Is There Such Thing As "Acting" Black(or any other ethnicity)?


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
Discuss. Is there really such thing as acting like a race? Or is it just a bunch of stupid ignorance spewed by a bunch of entertainment and media drones?
It's pretty much just a stereotype, but as with most if not all stereotypes, there is truth behind them. But as always, doesn't mean every person who falls under each stereotypical category is like that or acts that way.
Outlaw2747 said:
Discuss. Is there really such thing as acting like a race? Or is it just a bunch of stupid ignorance spewed by a bunch of entertainment and media drones?

There isnt really a such thing as acting like a race per se, but it's when people play out stereotypes associated with (insert race here)
White boys wearing baggy pants, trying to talk like they are from the ghetto, driving a 80 impala with 27 inch rims and listening to rap with 47 inch woofers.
I have always had to laugh when white guys TRY to act Black...or whatever you want too call it...

Its pathetic, not because being black or any other race is pathetic but acting like your something your not is pathetic...

I absolutely LOVE white rap artists who like to act like their gives me a laugh everyday AND makes me very glad I don't have a son, I would have to slap the **** out of him daily if he started that bullshit.

Yes, you can act like your from a race or group other then your own, to get attention, to attract the media whatever...its just pathetic in my mind. Laughable...

I always want to tell them, pull your ****in pants up and straighten up before I slap the **** out of you. I hope this trend is over before my daughter starts to date because we are in for major trouble if she brings home one of those idiots.

I see nothing wrong speaking with your regional accent, speaking with the regional sayings you grew up with, however, taking on a groups not your own, just too get attention, is in short STUPID.