Is sexuality a form of discrimation?


New member
So heres the deal, me and some folks were getting pretty deep into things when bi-sexuality came up. I have a fair number of bi friends but am strictly stright myself. This is not by choice, I'm just not comfortable with men.

As we reaosned through things we came to a few conclusions;

1) There have been a number of civilizations throughout history who encouraged homosexual activity along with man-women relationships (Which were generally later in life) Therefore it would be fair enough to say that sexuality is somehting that can be socialized, regardless of what you consider "Natural" or not.

2) With the above in mind could it not be said that we merely live in a society that encourages hetrosexual relationships. This could also explain the rise in admitted homosexuals along with the growing acceptance of homosexuality.

3) SO, if we wish to be truly reasonable why can't I just have at it with another guy or gal? It would be nice I think to 'open the field' sort of speak and add some more variety.

Now one could argue, "Ok, thats cool but i merely PERFER men/women." But isn't that the same kind of Bullshit argument as a dumass boss "Ok, I'm fine that blacks are just as human as me, but i just PREFER to have white people working for me."

It's a good melon scratcher, one I think worth considering before you just blow up against it. I guess really religious folk need not apply. :rolleyes:



New member
I guess it is a form of discrimination. That said, if my favorite color is purple, am I discriminating against the other colors? Am I going to **** for that?


New member
So heres the deal, me and some folks were getting pretty deep into things when bi-sexuality came up. I have a fair number of bi friends but am strictly stright myself. This is not by choice, I'm just not comfortable with men.
As we reaosned through things we came to a few conclusions;

1) There have been a number of civilizations throughout history who encouraged homosexual activity along with man-women relationships (Which were generally later in life) Therefore it would be fair enough to say that sexuality is somehting that can be socialized, regardless of what you consider "Natural" or not.

2) With the above in mind could it not be said that we merely live in a society that encourages hetrosexual relationships. This could also explain the rise in admitted homosexuals along with the growing acceptance of homosexuality.

3) SO, if we wish to be truly reasonable why can't I just have at it with another guy or gal? It would be nice I think to 'open the field' sort of speak and add some more variety.

Now one could argue, "Ok, thats cool but i merely PERFER men/women." But isn't that the same kind of Bullshit argument as a dumass boss "Ok, I'm fine that blacks are just as human as me, but i just PREFER to have white people working for me."

It's a good melon scratcher, one I think worth considering before you just blow up against it. I guess really religious folk need not apply. :rolleyes:
Wow, those are some great points. Although homosexuality is more of a social-status.



New member
Wow, those are some great points. Although homosexuality is more of a social-status.

From a straight point of view yes it is...but from my point of view it is who i am...

Although bisexuality...i have had some issues with because of those i have met personally who said they were...and oddly none of them EVER Lusted after the opposite ***.......

unless they were female they tended to be true bisexuals.......



New member
From a straight point of view yes it is...but from my point of view it is who i am...
Although bisexuality...i have had some issues with because of those i have met personally who said they were...and oddly none of them EVER Lusted after the opposite ***.......

unless they were female they tended to be true bisexuals.......
Well I can understand that but both sexes and the way they are driven work differently so bisexualism could be a way of stating you're a homosexual yet you're not 100% sure. By your judgement i'm guessing it would only work for men.



New member
Well I can understand that but both sexes and the way they are driven work differently so bisexualism could be a way of stating you're a homosexual yet you're not 100% sure. By your judgement i'm guessing it would only work for men.

right before i came out i said i was bi...but thats because most people could take that i still slept with chicks better than not at all..

but i have never EVER met a man who said they were bisexual and didnt do anything but **** after men.....and completely ignore the ladies...

so i have a hard time with male bisexuality.

the women who said they were...flipped the coin more rapidly then hitting restart on your john maddon football game on xbox!


Tyler Durden

New member
'I don't see what's so gay about having a 6 inch ***** rammed up your ****? It certainly wouldn't make me happy!' (copyright, Bernard Manning).

I have to agree with this statement, purely because I'm male & attracted only to females.

I can totally understand why there are people who are 'mentally' attracted to the same ***, but not physically.

