your analogy was obscure but accrete if Elmo wanted to push others off the show. The two ideas do have the same end product. Islamic Muslims do think they are superior. They do think we are all infidels to be owned or slaughtered. The submission part is supposed to be to Allah not infidels. People like Bin laden and Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are exactly like Hitler. And I’m not trying to invoke the “Hitler” dogma. They want total elimination of all religions other than theirs. They take political advocacies and exterminate them in mass graves. They teach their young to strap bombs on and terrorize the masses. They are taught to hate and kill not just by these leaders but also by their clergy. You have to be walking around with blinders on not to notice the similarities. The leaders are the Hitler’s and their religion are the Nazis.