Isn't anyone worried?


Apr 5, 2007
Hai guys :D , I'm new. I read around on the forum for the past couple of days and decided to join. Alright, I'm so worried about this "new sound/new look" deal. Linkin Park is such a great band. HT and Meteora were amazing. Why didn't they just stick with their sound and make new songs? Why did they have to change it up? I don't know about all of you but "What I've Done" is horrible IMO. It's going to be all over the radio and become mainstream and its going to be so gay. Doesn't even have Mike rapping at all in it like the older ****. Will the rest of the album be like this?? What's everyone think?
The main complaint people had about them is that Hybrid Theory and Meteora sounded so similar. If they stayed with the same style for a third album, it would have undoubtedly gone stale.

What I've Done has no more mainstream appeal than In The End or Numb. In fact, in my opinion, it's less mainstream than those two songs, because it's so much darker. And to remind you, not every Linkin Park song has to (or does, for that matter) have Mike rapping. Look at Breaking The Habit for a good example.
As opposed to the underground LP of old? hahaha

HT and Meteora - same album different tempos

I think this sound is a good step forward for them, since i've grown up i have learnt LP are a really a 1 trick pony and used the same 4 chord progression endlessy.
The main complaint people had about them is that Hybrid Theory and Meteora sounded so similar. If they stayed with the same style for a third album, it would have undoubtedly gone stale.

What I've Done has no more mainstream appeal than In The End or Numb. In fact, in my opinion, it's less mainstream than those two songs, because it's so much darker. And to remind you, not every Linkin Park song has to (or does, for that matter) have Mike rapping. Look at Breaking The Habit for a good example.

You make a very good point. But do you think that the new album will be fast and have chester scream in it at all? Will mike rap alittle and will the beats be good or will it be a slow album?

If the album had songs like "QUERTY" or whatever that new song was then that'd be fine but I have a feeling it's going to be all slow.

Plus, I loved how HT and Meteora sounded the same, you don't get that alot from bands. Usually they change and it's worse.
do be honest change is good weather it is for good or bad everyone goes through changes like when ur going in to ur teens and you hit puberty same thing LP have gone through puberty and have now be come men and not stayed as boys (sorry if that made no sence to you lot)
You make a very good point. But do you think that the new album will be fast and have chester scream in it at all? Will mike rap alittle and will the beats be good or will it be a slow album?

If the album had songs like "QUERTY" or whatever that new song was then that'd be fine but I have a feeling it's going to be all slow.

Plus, I loved how HT and Meteora sounded the same, you don't get that alot from bands. Usually they change and it's worse.
There's a couple of articles on the LP Association page that I suggest you read. It actually gives us some decent insight on the album and the individual tracks. I believe it says there will be two tracks like the old Linkin Park, a punk-ish track, a heavy metal track, etc. It looks like there's going to be a lot of variety on this album :)
yup and im not worried at all... yes on the one side i REALLY love their old 'nu-metal' sound and ill always think its the best BUT i dont know LP is in my blood i love EVERY song they do or even feature in.. i mean teh 'slow ur role' and i got a couple of songs where chester sing in and i love them all... so im not worried... ill start to worrie whem my mum finds out that chester is screaming "WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH ME, PUT ME OUT OF MY ****ING MISERY" ^_^
What song is that in? And where can I hear it? And will there be any screaming in this new album? I sure hope so cause chester can scream.
"What I've Done" is horrible

if you think that then Linkin Park just isn't your type of music anymore. bands change I mean look at papa roach, elton john, etc. musicians change and in this situation I think it will be for the better. Compare What I've Done to Papercut or some song from HT, Chester sounds better, the instrumentals are better, the lyrics are more meaningful, I'm tired of hearing about relationships. There is more to the new sound than there was to the previous albums.
Okay, I liked when they sang about relationships, since I could connect. But they never wrote a ballad. So when I looked through the album song by song descriptions, I noticed that they said there was going to be a ballad, that made me glad. I appreciate the new sound and since I have grown, I grew with Linkin Park's new sound, and I appreciate the change Linkin Park has made. In the end, I am very glad to hear Linkin Park change.
if you think that then Linkin Park just isn't your type of music anymore. bands change I mean look at papa roach, elton john, etc. musicians change and in this situation I think it will be for the better. Compare What I've Done to Papercut or some song from HT, Chester sounds better, the instrumentals are better, the lyrics are more meaningful, I'm tired of hearing about relationships. There is more to the new sound than there was to the previous albums.
Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
Hai guys :D , I'm new. I read around on the forum for the past couple of days and decided to join. Alright, I'm so worried about this "new sound/new look" deal. Linkin Park is such a great band. HT and Meteora were amazing. Why didn't they just stick with their sound and make new songs? Why did they have to change it up? I don't know about all of you but "What I've Done" is horrible IMO. It's going to be all over the radio and become mainstream and its going to be so gay. Doesn't even have Mike rapping at all in it like the older ****. Will the rest of the album be like this?? What's everyone think?

Your worried about LP becoming mainstream? They were before dude.
or he has no idea what music is, because EVERYONE iv sent the track to has loved it, even those who have completely hated LP in the past or still do, they reckon this track,although still sounds LP, is very good.

so honestly, going from the guys have said and from what iv heard with WID, im not worried what so ever
if you think that then Linkin Park just isn't your type of music anymore. bands change I mean look at papa roach, elton john, etc. musicians change and in this situation I think it will be for the better. Compare What I've Done to Papercut or some song from HT, Chester sounds better, the instrumentals are better, the lyrics are more meaningful, I'm tired of hearing about relationships. There is more to the new sound than there was to the previous albums.
amen to that !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not worried....What I've done is a great has really grown on me...

The new album is gonna be could become the best LP album