Is Shinoda leaving LP for good?


New member
i agree that Noobs shouldnt really jump to the conclusion that everytime someone does a side project they r quitting LP, it makes no sense really. and as far as the new stuff, I think I might have found their new single but I'm not sure.


New member
ha yeah me I wait to hear something here

so I don't jump to conclusion's anymore now

just wait for the answer

I'm a NooB yay



New member
Maybe it's true, we don't treat noobs good enough. It seems that nowadays you're not 'in' if you don't diss noobs, kinda stupid...

I can't say I'm any better myself, I'm not telling people here to do something, I'm not innocent myself.

But I was kinda wondering, since this new LP song's gonna be on a mixtape, I'd expect that song to be really really rapcore, more than the usual LP song, I mean after all this is a mixtape...


Hybrid Soldier

New member
Machineshop isnt just a Rap based label...... so i doubt it not all mixtapes are just for rap artists.
yeah, i mean the current mixtape isnt at all rap, so it doesnt say anything about lps new song actually



New member
oh ok, well I was just wondering

I mean mixtapes do stem from rap for the most part, right?

well anyway I can't wait to hear this



New member
yea thats why i always dont like joining new forums everyone calls you a noob even though you may be a big LP fan and know a lot.. cant wait for the mixtape.. :)


New member
some of you people need to honestly stop being so fricken mean watch what you say because other people come n start readin this they dont always read everything that everyone says just let it go some of you guys get so ****** about stuff people say you dont to say shyt like do your research i mean some people dont find stuff in the same places as you so just relax n tell them whats goin on plus some people are like majorly obsessed as others and research evertday and shyt i mean im the kind person who researches but not everyone does so im not tryin to be mean im just sick of readin all this shyt with people being mean to other people when all they did was ask something n yeah there not breakin up they told us they'd be back in 2006 they are good to there fans they wouldnt just say that and then break up everyone needs a break once in a while just to get away it prolly will make them miss workin together more and they will spend more time on this album and it will be amazing just liek every other one

<33 Jamie
Well you see, it's easier to type in Google "Linkin Park news" than to come here and post. Plus we have a news section.

As for the mixtape....All I know is Mark will get us the new LP songs asap.



New member
Nope, cause some people still don't know and this is and LP forum to discuss them. Stop spamming unless you have something to contribute. You have the option to ignore these topics so I suggest you take that option.
So... yeah, what Fribs said about Beleive Me... I agree with that.
dam your such a lil "berley hills" boy



New member
I heard that Mike`s NOT leavin LP 4ever...I read it even on the net.There should be a new LP album at the end of 2006.I have to wait another year for the new album-I hope it`s worth it.... ;)
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New member
U dont really follow everything that well do u just not to long ago there was an interview with mike and he said himself the band wasnt going to break up attention.........

~P.~S. Everyone has something to say...

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