Is this the stupidest comment you've ever seen?

You know what ticks me off. Whenever racism is the topic, someone says, ''My friend is black or someone's friend is black''.Typical. As for your husband's friend.Ask him was it 1 billion muslims who killed his parents?
When it comes to racsism we all know that AIG is black, kryptonite is black, Outlaw is black. One of them is a complete moron and the other two are geniuses.
AIG, all of your arguments are as illogical as you are. (No offense.) Tori had it right, this has nothing to do with skin pigmentation or any ethnic horsemanure. I should know. I go to a predominately "White" church, but my skin color didn't matter to the rest of the congregation. They accepted me for who I am and I've been happy ever since. So to say that all Southern Baptist churches are racist is a bold faced LIE.
You know what ticks me off. Whenever racism is the topic, someone says, ''My friend is black or someone's friend is black''.Typical.
I didn't say he was Black. I said he was from Nigeria. You assumed he was Black. How racist of you. What ticks me off is people who bring racism into argument where it doesn't really belong, and then get mad when they have it pointed out to them. If it ticks you off for people to talk about race, then you probably shouldn't bring it up.
As for your husband's friend.Ask him was it 1 billion muslims who killed his parents?
It was a group of Muslims 'spreading the word' as instructed.

I thought my post was in response to your question about racial majorities in the Catholic Church, and its effect on who is elected Pope. Have you abandoned that argument for another? Perhaps one you are more likely to win?
Hey Outlaw... If you are trully the "Destroyer of Morons", don't you think that is a fairly daunting task with all the muslims in the world? My guess is at least AIG is in your sights.
So there are more white people in the catholic church than black?:rolleyes:

Actually, I think Tori has a point. There are TONS of hispanics that are part of the catholic religion...

I'd almost venture to say they are the top part of the population in the Catholic church...if not, it must be pretty damn close.
Oh and so you've seen this yourself?

I'm just curious...AIG, are you saying that racism, that is discrimination based (all or in part)on the color of a persons skin does not exist within Islam??
I have to admit that my understanding of Muslims is limited to the ones we here in the US have problems with, but it was my understanding that Arabic Muslims didn't like Black Muslims...Although you might have a different way of categorizing them.
Isn't that the reason so many Black Muslims are being killed in Darfur?
I was curious after reading this thread to find out what percentage of Catholics were black and hispanic in the world but was unable to find stats for the world, only the US.

Estimated U.S. Catholics in 2005 Population

White alone, non-Hispanic------------- 44,800,000​

Hispanic, any race-------------------- 29,600,000

Black alone or mixed, non-Hispanic------ 2,500,000
Asian alone, non-Hispanic --------------2,500,000
Other or mixed, non-Hispanic -----------1,000,000
Total U.S. Catholic population ---------80,400,000
Percentage of U.S. Catholics that are Hispanic 37%​

If the worlds population figures are similar then I don't imagine there will be a black pope. One of the comments I read while searching for world stats said that there was a fear in the Catholic church that if a black pope was elected it would offend too many white people...

Kryptonite Man said:
So to say that all Southern Baptist churches are racist is a bold faced LIE.

I would love to see where I said that. I said there is segragation in your religion itself. Explain what your bible says dumbass!
If it ticks you off for people to talk about race, then you probably shouldn't bring it up.

Gosh, I said, the whole '' My friend is black'' comment ticks me off, not talking about race. Have you people gone to reading lessons in your life!?
Lethalfind said:
I'm just curious...AIG, are you saying that racism, that is discrimination based (all or in part)on the color of a persons skin does not exist within Islam??
I have to admit that my understanding of Muslims is limited to the ones we here in the US have problems with, but it was my understanding that Arabic Muslims didn't like Black Muslims...Although you might have a different way of categorizing them.
Isn't that the reason so many Black Muslims are being killed in Darfur?

No there is no discrimination in Islam itself, but there is descrimination among muslims. The difference is that Islam does not condone decrimination like many other faiths. I'm being honest, it would be stupid of me to say that all muslims are perfect but I do say whole-heartedly that Islam is perfect and is a perfect way of life. Try and differentiate between Islam and muslims. I wanna ask you a question. What do you know about Islam? Not what you have heard about Islam, Not what you have seen in the actions of muslims, because there's a difference between Islam and Muslims. There's a difference between a man and a father, a man who has children. He is a father, but father is a responsibility. If a man does not fulfil those responsibilities, he is not necessarily a good father. Islam is a rule and an order. If a muslim does not fulfil these rules and orders, he is NOT a good muslim. So you cannot compare Islam by Muslims. We hear the terms Islam and Muslims quite often and we read about Islam and Muslims in many books. We hear and we see alot of inaccurate, misleading and purposeful mis-information through the media and I have to admit some of this mis-information and mis-representation has been perpetuated by Muslims themselves.

This is what causes all these problems. People choose to be ignorant and don't want to do some research.Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. They would rather have someone else tell them what to believe. It is necessary for us to be open minded and open hearted.

