Is smoking a crime?

Cigarette smoke is poison! Plain and simple! If a bar wants to allow smoking then fine, but there ought to be a warning that smoking is allowed or something 'cause I don't want the **** around me!
Same here. I hate smoking. Hey 8 ball, can I shove some formaldahyde down your throat? How about some nail polish? Why not, you smoke, don't you?
jokersarewild said:
Same here. I hate smoking. Hey 8 ball, can I shove some formaldahyde down your throat? How about some nail polish? Why not, you smoke, don't you?

Sure why not? I smoke and dip. I enjoy both. Couldnt give a **** less what in it. I enjoy my cigarette that a full of chemicals. All I want to know is what is shoving nail polish down my throat going to prove? Can I **** your toilet? Whats it have anything to do with the topic?
8_BALL said:
Sure why not? I smoke and dip. I enjoy both. Couldnt give a **** less what in it. I enjoy my cigarette that a full of chemicals. All I want to know is what is shoving nail polish down my throat going to prove? Can I **** your toilet? Whats it have anything to do with the topic?
He means that forcing other people to inhale your second-hand smoke is no different than someone forcing you to ingest poison. I don't agree with the analogy, but it is very much on topic... A better analogy would be spraying myself with malathion, while I breathe it in, I also force others to breathe it as well... It will definately kill me (and I believe it is my right to do so) however, I shouldn't be allowed to get it on other people. But I do see the possibility of allowing it in places as long as there is a warning on the establishment. And never in a public (government) building or on public property.
Sorry, I meant nail polish REMOVER.

Acetone (nail polish remover)

Just one of 4000+ chemicals in a cigarette...
Spleef, I am very torn on the issue of hating people. I wish they didn't exist, but that doesn't mean I believe in murdering people either. I just want people to stop ****ing, that's what I want.

8ball, you are officially one of the DUMBEST people here. Obviously someone's never been to science class. Or any class, I imagine. Smoke isn't solid, numbnuts. I'm going to use language you can understand here. It moooves about the room swimming motion --it spreads out. It can be anywhere and everywhere in a room, asshole. There's no such thing as a non-smoking section. All it means is that the person NEXT to you isn't smoking, but you're still breathing in **** from murderous assholes like you. Only I am allowed to take my own life, so go to the hell I don't actually believe in, but the expression still sounds good. Burn in hell.

PS: ironic, isn't it? That you should burn like so many cigarettes....
Okay jokers, but what about when the door opens? If you asked smokers to come in a back door they'd tell you to **** off. Wouldn't they, 8balls? I mean ball. You're not a freak, no.
This is true. If people are at a bar, **** 'em anyway. But a restaurant where people are just trying to have a meal? **** YOU. (Not know who I mean ;) )
Well thats why there is a smoking section and non smoking section. And anyway it should be up to the owners not the state. Thats what bullshit.
Even when an owner of a small town bar and grill open to everyone had to shut down to 17 and below because SMOKERS are his business and they are his friends so now he is an official bar. He loses business because ****ing non smokers have to ****in complain about breathing....if u dont like the smoke go the hell home and learn to COOK!
Gray~Gal said:
Well thats why there is a smoking section and non smoking section. And anyway it should be up to the owners not the state. Thats what bullshit.
Even when an owner of a small town bar and grill open to everyone had to shut down to 17 and below because SMOKERS are his business and they are his friends so now he is an official bar. He loses business because ****ing non smokers have to ****in complain about breathing....if u dont like the smoke go the hell home and learn to COOK!
I absolutely agree with this statement. It should be up to the RESTAURANT OWNER. NOT the customer. NOT the State. If a restaurant owner wants to lose some business due to people not wanting to eat at his restaurant because of the smoke, it his decision. There is also something called "the right to refuse service". It is ultimately the owners ****in right, NOT THE GOD DAMN STATE OR A NON SMOKING CUSTOMER!
Silver_dragon87 said:
Okay jokers, but what about when the door opens? If you asked smokers to come in a back door they'd tell you to **** off. Wouldn't they, 8balls? I mean ball. You're not a freak, no.
8balls--I mean ball--obviously my joke goes way over your head. Sad, because it wasn't even an intelligent joke. Ah well; it was at your level, clearly.

Gal, again you display your spectacular stupidity--as well as the fact that you don't read previous posts. Looks like we need another demonstration!

Hem hem.

A non-smoking section does not EXIST. There can BE no non-smoking section unless a ****ing wall is built. Follow? No? Let's try my earlier demonstration again, for people who didn't go to school. Smoke, i.e. that from a cigarette, is a gas. You know, like a fart, which I'm sure you find endlessly amusing. It does not remain in one place, because it is not solid. Understand? It moooves around the room swimming motion again and is not held in check by the boundaries of the 'non-smoking section.' Words can't stop a gas from permeating the entire room. Get it now? Dumbass.

However, your actual THOUGHT--being in the ballpark of intelligent--is valid, however poorly typed. It is true that it could be made the choice of the owner of the business or building. However, why should that owner be forced to choose between the business of smokers and non-smokers? All the assholes have to do is take their poison outside after they eat. Indulging their habit at the table is disgusting and poor manners anyway--it's like ****ing at the table. There's no need.
OK little girl, ya see here in the US some places do put ****in walls up for the little whinners who dont like being near smoke. And yes these are the places i am talking about because these are the places i use to go with my husband, a smoker. But now he cant eat and then smoke still enjoying th company of his family.
The majority of restaurants etc. do not have walled-in non-smoking sections, so I ask you, what IS your point? Okay, you were talking about some that you knew. Fine. Then you whine about your stupid--and I say it for a reason, so figure it out--husband not being able to poison his family. Your point?

PS: calling me little only, for lack of a better word, belittles you. It's not only childish, but it doesn't make sense, so stop making an ass of yourself. At least I don't have gal in my name, ne?
Hey DRAGON, you dumb Canadian BITCH. I have an idea, why dont you get off gray~gals twat for a couple threads? It seems like someone has a stalker. Every time I read something from her, I have to read a reply from your dumb ass. Can you do me a favor and take a break for a couple days and think about a thread you can start about your own country. You dont have a valid opinion on a country you dont live in. GO **** YOURSELF YOU MINDLESS ****!