Israel's Slaughtering Pisses me the **** off...


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2005
40 Second clip....

It's in Arabic, I warn you though before you watch it, there isn't much blood that the human can't stand but the 12 year old girl made me angry and sad, shes saying "MY FATHER" in arabic, so is the man at the end... What happened that day was totally unreported by FOX and CNN...

I am tired of debating about this topic... It's plain and simple... If you can't see the wrong that Israel is doing than may god have mercy on your soul...

George Galloway says it LIKE IT IS...
Be honest Hamza, it wouldn't matter what Isreal did, you would think its wrong. Your people and Isreal have hated each other for what is it now?? 2,000 years.
My dad (who was a minister) used to say..."look at all the races and religions that have been suppressed through history, attempts have been made to slaughter entire groups...who rises to the top like cream?" The Jews...
Do they have some mystical way to hypnotize us all...I mean the entire world? Check American history about the time period around WW2, when so many Jews came to the US, their children did better in school, they hit the ground running finding jobs and were making good money, learning the language etc. while other immigrants were faultering.
I think this is why people hate them, they are jealous...jealous of their success and money when in fact they have earned it, not stolen it or blown someone up to get it.
Wrong again Ham! Lethalfind got it right, while you keep getting it wrong. It's the Arab nations that are doing the acts of agression against Israel that started all this crap not the other way around! Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Kryptonite Man said:
Wrong again Ham! Lethalfind got it right, while you keep getting it wrong. It's the Arab nations that are doing the acts of agression against Israel that started all this crap not the other way around! Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

LMFAO!! If you stick by that statement in your debate it just shows you know absolutley nothing about Palestinian history.

With the beginning of the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic period) circa 12,000 BC, humans in Palestine began to raise animals, to farm and produce handcrafts. For example, the skull of a dog, a picture of a bull carved into a bone and a sculpted piece of human skull, all dating back to that period, were found in the caves of Carmel.

Around 7000 BC, Jericho became the first place in Palestine where humans built dwellings for themselves and they also built a ten-meter high wall surround the city. Thus Jericho is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. Farming and animal breeding began there and stability characterized the area for more than a thousand years before they Mesopotamia-Somer (Iraq). The craft of pottery began in Jericho around 5000 BC, spreading from there to the rest of Palestine and Syria.

In several Palestinian cities, numerous artifacts from the Metallic Stone Age (c.4000 BC) were found, including in the city of Megiddo, where the oldest types of decorated pottery were discovered. In Beisan, excavations in 1921 and 1922 at
You know Hamza, you should be tired of arguing this issue with these people. You're forgetting that they thrive on watching people die, especially if they are arab. It doesn't matter how old they are. And most of them argue about not being racist? What is this if not racism, assholes!???
KM, you don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you run back up your mamma's , cos you're a waste of perfectly good space on this earth. Israel got to where it is now through murdering innocent people. And I know why they are so blood thirsty. Just cos Hitler sucked them dry, they want to suck the blood of millions of people too. Watch this video, though I doubt it will change your minds. It is probably like porn to you people.
Typical. Logic and practical knowledge are always wasted on idiots like you AIG. You make the claim that Israel are racists when it is YOU who are that. And your rather pathetic insult towards me is proof that you have NO evidence and you don't know what the Seven Hells you are babbling about. You are the blood-thirsty one, but things like truth and common sense are lost on someone as dense and as illogical as yourself and Hamza who have been brainwashed into hating others for being who they are and for having a different belief system from your radical Islam. I, for one, DON'T thrive on people dying for nothing like you do. It's trash like your Hezbollah "heroes" and their sleazy puppet masters in Iran and Syria that create the problems for everyone in the ME, NOT Israel you moronic sow. You made the claim that Israel stole the land from the "Palestinians", now YOU back it up with hard evidence. I seriously doubt that you can because of two things... 1: You are an idiot and 2: There is NO evidence that Israel stole the land, PERIOD!! That's your trouble, you buy into this revisionist history written by your psycho ayatollahs and scuzbag mullahs to make themselves feel better about getting the **** kicked out of them in just about every war they start. The ONLY reason the radicals are "winning" is because of the whinny ass sorry ultra-liberal peta'Q are undermining the free world's will to win this war on your terrorist heroes. So, GET BENT AIG!! Your lies won't cut it with me.
Typical. Logic and practical knowledge are always wasted on idiots like you AIG. You make the claim that Israel are racists when it is YOU who are that.

Let's me get something across to you. I have never come across one post in which you have produced any logic and practical knowledge, except this one. Glad to know that you finally know something about Islam. 7 hells. I'm proud of you. Secondly, I wasn't talking about Israel as the racists, I'm talking about the morons on this site who rejoice the death of a child just because it is an arab and lives in the middle east. Morons like,um YOU.

You are the blood-thirsty one, but things like truth and common sense are lost on someone as dense and as illogical as yourself and Hamza who have been brainwashed into hating others for being who they are and for having a different belief system from your radical Islam.