No, The Darfur conflict is an ongoing conflict in the Darfur region of western Sudan, mainly between the Janjaweed, a militia group recruited from local Baggara tribes, and the non-Baggara peoples (mostly tribes of small farmers) of the region. The Sudanese government, while publicly denying that it supported the Janjaweed, provided arms and assistance and has participated in joint attacks with the group. The conflict began in February 2003. It is a tribal war, nothing to do with faith.
If the worlds population figures are similar then I don't imagine there will be a black pope. One of the comments I read while searching for world stats said that there was a fear in the Catholic church that if a black pope was elected it would offend too many white people...

Tori chose to explain this by saying that there are less black people in the catholic church. Maybe they sit at the back of the church,They can't be seen.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hey Outlaw... If you are trully the "Destroyer of Morons", don't you think that is a fairly daunting task with all the muslims in the world? My guess is at least AIG is in your sights.

Ah, MRIH, when you're ready for a serious debate, I'm ready. I'm used to your inability to hold a serious debate. All you ever do is cover up your lack of knowledge with MILD insults.
Lethalfind said:
I was curious after reading this thread to find out what percentage of Catholics were black and hispanic in the world but was unable to find stats for the world, only the US.

Estimated U.S. Catholics in 2005 Population

White alone, non-Hispanic------------- 44,800,000​

Hispanic, any race-------------------- 29,600,000

Black alone or mixed, non-Hispanic------ 2,500,000
Asian alone, non-Hispanic --------------2,500,000
Other or mixed, non-Hispanic -----------1,000,000
Total U.S. Catholic population ---------80,400,000
Percentage of U.S. Catholics that are Hispanic 37%​

If the worlds population figures are similar then I don't imagine there will be a black pope. One of the comments I read while searching for world stats said that there was a fear in the Catholic church that if a black pope was elected it would offend too many white people...

Thank you. I was looking for that.;)
Gosh, I said, the whole '' My friend is black'' comment ticks me off, not talking about race. Have you people gone to reading lessons in your life!?
And I said, 'I didn't mention he was back', or didn't you have reading lessons in your life. If you are going to comment, at least comment to the whole thread.
Just out of curiousity, why does it tick you off for a white person to have black friends. That seems a bit racist to me.
Tori chose to explain this by saying that there are less black people in the catholic church. Maybe they sit at the back of the church,They can't be seen.
Apparently, you can't read stats either.
I sit in the back of the Church, and it really isn't big enough to hide in. I also live in an area where the population of Black to Non-Black is 50/50. Still the ratio is about 1/50 at church. That's just the way it is. Most of the Blacks down here are Baptist.
And I said, 'I didn't mention he was back', or didn't you have reading lessons in your life. If you are going to comment, at least comment to the whole thread.
Just out of curiousity, why does it tick you off for a white person to have black friends. That seems a bit racist to me.

Apparently, you can't read stats either.
I sit in the back of the Church, and it really isn't big enough to hide in. I also live in an area where the population of Black to Non-Black is 50/50. Still the ratio is about 1/50 at church. That's just the way it is. Most of the Blacks down here are Baptist.

It doesn't tick me off for white people to have black friends. It's the fact that they mention it alot.
Obviously, you didn't understand exactly what I meant by saying that maybe they sit at the back of the church. Figure it out Tori, I know you're smarter than that for sure.:rolleyes:
It doesn't tick me off for white people to have black friends. It's the fact that they mention it alot.
Obviously, you didn't understand exactly what I meant by saying that maybe they sit at the back of the church. Figure it out Tori, I know you're smarter than that for sure.:rolleyes:
Can you please tell me why it is that Muslim females HAVE to pray to pray at the back of the mosque?
Can't figure that out.
berniec said:
Can you please tell me why it is that Muslim females HAVE to pray at the back of the mosque?
Can't figure that out.

It's like at the aerobics classes, they get the blokes up front, because everyone is bending down, and the blokes couldn't think straight if they were looking at all those lady's bums in front of them. :D
You don't actually respond to anything I say. Is this how you discuss topics in other threads?
It doesn't tick me off for white people to have black friends. It's the fact that they mention it alot.
When discussing racial issues people will draw on the knowledge that comes with personal experience. I have seen both Black and White designate the color of which friends had which opinions when discussing race. It comes with the territory, or topic, if you will. Again, if you do not like discussing racial issues, then do not bring them up. The only problem I could see you possibly having with mentioning it, is that it hinders whatever point it is you are trying to make. Sorry to bring up my black friends, but from my experience, the Blacks here are Baptist, and there are very few Blacks in the Catholic Church. I am also sorry that the statistics back up my observation.
Obviously, you didn't understand exactly what I meant by saying that maybe they sit at the back of the church. Figure it out Tori, I know you're smarter than that for sure.:rolleyes:
No, I’m sorry. I don’t understand your cryptic backwards logic. I tend to say what I mean. If you are referring to the segregation of 60 years ago, I would question your motives in bringing something so irrelevant into this conversation? I wasn’t alive during that time, and therefore did not take part in such practices. Are there any other stupidly irrelevant comments you would like to bring into this topic to take the focus off of the fact that you have absolutely no foundation to support your original claim?

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