Israeli Genocide,ethnic Cleansing,massacres And Crimes Against Palestinians


New member
Clearly you have not seen this

SHRIEKING for her lifeless father and running from corpse to corpse, she has become the new icon for Palestinians, the girl on the beach who sees dead people,,251-2222490,00.html

This video... VERY VERY heart wrenching... Well for me.

OCCUPATION 101 - To understand the suffer and pain... watch this

Israeli Terrorism? NO WAY!... Right?

Chris Davies... IN THE MIDDLE OF PALESTINE HOSTILE LAND, breaks it down for you... in this minute clip


He's on a cliff, and you can see what he's talking about happen as he speaks of it!

You can have one view, or another, UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN TO PALESTINE, you do not know what is going on. I have been Palestine before for a few hours only when my cousins decided to go behind my family's back and take me to go see what it's like...


It's ****. Just ****.



New member
Clearly you have not seen this,,251-2222490,00.html

This video... VERY VERY heart wrenching... Well for me.

OCCUPATION 101 - To understand the suffer and pain... watch this

Israeli Terrorism? NO WAY!... Right?

Chris Davies... IN THE MIDDLE OF PALESTINE HOSTILE LAND, breaks it down for you... in this minute clip


He's on a cliff, and you can see what he's talking about happen as he speaks of it!

You can have one view, or another, UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN TO PALESTINE, you do not know what is going on. I have been Palestine before for a few hours only when my cousins decided to go behind my family's back and take me to go see what it's like...


It's ****. Just ****.

Those videos are heart-wrenching to all of us. The violence is appalling and totally unecessary. I don't see why Hamas needs to make the peace process as hard as it possible can be and likewise I do not see why Hamas constantly picks fights with non-hamas party members.

Of course, the Israelies need to be more careful where they aim thier weapons sometimes. Of course, if Hamas was disarmed there would be less terrorism in that part of the world.

I think we need to lock all the world's leaders in a room and play nothing but nursery rhymes and 60's anti-war themes until they agree to live in peace.




New member
Of course, the Israelies need to be more careful where they aim thier weapons sometimes. Of course, if Hamas was disarmed there would be less terrorism in that part of the world.

Hamas got in on the same ticket that Iran is now controlling Iraq on. The US spreading of "democracy".

Can't blame anyone else for what is happening now. ;)



New member
Clearly you have not seen this,,251-2222490,00.html

This video... VERY VERY heart wrenching... Well for me.

OCCUPATION 101 - To understand the suffer and pain... watch this

Israeli Terrorism? NO WAY!... Right?

Chris Davies... IN THE MIDDLE OF PALESTINE HOSTILE LAND, breaks it down for you... in this minute clip


He's on a cliff, and you can see what he's talking about happen as he speaks of it!

You can have one view, or another, UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN TO PALESTINE, you do not know what is going on. I have been Palestine before for a few hours only when my cousins decided to go behind my family's back and take me to go see what it's like...


It's ****. Just ****.

Do they have good shawarma there?



New member
Well, as wrong is it may be, the Palestinians now have no choice... They either die or accept the fact that their land was taken, or WHOS ever land was taken (not going to get into that debate), and move on and try to establish some sort of stable government that everyone in the area is happy with.


New member
Another perspective:

Victimhood: The Palestinian Disease

By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- It was another one of those pictures that goes instantly around the world. A young Palestinian, wailing in wretched sorrow, grieving over her dead father, stepmother and five siblings, killed by an explosion on a Gaza beach. Then came the blame. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (he's the moderate) immediately called the killings an act of Israeli "genocide'' and, to dramatize the crime, legally adopted the bereaved girl.

The sensational coverage and sensational charges raise the obvious question: Why would Israel deliberately shell a peaceful family on a beach?

The Israeli government, clumsy as ever, seemed to semi-apologize by expressing regret about the deaths, implying that perhaps they had been caused by an errant Israeli shell targeting a Palestinian rocket base. But then a few days later, an army investigation concluded that it was not Israel's doing at all.

First, because the shrapnel taken from the victims (treated at Israeli hospitals -- some "genocide'') were not the ordnance used in Israeli artillery. Second, because aerial photography revealed no crater that could have been caused by Israeli artillery. And third, because Israel could account for five of the six shells it launched at the rocket base nearby, and the missing one had been launched at least five minutes before the one that killed the family.

An expert at a local chapter of a human rights group disputes the Israeli claims. OK. Let's concede for the sake of argument that the question of whether it was an errant Israeli shell remains unresolved. But the obvious question not being asked is this: Who is to blame if Palestinians are setting up rocket launchers to attack Israel -- and placing them 400 yards from a beach crowded with Palestinian families on the Muslim Sabbath?

. For Palestinian terrorists -- and the Palestinian governments (both Fatah and Hamas) that allow them to operate unmolested -- it's win-win: If their rockets aimed into nearby Israeli towns kill innocent Jews, no one abroad notices and it's another success in the terror war against Israel. And if Israel's preventative and deterrent attacks on those rocket bases inadvertently kill Palestinian civilians, the iconic "Israeli massacre'' picture makes the front page of The New York Times, and the Palestinians win the propaganda war. Answer: This is just another example of the Palestinians' classic and cowardly human-shield tactic -- attacking innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind innocent Palestinian civilians

But there is an even larger question not asked. Whether the rocket bases are near civilian beaches or in remote areas, why are the Gazans launching any rockets at Israel in the first place -- about 1,000 in the last year?