If you were to go by the old adage of Women are from Venus... Men are from Mars... insinuating that Man & Woman are both mentally opposite. It would probably equate to a more harmonious relationship, as Men understand how Men think... Women understand how Women think. It's often reported that Men & Women have difficulty in understanding each others motives & reasoning (although, I tend to think that Women know 'exactly' what we're all about, :) ), so from this point of view - it's more understandable that each can feel more on a mental level with their particular ***, and be happier to indulge in a relationship that would make them feel mentally comfortable as well as physically.

The physical side of it, confuses me to say the least? Again, only because I only feel attracted to women. At the end of the day - relationships with the opposite *** are maybe only more cohesive when there's a mutual want for children. Not everyone needs or wants kids though.

There will always be prejudice with everything in life. An ****** is an ****** and no matter who it's with, it's all about personal pleasure... each to their own... (in some cases 'literally' :) )



New member
I guess it is a form of discrimination. That said, if my favorite color is purple, am I discriminating against the other colors? Am I going to **** for that?
Oh i was neglecting the fact that we treat people the same way as colours and objects, my mistake.



New member
Wow, those are some great points. Although homosexuality is more of a social-status.
oh and even though I said sexuality can be socialized in whatever way, it is known that 'natural' homosexuals (which are the majority in the west) have a slight difference in brain structure. So its no more a social staus then being stright is.



New member
I personally couldn't care less where people rub their 'pink-parts'... I would never discriminate against someone for their sexual habits, but I will tell you that I would NOT hire a 'queen' to work for me, nor would I hire a 'butch' either...

It's not that I disagree with their live styles, It's that 'queens' act like ******* idiot attention whores... They think they act that way because "That's how ladies act", but that is bull ****... Some women act like that, but I usually can't stand them either... As far as Butch chicks go... They tend to over do the John Wayne thing... even more than some men, which is just plain ole annoying... Please don't act like you can kick my ***... Yes, Your a man trapped in a woman's body... get it? A WOMANS BODY! What the **** is so wrong with feminine?

And Queens... What the **** is wrong with being gay without acting like Richard Simmons? Christ man, You can be gay, have a lisp, limp wrist and all, but do you have to make a ******* spectacle of yourself at every possible convenience?

Back to the point... Like I said... I like gay people.. I know plenty and they are reasonable people outside of being sexually slightly deviant (which I tend not to care about), They are people....

But I would definitely NOT hire or choose to be around a person the 'Over Compensates' for their homosexuality... Plain and simple...

It's not their *** lives I disagree with, it's their attitudes...



New member
I personally couldn't care less where people rub their 'pink-parts'... I would never discriminate against someone for their sexual habits, but I will tell you that I would NOT hire a 'queen' to work for me, nor would I hire a 'butch' either...
It's not that I disagree with their live styles, It's that 'queens' act like ******* idiot attention whores... They think they act that way because "That's how ladies act", but that is bull ****... Some women act like that, but I usually can't stand them either... As far as Butch chicks go... They tend to over do the John Wayne thing... even more than some men, which is just plain ole annoying... Please don't act like you can kick my ***... Yes, Your a man trapped in a woman's body... get it? A WOMANS BODY! What the **** is so wrong with feminine?

And Queens... What the **** is wrong with being gay without acting like Richard Simmons? Christ man, You can be gay, have a lisp, limp wrist and all, but do you have to make a ******* spectacle of yourself at every possible convenience?

Back to the point... Like I said... I like gay people.. I know plenty and they are reasonable people outside of being sexually slightly deviant (which I tend not to care about), They are people....

But I would definitely NOT hire or choose to be around a person the 'Over Compensates' for their homosexuality... Plain and simple...

It's not their *** lives I disagree with, it's their attitudes...
I think you and I see the same sun on this one, although I would describe my objection slightly differently.....

What I object to is a "false beingness". A fake personality, if you will. Some years back I finally isolated what it was about the Airy Fairy thing that irritated the **** out of me - it was false, that's all!

It's the same irritation I'd feel when I'd meet someone who had assumed the "california cool" personality, complete with gestures, posturing and gestures. Or the Oily Mr. **** boy personality, the Loud-Used Car Salesman-frustrated self imagined Stand Up Comic-personality..and these days, the Super Cool Rapper personality....

You see it in teens, as they try on different beingness, and you see it in social settings here and there as well.

My objection is that, when met with something along the lines of above, I don't feel as though I'm talking to the actual person. - and - I'm NOT! I'm talking to a bad acting job of a false persona assumed. The viewpoints, opinions, attitude are all part of a package ripped off from a TV show or someone they once met and admired.