OK, KM. I'll give you a chance. Give me a reason to find any common sense and logic in killing 56 people of which 34 are children. No, my dear, you just claim we're brainwashed because we don't agree with you. I have never said I hate anyone on this site or my entire life except for a good reason. I hate bush, sharon and any government that doesn't function on truth and justice. And that also includes some middle-east governments. The difference between us KM, is that Iam willing to condemn my people if they commit crimes such as murdering innocent people, whereas you always try and justify it. And we are the terrorists?
I find some of the christians on this site as hypocritical when they try and insult Islam. Let me tell you why. I hear many people saying that Islam was spread by the ''sword'', but the word sword is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an even once, whereas your bible mentions the word over 200 times.
As for this ''Holy War'', It isn't mentioned even once in the Qur'an and Sunnah. We don't have that term anywhere in our religion.It is a crusade coinage!
How long are you gonna point fingers and forget yourselves?

I, for one, DON'T thrive on people dying for nothing like you do. It's trash like your Hezbollah "heroes" and their sleazy puppet masters in Iran and Syria that create the problems for everyone in the ME, NOT Israel you moronic sow.

If I'm not mistaken, you haven't condemned the death of 56 innocent people. Hmmm, maybe you need like a million to die before your black heart feels anything anyway. WTF? You laugh when more muslims are killed and you say that's not thriving? Where is the two minute silences for these people? The fact is you people think that you're better than everyone. That is why you attack anyone who gives you a taste of your own medicine for not giving a **** about 9/11 and you dubbed anyone who said that 9/11 was justified a TERRORIST. What the **** have you been doing by trying to justify 56 people killed? Should'nt you be called terrorists as well? Where is the justice and ''democracy'' that you bitches keep trying to ram down everyones throats?

1: You are an idiot and 2: There is NO evidence that Israel stole the land, PERIOD!!

I'm still perplexed on why the bitch pushed you out.

That's your trouble, you buy into this revisionist history written by your psycho ayatollahs and scuzbag mullahs to make themselves feel better about getting the **** kicked out of them in just about every war they start.

Yup, my FOX and CNN. Except they don't edit and cut out peaces out of the picture. Come on KM, you really enjoyed that video didn't you? I can smell the popcorn, don't lie asshole!
You know Hamza, you should be tired of arguing this issue with these people. You're forgetting that they thrive on watching people die, especially if they are arab. It doesn't matter how old they are. And most of them argue about not being racist? What is this if not racism, assholes!???
KM, you don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you run back up your mamma's , cos you're a waste of perfectly good space on this earth. Israel got to where it is now through murdering innocent people. And I know why they are so blood thirsty. Just cos Hitler sucked them dry, they want to suck the blood of millions of people too. Watch this video, though I doubt it will change your minds. It is probably like porn to you people.

Yes AIG, I am very tired. I prove my case with what I think are legitiment points but I get called a terrorist supporter. I prove someone wrong, and I get insulted. People have grown a block in their minds and refuse to recognize Israel's attrocities. Nobody actually listens to what I say. I have my brought my debate elsewhere.
Muslims hate every Jew for what a few have done...
BUT we are not supposed to mistrust Muslims in general for what some of them have done...
That makes sense...

My take is that I mistrust any religion that is fundamentalist in nature...not just Muslims but any religion...
Being a Fundamentalist makes you a dangerous person to be around.
Hamza123 said:
Yes AIG, I am very tired. I prove my case with what I think are legitiment points but I get called a terrorist supporter. I prove someone wrong, and I get insulted. People have grown a block in their minds and refuse to recognize Israel's attrocities. Nobody actually listens to what I say. I have my brought my debate elsewhere.
Your points are groundless

1). Israeli soldiers were kidnapped, and Israel is retaliating against hezbollah (may they prevail against their enemies, selah)

2). Israel has tried, time and time again to give, free of charge, the gaza strip to the so called palestinian authority and everytime, the palestinian authority in abject incompetence and internal corruption has ****ed up the transaction and caused more problems than they could handle and israel has always been there to pick up the pieces.

3). Islam is a violent and hateful religion.

4). The fact that the jews are able to manipulate politics on a global scale (as you claim) is only a testimony to their greatness. If pisslam could do it, it would.
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
Your points are groundless

Watch closley....

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
1). Israeli soldiers were kidnapped, and Israel is retaliating against hezbollah

Can your mind think prior to what Hezbollah did 4 weeks ago ??

Israel has been occupying parts of south Lebanon for ages, and Hezbollah kidnapped 2 of their soldiers on Lebanese soil.

To say that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization for kidnapping two Israeli soldiers is like saying the US government is a terrorist organization x2 for capturing "terrorists" in Iraq, on their own soil. Weather or not the US Governement is a terrorist organization is wrong, however, it's a fact of double standard.

