Is God sadistic?

I've commented on this before,but i'll do it again just for you.
The ''bombing Musliums'' are in the wrong.They kill innocent people as well as themselves which is wrong according to Islamic teachings.
In Islam the rules are strike only is if you are striked at.You may have heard of the saying ''an eye for an eye''.This is also mentioned in the Qu'ran.
Murder is the biggest sin in Islam.If you murder someone intentionally,with no reason,then you should be punished in this world,and Allah will punish that person too.

But here lies the problem. The translation of "strike only if you are striked at". Many muslims believe their martyrdom is justified in the teachings of the Qu'ran due to political issues. The war in Iraq has been a casting call for islamic extremist who wish martyrdom. Many are migrating to Iraq to take part in the insurgency. So even though many of these migratory insurgents have not been attacked personaly, they see Americas war in Iraq as a war against islam. Thus the jihad platform rises.
You need to understand the true meaning of Jihad.
Jihad means struggle not holy war.
The people who are migrating to Iraq to fight are mainly Iraqis.
Come on if another country invaded your country,you would get angry as well and would probably fight for your land.
You people seem to be forgetting the Iraqis killed by the american troops.
Only when an american or two are killed do you get so angry.Where is the justice in that.Or do you think all the bombs dropped on the iraqis did not actually land and murder people?
I remember I watched a documentary on the war in Iraq.
One clip showed the inside of an american fighter plane,the pilot was making jokes with his friend,when they saw a group of innocent iraqi people below.(fleeing)
One of them said,''should I take them out''.The second said,''go on''.That was it there was a big blast.And the pilot laughed and said,''Dude,that was one huge blast''.I still remember that and feel sick.
One thing I love about the U.K media is they don't hide anything.
No, I do not think that god is sadistic

First off, I am a Deist and I believe that God created the world and set in motion the organic machine that is Nature.

God cannot be sadistic because God is not human. A human could not possibly take the demand of God.

However, being the humans that we are, we must see everything in human terms and looking at the world as it is today, it is easy to think that God is in fact quite sadistic. For example, why is one child born into an aristocratic family while another is born in war-torn poverty and stricken with fatal dysentery at 2 years of age?

One must also think that this scenario is equally mortifying. Why are certain animals such as ants, rabbits, deer, etc. Destined to be eaten by "greater" creatures such as spiders, wolves, and humans???

No natrual system is sadistic, no matter how you look at it. Universal bliss is impossible. a God would know this. It would know just how to configure its natrual machine so that life will go on. Nature always holds all the cards.

As the old wise man once said: "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
You need to understand the true meaning of Jihad.
Jihad means struggle not holy war.


There are two meanings to Jihad.
One that the pacifist's hand out that you know dam well that
'Gospel Contradictions:

1) How many generations were there between Abraham to David? Matthew 1:17 lists fourteen generations. Matthew 1:2 lists thirteen generations.

2) Is Paul lying? In Acts 20:35 Paul told people "to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Since Jesus never made such a biblical statement, isn