My landscape isn't much dotted with any of the above these days - I'm not in High School nor West End Vancouver!



New member
A false perosnality is the smae no matter which one adopts. The same can be said about the middle class emo-metal-heads who hate the world, or their ghetto-fabulous peers. These are more common amoung the youth but there are a fair cross section of adult personalities as well, the above being one. Biker guys living "The dream". And although some in these groups are genuine its easy to pick out the 'Posers' (To use a poser term)

But were we to practice bi-sexuality then these habits need not be adopted if you don't want to. I'm not suddenly going to gain a passion for highheals and fish-net pantiehose if i started sleeping with men as well as women, I just think we'd be alot happier if we all could just say "Have at it" and not feeling inhibited or uncomfortable in doing so. Gay or stright, it would be cool to open the gates.



New member
You've got a point. I'm not an equal opportunity dater. I only date males within two years of my age who are at least as intelligent as me and bathe every two days, at least. Also, they should, but don't have to, enjoy playing chess. Just because it's a lot of fun. Those are pretty much my only requirements.


New member
You've got a point. I'm not an equal opportunity dater. I only date males within two years of my age who are at least as intelligent as me and bathe every two days, at least. Also, they should, but don't have to, enjoy playing chess. Just because it's a lot of fun. Those are pretty much my only requirements.
You're missing out with the age thing.

Every moron I dated that was my age didn't know what they wanted out of life, were as moody as a woman(we can't have two moody people in the relationship), insecure, and generally immature.

This time around, I opted for the divorced, seven years older guy. Yeah, he's still immature at times (what guy isn't :p ), but he's been there, done that, doesn't play the games, knows what he wants, and is the ONLY guy that has ever been able to handle me. Quite a nice match, if you ask me.



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http://Off Topic

SmileMy thoughts - On genetics and homosexuality and discrimination. ****** can train the brain to respond to different stimuli - the scientists in that study know that. Thats why they did not state that homosexuals are born with different grain structures. This is the basis for all addictions that lie in the brain primarily and not the body.

Second the Greeks seem to have practiced homosexuality among the men anyway at a far higher rate than 2-4 percent that is the statistic range today.

Until you can show that this is a born situation they are not a legitimate minority. So no legitimacy. My friend has 10 men before her and one current girl she lives with in a lesbian relationship. Is she a lesbian? The evidence in talking to former and current male homosexuals and looking at such common situations primarily a distant father situation that he has not close too tells me the evidence is against the genetic argument. I believe there may be a link between adult male depression and fathers and homosexuality in there male offspring. We are animals and morality in all forms is inhibition and we like sensuousness and all it takes is the formation of an idea. I should not that scientists have not nailed one personality trait to genetics. :)

About the fake personality thing:

Saying that it's wrong for people's personalities to change throughout life is like saying it's wrong to gravitate away from ******** your diapers and screaming for mommy.

And are you also a poser if you normally take the bus to work but then one day you deciede to drive?

People's lifestyles change throughout life for various reasons. Sometimes they can't afford to live a certain way, sometimes they get bored with a certain way of living, sometimes they find something new and get into that, the list goes on.

So if you ask me, I'd say there really isn't a such thing as a "poser." It's just a stupid label that subculture nazis use to belittle others and make themselves feel superior in that praticular community.

Now back on Topic...

Sexuality shouldn't really be a form of discrimination. If kept a private matter, and no one knows then who really gives a rats ***?



New member
Now back on Topic...

Sexuality shouldn't really be a form of discrimination. If kept a private matter, and no one knows then who really gives a rats ***?

Its good in theory but since i have to see straight people hold hands in public, kiss (peck or make out), put their heads on the boyfriends shoulder during a movie, get married, run around during their bachelorette parties at bars with a veil on their head.......

then why should we keep it a private matter?



New member
The issue here isn't homosexuality, or public displays of affection, its wither or not limiting yourself to one *** i like limiting your friends to one race.


New member
Being a queen myself I can't say that i feel discriminated against in any way. I don't take offense to the word queen or anything like that I just think it's time the world woke up and realized that homosexual/bisexual people are ust regular people & until that day I take no offense to ignorance. Sexuality is just a part of who you are, you were born that way & it's indelible in your mind. That's that.
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