Is she worth all this pain?


New member
oh wow i have missed alot... that is sad.. i think this Abby person needs to get a reality check... she should have just turned you down nicely instead of sayin that... i don't know her but from what i have heard bout her its seems she is the kind of girl that thinks everything revovles around her and only her feelings should count... seriously DS you need to move on.. don't waste away on her.. dont' spend time thinking about her in the way that you told me yesterday.. when she isnt thinkin about you... just give up on her...


New member
oh wow i have missed alot... that is sad.. i think this Abby person needs to get a reality check... she should have just turned you down nicely instead of sayin that... i don't know her but from what i have heard bout her its seems she is the kind of girl that thinks everything revovles around her and only her feelings should count... seriously DS you need to move on.. don't waste away on her.. dont' spend time thinking about her in the way that you told me yesterday.. when she isnt thinkin about you... just give up on her...
She is not like that...She cares about everyone!



New member
u make it seem as if she doens't care about you.. and your human right so that means your a percent in that everyone... i think your getting a little to caught up in this.. i don't mean any disrespect or anything but.. NO ONE is perfect in everyway.. as you said in the IM earlier.. im sure to you Abby is perfect but its time for you to come back to the real world.. no one is perfect.... everyone has something messed up with them.. so before you get all defensive on me again think about what you have been sayin.. cuz what you have posted its shows that you also think she doensnt care about everyone.. well at least not you...


New member
I dont think that she doesn't care about anyone....I know for a fact that she cares about other people besides herself, including me...She and I are like best friends. She tells me all her secrets. I tell her all mine. We've cried together. We've been there for me, she cares about me. So don't judge her again or I'll get ******. I've gotten into fist fights over people bothering Abby or talking **** about her. I'm never going to give up on matter what happens. I'll always be waiting for her to realize that I'm the right guy for her....


New member
what if she never realizes.. you will be alone for the rest of your life..

whoa wait a minute.. you have been saying things like she doesn't care or show the same emotions.. and then you tell me not to judge her when that is what you have been doing this whole time.. .decide wether you are on her side or not.. well im not trying to **** you off but you know a fist fight isn't gonna help much with this cuz one thing you are the one sayin **** about her in here.. im just tellin ya what i think... im not tryin to judge her but your making it hard not to... i mean you want out opinions and advice but then you don't want it.. make this clear for me.. do you want out help or not..



New member
WHAT THE ****????????? I never said anything bad about her! I never would! Don't ******* put words in my mouth!! And if I didn't want your help, would I have posted this thread?


New member
u need to chill the **** out ok.. talkin **** like your gonna track me down and beat the **** out of me... look what Abby has done to you.. she has turned you into some pyscotic control freak... you are so wrapped around her finger she could probley get you to kill somebody.. you know what.. i was never this bad with chris.. i helped myself and thats what you need to do.. this is the truth and it hurts... so get used to it... they call it life.. your taking this to far than it needs to go...


New member
Look....I'm sorry for blowing up at you, but I'm not a psycho freak, and abby's not selfish like that. But just so you know, In the future, never EVER say **** about me...and DEFINATELY not about don't even know her....


New member
I get what you mean, but I don't mean it. He loves Abby and that's a fact that he will not change. Just leave him alone a ***'s sake. He doesn't want your help (at least the help you're giving). If he does not want to give up Abby, he does not have to. Maybe it would be better if he still loved her like always, just not feel the need to be her boyfriend. I mean, you could just love kinda like a crush. You really love them a lot but you don't really do anything about it. Could you live with just admiring her from afar? (not literally afar but I mean without having her love you back)


New member
ok.... problem slowly solved.. i hope.. i won't judge her or you for that matter... i won't give advice unless you ask for it... ok... so we are good now right...


New member
I don't know if you should even post in here. Everytime you try to "help," you end up ******* him off. Not trying to offend, just stating the obvious.


New member
GotLinkinPark?']I get what you mean' date=' but I don't mean it. He loves Abby and that's a fact that he will not change. Just leave him alone a ***'s sake. He doesn't want your help (at least the help you're giving). If he does not want to give up Abby, he does not have to. Maybe it would be better if he still loved her like always, just not feel the need to be her boyfriend. I mean, you could just love kinda like a crush. You really love them a lot but you don't really do anything about it. Could you live with just admiring her from afar? (not literally afar but I mean without having her love you back)[/quote']I can't stop loving her...


New member
I don't mean to stop loving her. Just love her but not feel the need to be her boyfriend. Like just hang out with her, flirt with her, be in love all you want, but know that you're not going to get the same feeling back from her. If she does not love you, then don't try to force her to. Just be normal with her.


New member
I'm not trying to force her to do anything...I'm just trying to get her to see how much I love her and that I'm the right guy for her....
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