Is sexuality a form of discrimation?


New member
OK...I'm going to try this one last time as everybody seems to be missing the point.

My question here isn't "Is it ok to hate people based on sexual orientation" or " Is it ok to use hate language". This has **** all to do with homosexual rights, or hetrosexual rights or anything of the sort!

I started the thread to ask "Is limiting your *** life/relationships to only ONE *** a form of sexual discrimination?" This means me only going for women, Vortex only going for guys or SD being a rampent ***** chaser! (Just kidding dear) Are we being discriminatory arsefucks?! Is me saying "no vortex, you're a babe and all, I'm just don't do guys" or him saying "I know you like to sleep around tizz but this is the wrong bus stop if you catch my drift", Is this the same as "Outlaw you're a fine fellow but I can't be friends with blacks. Its just the way I am I guess :rolleyes: ."

If you want an outline of some of my reasons then accually read the first post.

Now if you're unable to wrap your head around the concept then go elsewhere please.

Grunts and Grrs with disatisfaction



New member
The issue here isn't homosexuality, or public displays of affection, its wither or not limiting yourself to one *** i like limiting your friends to one race.
I don't discriminate on issues of sexuality. I don't take offence when a married woman flirts with me, so why the **** should I take offence when a gay bloke tries the same? It means nothing more than the fact that some people find me either attractive enough, or interesting enough, to flirt with.

****, I flirt all ******* day long. The young bird at the shop, the old duck at the dry-cleaners, the middle-age mum at the house I'm working at today. Flirting is part of life. It makes the day a whole lot funnier than taking offence at someone else's overtures, whether they are perceived as sexual, or taken with a grain of salt as simple flirting for the sake of fun.

Homophobia is a phobia. I don't get it. Never had it. Never will. ;)



New member
It's hard to get a point across to a bunch of fucktards dude
And your comment is exactly the kind of negative assumption that needs to be addressed. Are you saying that I'm a "fucktard"? Hmmmmm?

State your case. Interesting that you capitalise the Pride, and leave the italiano in minor case. What are you proud of? Your birthright? Or your sexuality?



New member
1) That my friend was a typo that im not sure how to fix, i'm proud of both.

2) The fucktard thing was a joke, dude

3) there is no 3 I just wanted to sound official



New member
OK...I'm going to try this one last time as everybody seems to be missing the point.
My question here isn't "Is it ok to hate people based on sexual orientation" or " Is it ok to use hate language". This has **** all to do with homosexual rights, or hetrosexual rights or anything of the sort!

I started the thread to ask "Is limiting your *** life/relationships to only ONE *** a form of sexual discrimination?" This means me only going for women, Vortex only going for guys or SD being a rampent ***** chaser! (Just kidding dear) Are we being discriminatory arsefucks?! Is me saying "no vortex, you're a babe and all, I'm just don't do guys" or him saying "I know you like to sleep around tizz but this is the wrong bus stop if you catch my drift", Is this the same as "Outlaw you're a fine fellow but I can't be friends with blacks. Its just the way I am I guess ."

If you want an outline of some of my reasons then accually read the first post.

Now if you're unable to wrap your head around the concept then go elsewhere please.

Grunts and Grrs with disatisfaction

However if the entire world was a big orgy and that was the norm then perhaps...

seriously that is what your point was..... :rolleyes:



New member
Yea what are you trying to get at?

Discrimination and hate speach in any form is wrong. Because you don



New member
Discrimination based on sexuality or sexual orientation is still not what I'm trying to get at. So maybe another time, if anyone feels like asking me in the chat room I think this would be an interesting thing to talk about and could better explain in real time. But it is by no means a common thought in society, which is why I introduced it here. I guess thats the main reason it's zipping over peoples heads.

I seem incapable of better explaining this here, if you're ambitious then maybe go over what I've so far posted. :confused:



New member
No, I get what you're saying. I guess you should've worded it a bit different, i.e. is SEXUAL PREFERENCE a form of discrimination?

I suppose you COULD say it is. I prefer to date men as opposed to women. I guess if you wanted to stretch it a bit you could say it's the same as me saying I prefer to date whites over hispanics. But that isn't really discrimiation, it's just a preference.



New member
We all discriminate. That is why you can't find photos of Janet Reno nude on the internet.


New member
I guess if you wanted to stretch it a bit you could say it's the same as me saying I prefer to date whites over hispanics. But that isn't really discrimiation, it's just a preference.

Again, isn't that the same as "I just prefer to employ white people cause I like them around the office"?



New member
No. In the workplace, as long as someone is qualified to do their job, race, ***, or anything else, is irrelevant.

In my personal life is a different matter. Who I choose to live with, sleep with, share my life with is my own business and I can set whatever standards I choose. Just like I wouldn't date a ***, or a junkie, or a compulsive liar. I like ****. That's what I like. Some people like short, some like fat, some like *****.

Main Entry: dis



New member
Ok then, **** the workplace example and back to my earlier of picking friends based on race. Its the same deal.

Again, I'm not trying to push this idea. But seeing that as humans we are capable, both physically and emotionally, of engaging in meaningful relationships with people of different races, religions and sexes, then could not one conclude that the best option for us would be to open ourselves up to it. (It would provide the most oppertunity for relationships for everyone and thereby increasing their chance of finding what you want in a relationship) And yes, I realize that this possibility isn't going to happen ANYTIME soon, but I'm offering it for introspection.

EG: Say you have a great gal/guy friend (And pending your sexual orientatioin) you feel this person is wonderful in most every way but of course you'ld never even consider a relationship, based on your sexual preferences. The only difference I would draw between a true friend and that 'special someone' is the 'Relations' part of the relationship.

A great bit of advice given to a friend of mine before getting married was given by his father-in-law to be: "I only ask you do one thing before marrying my daughter; Always be her friend, before anything else, be a true friend".

Sounds like the grounds for a meaningful relationship to me. Keep this in mind when tinkering.

Oh and your example of say, not dating a *** is BS too. Would this be true even if you thought he was incredable, everything you'd want in a partner, just poor finacinally? I think thats a terrible attidude.

And if you ment it as in "I don't date dipwads" then yah obviously you wouldn't as when somebodys personality/physique or whatever is unappealing to you then you'd not consider them anyhow. But a good person is a good person, a babe is a babe (guy or gal) so hows about just tossing the person's *** to the wind and going at it? :p

Under different conditions of socialization we all could be on the other side of the fence, or as I'm suggesting as the best scenerio, sitting on the fence.

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