Isn't anyone worried?

I was worried... until I read the track by track interview, now it sounds awesome.

Same here. I was so scared that it was gonna bite and I was gonna hate it, but when Mike described one of the songs (Bleed it Out) as "****ing bizarre death-party-rap-hoedown". Believe it or not, that was actually a comfort to me because that showed that Linkin Park is changing but it's still them cause that's just the type of thing they would do, so there's always gonna be that unique twist to their songs that make them 'Linkin Park'. I honestly think it's gonna be great.
I'm not worried. I do love their old "nu-metal" sound and I do love Mike's rapping. But as said before, HT and Meteora (two very amazing albums indeed) sounded too alike and caused many people to complain. This album, if it were to sound the same, would not be too much appeal to many people.

I thought What I've Done is a great leap forward for LP. Their music is more intricate and their lyrics are about more important things in this world. I'm glad LP took this turn because, although a lot of fans like me and you loved their old sound, I'm not sure whether it could be stuck to for a lot much longer.

Linkin Park told us that they'd become different, though still be the same LP. I was a bit doubtful at the beginning, but after WID, I saw that their words were completely true. I have my total trust in LP to turn this album into their best because I have faith in them to be sensible in their music.
^ yip like always when chester starts to sing u cant help it but saying 'yip its LP' but the song is different from their previous work. i really dig it :>
Well I'm embracing thier change. What i've done is a bold move for LP. and its worked in thier favor. The only thing I was really expecting from the song was there to be alot of screaming. :[ I miss chesters screaming. Well we'll just have to see at bamboozle. I'll let you guys in on everything.
Well, I agree with alot of you guys. Hopefully this album is awesome but I am expecting some screaming in this, think it will be in?

ZOMG, I'm so pumped for this album. Maybe the most I've been in awhile for a album for some reason.

LP is gawd.

Not really I get really excited about an album release every other week.... I took this whole void of LPness as a chance to wake up n discover..... I have discoverd and now like literraly hundereds of artists now haha.