is violence ever an appropriate response to racism? depense on who's being raciest to whom...for example if I called a black guy a ******, he would have the right to kick the **** out of me. But if he called me a redneck and I retaliated then I'd be in the wrong.
violence is sometimes the only way to put somebody in their place.
this kid was ****ing with me for a while, so i ****ed him up, and now were friends.
i think there should just be a huge ass war between ******s and crackers.
and who ever looses just accepts it, then racism will be over.
and the blacks havta quit bitching about ****.
LaxGoalie603 said:
and the blacks havta quit bitching about ****.

I'd like to know what black person u must have met that was 'bitching about ****' - or is this just another white person's here-say?? - STOP TALKING ABOUT BLACKS AS IF YOU KNOW THEM ALL!!!! :mad:
your really just a damn fool..
What happen to this thread ?- it looks like a bunch of posts were deleted from retarted.
Big up to Black&Beautiful!!! :D
Violence is never an appropriate response to racism. Racists are extremely stupid people. Violence is not going to change their minds about anything, if someone that a racist hates gets violent with them, it will just make them even more racist.
Black&Beautiful said:
I'd like to know what black person u must have met that was 'bitching about ****' - or is this just another white person's here-say?? - STOP TALKING ABOUT BLACKS AS IF YOU KNOW THEM ALL!!!! :mad:
your really just a damn fool..

YEAH... because black people NEVER bitch/whine/complaine about ****! Besides, it's all Whitey's fault anyways... He makes us sell our people down the river for profit... and all that **** about blacks being more prone to violence isn't true! We just hate other black people more than most white people do! God... Whitey will never learn!
wow... what happened? was that last quote a show stopper?
Man, people need to learn to take criticism a little better.... I seem to the the very last post on alot of these threads... Pretty sad really
Racism is inevitable! People judge others based on their experiences. There are crazy, stupid, lazy and violent people in every race, religion or whatever. It depends who you meet on your path in life. It takes a strong character to be able to separate the people from the idiot person. We are not all blessed with such strength. The only thing that can change a view is by more positive experiences. Bottom line - if your people (whatever the race or religion) want the hatred to stop, we all have to act everyday the best we can possibly be. Of course I'm dreaming. Racism will always be around.....
People who say white people should get their ass kicked for using the "N" word are morons. Only violence or the threat of violence JUSTIFIES violence...not a ****ing world.
anarchyintheuk said: depense on who's being raciest to whom...for example if I called a black guy a ******, he would have the right to kick the **** out of me. But if he called me a redneck and I retaliated then I'd be in the wrong.

What a ****ing moron...he'd let a black guy kick the **** out of him for using the "N" word. I wanna kick the **** out of him just for being so PC.
feephoenix said:
and is racism ever acceptable either?:D

Racism is never acceptable. Nor is violence; although any woman/girl has the right to slap anybody who is racist (a man may get carried away, male + violence = chaos); but other than that, violence is not acceptable.
GF Admin said:
One question.
Does the Black Media Create positive Black Male images as a general rule.

Yep ....B.E.T..(maybe not including the music videos)..come to think of it -that's probably about all the black media there is
The thing that people fail to realize is that racism, hate, and terrorism will always be around as long as the human race exists. Simple concept but highly overlooked.
Morfos said:
Racism is never acceptable. Nor is violence; although any woman/girl has the right to slap anybody who is racist (a man may get carried away, male + violence = chaos); but other than that, violence is not acceptable.

Are you a ****ing idiot? Did you forget to take a pill or something?
violence is destable no matter what it is for or in response to.

Sorry it's that damn pacifist quaker blood in me lOL
Violence is never a good responce to anything.
But I think racists deserve a good beatin' to teach them a lesson. Just a little punch up,not much. ;)
Morfos said:
Racism is never acceptable. Nor is violence; although any woman/girl has the right to slap anybody who is racist (a man may get carried away, male + violence = chaos); but other than that, violence is not acceptable.

Are you some sort of sexist? You don't think women get carried away? And just because biologically they are supposed to be weaker than males that they have a right over males to slap someone? Talk about one-sided!
Outlaw2747 said:
Are you some sort of sexist? You don't think women get carried away? And just because biologically they are supposed to be weaker than males that they have a right over males to slap someone? Talk about one-sided!

He he he. We do get away with alot.That's what I love about being female(Yes! people Iam female) :rolleyes: