Is Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) DeaD?


New member
well we ll hoping that when they do another album in...3-4 years, that they COMBINE works that are considered HT.meteora and stuff considered MTM, cause i think that would REALLY give the album a real balance to it, a strong mix of power and melody, i think for me, what lacked in MTM was a little bit of mikes OLD rapping and joe, cause other than that it was a pretty good album. i think LP need time to find themselves, im sure they ll find the perfect balance and sell more and more albums


Active Members
There is nothing wrong with country music. :p, I happen to like it.
Anyways, It can't be dead, because I image that they will play old songs on their concerts, and I still listen to it.. But, LIke someone else said, I don't image them doing another cd like HT.
I 2nd that



New member
Please don't tell me you like country?!! lol.. Cant stand that genre in music.. Imagen if Linkin Park were country you guys... now that's just scary... lol :eek: But like I said.. Hybrid Theory will always represent Linkin Park and how they became what they are now. :thumbsup: :D
I like country music... nothing worng with listening to it!


HTLP... Goodbye to it, in a way i'm glad they moved away but then again i don't like the album much so meh...



New member
There new stuff is rubbish prefred to hyrbrid theory, but linkin park just rocks altogether.
1) Your kinda right

2) One thing that makes new LP better is that Mike sings aswel as raps!

3) Yes your kinda right

No it's not dead...I got to CD stores and see it being bought all the time. Plus I got to friends houses and see them downloading the whole CD off Itunes. That CD is the CD that will never die.


New member
it's dead when they say they're no longer numetal and say they want no part of it, and aren't gonna write songs like that anymore?
Well I mean, when they go into the studios they don't have that part in them anymore...
Ohh ok, yeah I agree... But then again you never know what the next album will bring, But I don't think they will ever be like that again. :thumbsup:


New member
I hope they go more to Metal or something, not Nu-Metal, just Metal, or pure Heavy Rock, I don't like this passionate stuff too much, I like it, just not as much as the old stuff


New member
The concept the band had on the name "Hybrid Theory" wasn't combining rock and rap. It was about combining ALL different styles of music. The new album still has that, violins, cellos, banjos, all of that. So Hybrid Theory is just as alive now as it was when it was first created nine years ago.
The concept the band had on the name "Hybrid Theory" wasn't combining rock and rap. It was about combining ALL different styles of music. The new album still has that, violins, cellos, banjos, all of that. So Hybrid Theory is just as alive now as it was when it was first created nine years ago.
That's right! But a lot of people get confused about what style LP is so that's why they label them to a certain genre, and I'm sure they get sick of it haha :D
Please don't tell me you like country?!! lol.. Cant stand that genre in music.. Imagen if Linkin Park were country you guys... now that's just scary... lol :eek: But like I said.. Hybrid Theory will always represent Linkin Park and how they became what they are now. :thumbsup: :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

MY ***!! I was thinkin the same, but at another point of view.. :D

Yesterday, when I was listening to Chester's voice, I was thinkin "Man, I really love this guy.. I mean, if he some day sing some country song, i think i'd love it just because his beautiful voice!!"

:lol: :lol:

But anyways...

I hope they go more to Metal or something, not Nu-Metal, just Metal, or pure Heavy Rock, I don't like this passionate stuff too much, I like it, just not as much as the old stuff

I mean, when I heard say that LP wasn't the same, I thought they were becoming heavier.. but when i listen to the album, i was like disapointed, cause i never thought they'd make an album with so much "melancholic" songs...

on one hand, I miss the old LP, that LP made me jump, scream, break things... that LP wa an inspiration to me for all these years!!

but on the other hand, they grew up, they aren't those kids anymore... and of course I love their change, but it's just... it's not the way I was hoping..

Well, I think I'm gonna stop here, but I'm still a little bit confused about this "old LP and new LP" thing... it's still hard to me listening to them as LP.. I still don't know wich LP (old or new) I like more, but.. "in the end, it doesn't even matter!!" cause LP is LP and I WILL BE WITH THEM TILL I DIE!!



New member
Yeah you see I didn't get a huge shock from the album,since I had opened my music variety even more after Meteora, so when I head this album, it was just another album, but it's LP singing it. So I really didn't mind this album, but of course, the heavier songs are my favorites.


New member
on one hand, I miss the old LP, that LP made me jump, scream, break things... that LP wa an inspiration to me for all these years!!

but on the other hand, they grew up, they aren't those kids anymore... and of course I love their change, but it's just... it's not the way I was hoping..

Well, I think I'm gonna stop here, but I'm still a little bit confused about this "old LP and new LP" thing... it's still hard to me listening to them as LP.. I still don't know wich LP (old or new) I like more, but.. "in the end, it doesn't even matter!!" cause LP is LP and I WILL BE WITH THEM TILL I DIE!!
I guess I can kinda relate here. I do love the new album, it's just lacking more anger and energy.

And yes, the old LP/new LP thing is **** confusing. :D



New member
Elvture <=( serioulsy LP have never not been mainstream (cept back in the day as HT and Xero) as it so happens the kids never really rated their indie efforts n loved the mainstream efforts. So yah =P LP have never been ground breaking Rock and Hip Hop have been co-insiding since the late 80's (Run DMC & Beastie Boys) the was even a SOUNDTRACK to Judgement Night which put Rap acts together such as Cypress Hill with EXPERIMENTAL ROCKERS Sonic Youth. So yah u cant even say experimental rock n rap have never been done before =)
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