To get Israel to remove its settlers, end the occupation and let the Palestinians achieve dignity and independence? But Israel did exactly that in Gaza last year. It completely evacuated Gaza, dismantled all its military installations, removed its soldiers, destroyed all Israeli settlements and expelled all 7,000 Israeli settlers. Israel then declared the line that divides Israel from Gaza to be an international frontier. Gaza became the first independent Palestinian territory ever.

And what have the Palestinians done with this independence, this judenrein territory under the Palestinians' own control? They have used their freedom to ... launch rockets at civilians in nearby Israeli towns.

Why? Because the Palestinians prefer victimhood to statehood. They have demonstrated that for 60 years, beginning with their rejection of the United Nations decision to establish a Palestinian state in 1947, because it would have also created a small Jewish state next door. They declared war instead.

Half a century later, at the Camp David summit with President Clinton, Israel renewed the offer of a Palestinian state -- with its capital in Jerusalem, with not a single Jewish settler remaining in Palestine, and on a contiguous territory encompassing 95 percent of the West Bank (Israel making up the other 5 percent with pieces of Israel proper).

The Palestinian answer? War again -- Arafat's terror war, aka the second intifada, which killed a thousand Jews.

This embrace of victimhood, of martyrdom, of blood and suffering, is the Palestinian disease. They are offered their own independent state. They are given all of Gaza. And they respond with rocket attacks into peaceful Israeli towns -- in pre-1967 Israel proper, mind you.

What can Israel do but try to take out those rocket bases and their crews? What would the U.S. do if rockets were raining into San Diego from across the border with Mexico?

Now look again at that terrible photograph and ask yourself: Who is responsible for the heart-rending grief of that poor Palestinian girl?

© 2006, The Washington Post Writers Group

Only real scumbags deliberately place their own children in danger.



New member
thank you all for your posts,i think that Having expelled 800,000 Palestinians from the 80% of Palestine they occupied in 1948, committed massacres against the Palestinians and plundered all Palestinian lands, homes and possessions, the Zionist leaders continued their campaign of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Palestinians.The barbarous crimes committed between 1967 and 2006 against the population of the Gaza Strip on the orders of the top Israeli political and military leaders were similar to the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed under the **** political and military leaders in Occupied Europe during World War II. More than 4,000 Palestinians of the Gaza Strip were murdered and more than 15,000 injured and maimed. More than 35,000 Palestinians of the Gaza Strip were either imprisoned or put in detention camps and tortured by the most brutal and inhumane methods. More than 3,000 houses were demolished. Collective fines were imposed and the economy of Gaza was destroyed. These crimes were committed under the Israeli leadership for the purpose of breaking the will and resistance to the occupiers and for emptying the Gaza Strip of its population. Since the beginning of the lntifada in December, 1987, Israeli crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have increased in number and intensity.





New member
please read these facts,this truth that zionist israelis do everything to hide it from the general public/

1_ when the palestine problem was created by britain in 1917,more than 90% of the population of palestine were ARABS ,and that there were at that time no more than 56,000 jews in palestine.

2_ more than half of the jews living in palestine at that time were recent immigrants,who had come to palestine in the preceding decades in order to escape persecution in europe...and that less than 5% of the population were native palestinian jews.

3_ the arabs of palestine at that time owned 97,5% of the land,while native palestinian jews and recent immigrant jews together owned only 2,5%of the land.

4_ during the thirty years of british occupation and rule,the zionists were able to purshase only 3,5% of the land of palestine,in spite of encouragement of the british goverment...and that much of this land was transferred to zionists bodies by the british goverment directly,and was not sold by arab owners.

5_ therefore,when british passed the palestine problem to the united nations in 1947 ,zionists owned no more than 6% of the country.



New member
very very very important links please all of you must join and discover the truth:



A very IMPORTANT MAP showing the massive destruction of Palestinian villages and cities

Map showing the massive destruction of Palestinian towns after al-Nakba in 1948

here is palestine ,before 1948 ,united from the river to the sea,no criminal zionists,no european criminal nazizionists,only arabs with their christian and jewish brothers and sisters


Palestine: Destroyed Villages (1948)

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I don't blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the boooks not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."

[ Moshe Dayan, in Haifa, quoted by Ha'aretz, April, 4 1969.



New member
dear hugo thank you for your post

in north america it was a genocide and ethnic cleansing against indians

in australia it was genocide and ethnic cleansing against aborigines

in palestine it was and it still is a genocide,crime against humanity,massacres,murders,assassinations,deportations,ethnic cleansing,house demolitions,and holocaust against palestinians.





New member
Actually, Isreal has been prevented by its allies from engaging in the final solution used everywhere when cultures collide. There are more Palestinians (sic) now then there were in 1948.


New member
Isreal gives the Palestinians the Gaza strip...their reward.... rockets being launched into the pre-1967 border of Isreal into civilian populations.


New member
The Muslims are GOING to have Palestine back...It will not belong to others...
You delusional ****... the palestinians never owned the land to begin with. They will get NOTHING since NOTHING THERE IS THEIR PROPERTY!

The hamas douchebags need to die and rot in ****.

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