ISLAM,ask your questions.

The cowards of 911 and AIG would have liked the White House destroyed not because Bush might be there but because the building itself is an enduring sign of our government. They would destroy the building for that kind of symbolism and consider all the people who died working there as meaningless because they worked for the government they deserve to die.
Lethalfind said:
The cowards of 911 and AIG would have liked the White House destroyed not because Bush might be there but because the building itself is an enduring sign of our government. They would destroy the building for that kind of symbolism and consider all the people who died working there as meaningless because they worked for the government they deserve to die.

All I need to know first is that me and my family would never wish a terror attack upon anybody... I guess thats only half the battle. There are another 1.2 Billion to "open them up"... The bottom line is, 9/11 sucked, people dying for stupid reasons suck, casualties suck, bush sucks, bin laden swallows, and any other terrorist, from any country, who trys to raise a muscle on the weak and innocent sucks...:mad:
Hamza123 said:
All I need to know first is that me and my family would never wish a terror attack upon anybody... I guess thats only half the battle. There are another 1.2 Billion to "open them up"... The bottom line is, 9/11 sucked, people dying for stupid reasons suck, casualties suck, bush sucks, bin laden swallows, and any other terrorist, from any country, who trys to raise a muscle on the weak and innocent sucks...:mad:

LOLOL@BinLaden swallows. now thats funny.
Maybe he swallowed too much and thats why he's on Dyalisis...
Lethalfind said:
LOLOL@BinLaden swallows. now thats funny.
Maybe he swallowed too much and thats why he's on Dyalisis...

That's one thing that I've found odd with the hunt for Bin Laden. How is it that the most technological country/military in the world (I'm talking about the USA for the dumb-asses in the audience) with the spy satellites, super secret telescopes, spy plains, paid informants and all the other resources that are available, they can't find a 6' 6" tall Arabic guy, probably surrounded by an entourage of armed security and toting along a dialysis machine. It's not like he's hiding the dialysis machine under his dress thing that he wears.

I'm kind of wondering if I shouldn't take some time off work and just go look for the really tall rag-head that's plugged into a machine to get the piss out of his blood.

Anyone want to come along. We can split the reward.
ImWithStupid said:
That's one thing that I've found odd with the hunt for Bin Laden. How is it that the most technological country/military in the world (I'm talking about the USA for the dumb-asses in the audience) with the spy satellites, super secret telescopes, spy plains, paid informants and all the other resources that are available, they can't find a 6' 6" tall Arabic guy, probably surrounded by an entourage of armed security and toting along a dialysis machine. It's not like he's hiding the dialysis machine under his dress thing that he wears.

I'm kind of wondering if I shouldn't take some time off work and just go look for the really tall rag-head that's plugged into a machine to get the piss out of his blood.

Anyone want to come along. We can split the reward.

Its my understanding that he has to have dyaslisis 3 times a week minumum and he is hooked up for 3-4 hours each time. I have also heard that over in towel head land, electricity is a rare and splendid thing. How hard can it be to find this *******, unless of course Bush is saving his capture for a more politically expedient time. Like maybe right before his term ends so as to make himself look so much better, to redeem himself so his brother Jeb can run without being pelted with eggs...
ImWithStupid said:
That's one thing that I've found odd with the hunt for Bin Laden. How is it that the most technological country/military in the world (I'm talking about the USA for the dumb-asses in the audience) with the spy satellites, super secret telescopes, spy plains, paid informants and all the other resources that are available, they can't find a 6' 6" tall Arabic guy, probably surrounded by an entourage of armed security and toting along a dialysis machine. It's not like he's hiding the dialysis machine under his dress thing that he wears.

I'm kind of wondering if I shouldn't take some time off work and just go look for the really tall rag-head that's plugged into a machine to get the piss out of his blood.

Anyone want to come along. We can split the reward.

I'll head out with you. I say we start looking in the USA where better to hide. We'll start with convenience stores then work our way to hotel chains. Tom Bodet leave the ****ing light on, IWS and i are on our way with super big gulps in hand.

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