is there a stereotypical lp fan?


New Member
Jan 15, 2005
is there a stereotypical linkin park fan? like, if you were given a room full of 20 random people and had to pick out the linkin park fans, do you think it would be easy? what does that person look like/act/etc.? or, do you think it goes deeper than physical features? are linkin park fans more dedicated because they can relate to the lyrics or is it because they like the catchy tunes? what's your opinion?
i've been talking to ppl that are not exactly lp fans and to them the stereotypical lp fan is a 14 year old girl. of course that's bullshit, but that's what they seem to think
Well, like Friðbjörn said, other people tend to have crazy stereotypes of what they think is the LP fan. I think we are a diverse group of people, just by these forums we can see that, there are people of different ages, different tastes, different styles, different opinions... and we all get along fine :) maybe if I was in a room with a lot of people, I could point out the LP fans because I'd pick up on the vibes lol We'd have the LP connection, so we'd identify each other ^_^
For me, there is not a stereotype. But for people who don't like the band there's always a stereotype... and back we go to what Friðbjörn said...
Friðbjörn said:
i've been talking to ppl that are not exactly lp fans and to them the stereotypical lp fan is a 14 year old girl. of course that's bullshit, but that's what they seem to think

haha.. im fourteen. female too. =) no. I dun think there are sterotype lp fans you know..?? like.. its very diverse..
How can there be a stereotype specifically for LP? I mean the only kind of stereotype that an LP fan could fall under would be the stereotype of punk rock kids who have probably dropped out of school and spend their free time drinking alcohol and smoking weed. But, of course, every person on these forums knows that that is not true. I know a few people who are Linkin Park fans and they are in college getting a degree in business and medical pactices and psycology and other very nicely paying careers. They dont match that stereotype do they? As for being able to pick the LP fans out of a room full of people, i dont think i could. I might be able to guess a few but i would have to be able to hear how they talk and how they act before i could pick them out.
i don't think there could be a stereotype for ANY band...people as a whole are different from each other, but their interest in a particular band brings them together....
lpevanstaind said:
i don't think there could be a stereotype for ANY band...people as a whole are different from each other, but their interest in a particular band brings them together....

:thumbsup: I agree with you there
The thing is Linkin Park attracts many audiences fans of:

so it will be hard seeing there isnt a specific fan base rather then say a band like slipknot.
I seriously don't think there's a particular stereotype that Linkin park fans come under:D I mean just look at everybody here, everybody is so different.

I guess a lot of people who just don't listen to Lp *such as my friends*, they will automatically assume you're either a "goth", "emo", "mosher", "groupie", "punk" or "skater" just because you mention Lp lol. Labels are silly though. And I probably don't fall under any of those categories *I'm too girly, I wear a lot of pink lol...* I agree with lpevanstaind that it is the interest that brings people together:D Yay!
shirakawa_otori said:
Well, like Friðbjörn said, other people tend to have crazy stereotypes of what they think is the LP fan. I think we are a diverse group of people, just by these forums we can see that, there are people of different ages, different tastes, different styles, different opinions... and we all get along fine :) maybe if I was in a room with a lot of people, I could point out the LP fans because I'd pick up on the vibes lol We'd have the LP connection, so we'd identify each other ^_^
For me, there is not a stereotype. But for people who don't like the band there's always a stereotype... and back we go to what Friðbjörn said...
I agree! There's so many different types of LP fans so there can't really be a stereotype...
stereotypical huh ...?well, what do you think of me ? 46 years young, grandma of 4 , Bible student, married for 26 years already, as 9 to 5 as they come, 3 children (a 25 year old son who tried to kill himself once, a 23 year old daughter who survived leukemia - up to now- and a skater-boy of 13 who has Gilles de la Tourette syndrom, a husband with a severe alcohol problem, me fighting depression............

LP make music that helps me get through each day. They still have to write the first lyrics I don't recognize myself or my situation in ................

So I think that the stereotypical LP fan doesn't exist. Either you love them or you don't. But you miss out on a lot if you don't......
There's no stereotype of anything..
All humans on this big ****ing world are diffrent,some of them just share the same oppinion about some things (music,dressing...)
i don't think so anymore, but before i started listenin to LP (four years ago) i thought it was all the goths, then when i started to listen to LP (four years ago, lol) i thought it was all the skaters, cuz ya know, i was and still am a skater, but i thought all skaters did, cuz LP pwnz, but then i realized not all of em like LP. Then this year (school year), it really hit me hard, cuz i saw some black kids (mostly girls) that had LP hoodies on, so then i realized that if you try to pick out the LP fans, you'll prolly pick out all the ones that don't like, wow thas a lengthy post eh?
As far as appearances go, there is no stereotype. I am certainly NOT a goth, punk, skater, etc. I'm quite hideously uncool (which doesnt matter... only to some sad people it does) and very unpopular too, yet I love LP as much as any other fan who may well BE a skater or a punk or whatever.

However as far as the lyrics go... I think that most people - most, not all - like LP because they can relate to the lyrics. I know I do. LP is what keeps me strong.

What an interesting topic.
Like most people have been saying there isn't really a stereotypical LP fan because of the uniqueness of everyone that likes them. I don't think you can classify an LP fan with just one thing. We are a variety of people and we all like different things.