is violence ever an appropriate response to racism?

Wow, it's amazing to see how many are engaging the unipolar thinking here.

Violence is always a detestable response, eh?

So, if a guy comes at me with a knife for no reason other than to practice carving someone up, it's detestable for me to kick his knee out to interrupt him?

How about if I see a guy running towards a school bus with a primed grenade in either hand 40 feet away from me, and I happen to have a rifle in my hands? Would it be detestable to drop his ass?

Ok, that's just violence vs. violence. How about this:

I'm in a village with a handful of other people. Me and my fellows raise crops, but the ground is nutrient poor and so we can't get much to grow no matter how hard we work. Just outside of our village are a group who don't like working to raise crops, they just raid ours at nightfall. They are physically larger and stronger and we could not manage to bind them if we did get a hold of them. Me and my fellows are going to starve because they won't work to add to the crop no matter what we say to try to convince them. So, we build a fence, and set up a sentry. The sentry warns us as they start breaching the fence. We all run out with staves we made, threatening to bash them. They try to push right past. We then beat them with our staves and chase them off into the wilderness.

Would that be acceptable?
Yeah,I guess the thread title should have been,''Is violence ever an appropriete responce to verbal rascism?''

My answers still YES.
It's funny since Black people just group all white people into one category already.

Yeh, it's some sorta sin if you call black people the "N" word but they could call each other that.

They get so offended. It's not like they ****ing went through slavery. They get more benefit then any other minority group in USA, and they still complaint about it.

N word derives from Negro, which in spanish is "black". ****** is actually the word that Black people invented to call each other during the slavery, not the white people.

What's so bad about slavery anyway. Not like it's only done on black people. It's a sign of power of a nation. Whoever wins the war between nations, they would take slaves of the other nations people.

And no, white cops don't hate you when they beat you for smoking crack and swing at the cops after you run away from them for speeding, reckless driving and intent to sell.

You remember that fat black guy who weighted 500 pounds who ran away from cops with 10k of cocaine in his trunk?

well he took a swing at the cops, they beat him to the ground, because he wouldn't go down. Police beat his leg until they gave out so he wouldn't kill anyone.

He had a heart attack during all that beating. And obviously it's not the cops fault that this guys 500 pounds, on PCP and moving around violently causing him to have a heart attack.

Black civil lawyer sues the court for police brutality in the name of "racism".

That's like the fat girl suing macdonalds because the super size meals made her fat.

You ****ing deserve it.
I think violence is absolutely warranted as a first option. Racism is wrong, and I hate the biggot darkies that are racists... lol.. Come on, tell me you didnt see that one comin.
Naw.. I'm not as bad as I used to be though, I was a huge racist.. Let's see one of you grow up the way or in the place that I did, you didnt get through my high school w/o A) Conforming to fit in (becoming a wigger) or B) Becoming a racist. I chose the latter.
Ha ha, thinking back I did some stuff that I bet pissed alot of people off. I had a shirt, Dixie Outfitters, with big Confederate Flag in the background and a cotton field with some people practicing the fine art of cotton pickin in the foreground. I used to wear that shirt to school everytime I got the chance.

This is not to say I did not have black friends, I could walk up to almost any black person at that school and say something along the lines of "wazzup my nigga" and their response would be to give me some 'dap' and say back to me "wazzup cracka" and we would go to class.

So long as it was said in a non-derogatory way, nobody cared. It's funny, it seems that most of the time, white people get more offended at the work "******" than anyone else in the world does.... well except old black men, they are the most racist people in the world!!

I can't say that I'm totally reformed either though, I still feel animosity towards people that are different from me. What can I say? At least I'm honest. :D

Back to violence.. Violence is not so bad as the commie pinko lib bastards make it out to be.. I would like to have the opportunity to kick some of your liberal asses, but I may never get the chance.

He He.... funny
He he he. We do get away with alot.That's what I love about being female(Yes! people Iam female) :rolleyes:

It is kinda funny because in the rare times y'all DON'T get away with it, there is a huge issue about it.
Violence is never the answer.
It's the question.
Yes is the answer.

(duh, where have you all heard that before - SEX!)

I think it's a bit ridiculous to respond to something that spawns violence with more violence.

Let's all **** for virginity, why don't we?
TheJenn88 said:
Violence is never the answer.
It's the question.
Yes is the answer.

(duh, where have you all heard that before - SEX!)

I think it's a bit ridiculous to respond to something that spawns violence with more violence.

Let's all **** for virginity, why don't we?

I'm an idiot.
What is with the idiot post? I mean duh scratch of the ass here duh duh ummmmmmm (hick voice here) errrr geee you're so gayyyyyyyyyyyyy
tizz said:
What is with the idiot post? I mean duh scratch of the ass here duh duh ummmmmmm (hick voice here) errrr geee you're so gayyyyyyyyyyyyy

Yep Classic Idiot there. Atleast he knows it.:D
Hmmm been quiet so far. I haven't heard any violence/racism in a good while. Maybe there is hope? Nah, I'm sure some moron is going to goof it up for the rest of us. I just hope this hurricane thing don't trigger any more unecessary violent racism.
Racist violence in Australia is often the reverse of what you'd expect.

"You white *****" is the most common response when an indigene's begging for smokes or money is turned away.

When I first hit the Northern Territory town of Katherine, I was beset with beggars. Being the casual Aussie chum that I pretend to be, I tried to accomodate these beggars.

Much to my chagrin. When the handout ends, suddenly I'm just a white ***** again. Go figure.
That's because you are a white *****. :D
Or is it just because you have a white *****?
Oh for crying out loud...

Why the **** would I need to beat the living **** out of some dumb ass coon ****** just because he took his worthless black as night, trash talking babooned face ass and called me a good for nothing cracker mother ****ing asshole Masser?

Why hell, I don't need a reason to whip other races' asses, they deserve it just by account of them being to damn unfortunate to not have been born a redneck trailer trash welfare bum honky like me.

Furthermore, I'm sick of this lie about racisim...Just because I hate your chinky looking eyes, doesn't mean I'm racist. Just because I hate your throwback to the monkeys - black ass, doesn't mean I'm racist. Just because I can't wait to snuff you because you hate my pickup truck, gun rack, bad teeth, ugly fat wife, my mangy dog, and my screaming brat kids, doesn't mean I'm a racist.

All it means is what the Good Lord intended for it to mean. The Bible proves it. Face it, I'm just better than everything. Hell, I'm no racist.

**** you! You lousy spic!
Oh, and before I get the BARRAGE of hate posts and HATE email...go back and re-read the post. It's complete "TONGUE IN CHEEK!". That means, it's bullshit humor!

Now take your non-white mother ****ing colored ass and/or chinky eyes and get the hell out of here!
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Oh, and before I get the BARRAGE of hate posts and HATE email...go back and re-read the post. It's complete "TONGUE IN CHEEK!". That means, it's bullshit humor!

Now take your non-white mother ****ing colored ass and/or chinky eyes and get the hell out of here!
Hey, CES you forgot "take your greasy ass on home, spic!" ... I feel left out!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hey, CES you forgot "take your greasy ass on home, spic!" ... I feel left out!

Sit down and shut up you damn beaner wetback before I call the welfare office on you and tell them that you are turning tricks in the bushes next to the park! Ah and you aren't a spic; they're from Puerto Rico, you're just a beaner!

Go back to Mexi-hole were you came from! :p

Feel better now? :D
Answer: No

Violence is only acceptable for safety and security. Racism in no way should be a factor.