Islamic cowards attack women.

You can go to debate web site after site and confirm what Karl Rove said about liberals... Ever since Vietnam the anti war liberals will put body counts on the bottom of their post as though when the price gets to a certain level the action is wrong and it
Terrorists use terror tactics. They have no chance of taking out the US army, this simply isn't possible for them, so they'll do the next best thing; get them out. Basically for every terrorist killed (or "martyred") the terroists want to kill 10 Iraqi innocents and and Americans standing aorund. (This may not be the exact plan, but its the same spirt) So in the end more Iraqi are being killed, or if not killed then scared shitless that they or their familys will be, and it will breed a hate for the US as the 'Cause' of this. Although many see the obvious, its the terrorists that are causing the deaths, the ignorent along with the small number of supports (whcih are usually the ignorent ) will rally against the occupying forces.

What happened to the good old gurillia warfare style of harassing the **** out of a superior force and taking out key targets? That i could atleast somewhat respect. The world has lost it's way. But then again, would not it be possible to think of terrorism as a evolved form/ add on to gurillia warfare. Just a think. :rolleyes:
They remind me of Southern Baptist and the KKK my way or the highway. Department of peace isn't the answer since there isn't logic involved but giving them victory is definitely not a choice!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Since the emmasculated men of islam can not take on men, they have resorted to attacking women.

AIG, do these men turn you on?

I thought I was on your ignore list.You can't put someone's hopes up then crush them.
Do these men turn me on?hmmmmmmmmmm NO I mean they are dead aren't they.
I don't think innocent iraqis should be killed at the cost of 2 or 3 americans.
Frankly,I'm 100% against suicide bombings.I mean they just kill more and more innocent people.I hate when they use Islam as an excuse to commit crimes,they don't know that they are commiting more sins against themselves.