You quoted me and replied to him...What is that all about?
They still have a right to worship, just not at a church where children will be. I would suspect the motives of any predator that wants to go to church.
The government can, absolutely, keep pedophile away from children. The sickos can worship from the comfort of their own home.
Is neo-con the only term you know? What is a neo-con TH? Do you even know, or do you used that term loosely to encompass anyone who disagrees with you.
They do have a right to be in a church. The governemnt CANNOT make laws that restrict the ESTABLISHMENT OR PRACTICE THEREOF. That means that no laws restricing church attendence are legal.
I have a degree in a law-related field, Torrie, I have researched this, Florida has a similar law that failed to stay on the books until it was changed in a manner which excluded churches.
Neocons have a very hard time understanding that they cannot violate the constitution and/or peoples rights. While I recognize this a law made with the best of intentions, I can tell you for a given fact that this law is in violation of the 1st ammendment of the constitution.
As I tried to explain to MRIH, these types of laws are never a good idea because they are used as a launching point. It started in Florida (another neo-con state) and it spread to Georgia.
Read the 1st ammendment of the U.S. Constitution and carefully weigh the body of the text. It specifically forbids laws being made, which interfere with establishment or practice of religon.
Neo-cons do not believe in individual rights and liberties and they do not believe in freedom. Neo-cons/neo-libs are a collection of indivduals who were spawned from british loyalist seed and should've gone back to england. They never accepted that America is a FREE COUNTRY. These people honestly believe that Americans should be RULED rather then governed.
The original republicans were not known as republicans but rather as "FEDERALISTS" and these people were so hated by the people in the original colonies that there were only two elected (George Washington and John Quincy Adams). After they learned that their fellow colonists would never elect a federalist these people changed their party monaker to "REPUBLICAN".
I am sorry that so many of you on here are a confused in the area of constitutional law. I am sorry that MRIH is so rude (he's cool most of the time) as to call me a chumo simply because I stood up for the rights of ALL AMERICANS. Some Americans are bad people, but that doesn't mean they are not entitled to practice religon in anyway they chose or to attend whatever church they so choose.
These laws are the result of exsessive neo-con interference in state affiars. It's a sad truth, but it is a truth nonetheless.
Of all people, Torrie, you should be aware of how important it is to stand up to any governing body that attempts to steal essential liberty from its citizens. You come from a military family and I expect you to understand the meaning of words like sacrifice, honor, and liberty. If you don't know their true meaning yet, you will once you get to boot camp.