Israel still occupies many parts of the Lebanese territories. One of these areas includes part of the Wazzani river, a small river that runs along the border, from which the Zionists are openly pumping the water toward their colonies south of the border. Other Lebanese areas still occupied by the Israelis are the Shebaa Farms, in which they have planned to build a settlement for the Ethiopian Jews, called Falasha Moro.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
2). Israel has tried, time and time again to give, free of charge,

Why? Because Israeli's know they occupied the land.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
the gaza strip to the so called palestinian authority and everytime, the palestinian authority in abject incompetence and internal corruption has ****ed up the transaction and caused more problems than they could handle and israel has always been there to pick up the pieces.

Hamas, Hezbollah, or anyone who opposes Israel will not stop fighting back at Israel until Israel stops killing innocent civilians, and gives the Palestinians there state back with East Jerusalem as it's capital.

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
3). Islam is a violent and hateful religion.

You have yet to prove that...

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
4). The fact that the jews are able to manipulate politics on a global scale

At least you admit they do it... And it's not the Jews we hate. THEY ARE OUR COUSINS! It is the Israeli Zionist Regime that fights us!

Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
only a testimony to their greatness. If pisslam could do it, it would.

Drop your Christian beliefs and forget what you learned at Bible study for a minute. I did for Islam. You will learn that the morals the US people stand for are completley broken by the Israeli Regime.
hugo said:

The religion of piece...pieces of ****.

Daniel Pearl was a great person caught in the Middle of a horrible war between Terrorist mother****ers and War Mongering Conservatives. He stood against what the terrorists claim not to want yet he was murdered.

Why is it you believe the terrorists when they say they're Islamic but you call them liars when they say they are fighting for freedom. You only use these terrorists for your politcal/social advantage.

There are two extremes and those who are caught in the Middle! Those are the truly innocent. Those like Daniel Pearl.

Muslims are the biggest victims of terror... They are bombed by the terrorists and Bombarded by the likes of the Israeli and US forces. But there Muslims. And that is of no worth to you...
Hamza123 said:
Can your mind think prior to what Hezbollah did 4 weeks ago ??
Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, even YOU said that the Lebonease did not want them in Lebanon. Hezbollah has been behind countless suicide bombings in Israel (much more than than 4 weeks ago, Ham). Hezbollah is fueled by Iran and Syria. They have a never ending supply of pig-**** worshippers who are ready to martyr them selves and anyone else. Don't give me any "Hezbollah is innocent" crap!

Hamza123 said:
Israel has been occupying parts of south Lebanon for ages, and Hezbollah kidnapped 2 of their soldiers on Lebanese soil.
1) The soldiers were captured in a night raid across the Gaza strip into Israeli territory. They killed several others in the raid.
2) Lebanon has proven itself to be to weak to police their own lands... Militias, terrorists, gangs and orgainized crime are the only form of infrastructure in southern Lebanon in the first place, so it barely even qualifies as "Lebanonease Soil" ... and since Lebanon can not stop the **** that is obviously a threat to Israel's own existence, They were forced (by Lebanon's inaction) to take matter's into their own hands. If anyone is to blame it is the lebanonease governemnt themselves.

Hamza123 said:
To say that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization for kidnapping two Israeli soldiers is like saying the US government is a terrorist organization x2 for capturing "terrorists" in Iraq, on their own soil. Weather or not the US Governement is a terrorist organization is wrong, however, it's a fact of double standard.
Hezbollah is a terrorist organization funded by Iran... Iran has declared several times unrepentantly, that they will wipe Israel off the face of the planet. They are using Hezbollah as this weapon and everyone knows it, even the islamic scum-bags and liars who just won't admit it!

Secondly, The U.S. is capturing terrorists in Iraq... They are killing them, too. And I am damn proud of my Governement and our Brave and Galant soldiers who are footing the bill with life limb and money to rescue a pack of ungrateful dogs from the ravages of a sadistic dictator and his al-queda opposition army!

Hamza123 said:
Why? Because Israeli's know they occupied the land.
Yeah, rightful owners do have the habit of occupying their own lands.

Hamza123 said:
Hamas, Hezbollah, or anyone who opposes Israel will not stop fighting back at Israel until Israel stops killing innocent civilians, and gives the Palestinians there state back with East Jerusalem as it's capital.
I seem to rememer several times when Israel would pull out of gaza with the intention of giving the PA(Palestinian Authority) the land, only to have waves of suicide bombers kill women and children in markets.

Hamza123 said:
You have yet to prove that...
It is proven, your just blinded by your dogmatic faith in the satanic koran... you can pretty much sum up all religions by the actions of their fundamentalists.

1) Buddhist Fundamentalists: Shave their heads and walk around barefoot as to not kill any living thing.
2) Hindu fundamentalists: Phylosophy the meaning of life and the path way to nirvana.
3) Christian fundamentalist: Tell everyone that they need Jesus.
4) Jewish fundamentalist: Grow out sideburns, eat kosher beef.
5) Islamic fundamentalist: Kill Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindus and other muslims who don't kill Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindus and other muslims...

Hamza123 said:
At least you admit they do it...
Actually I don't, it is your claim... but I will admit that they do have inordinant amount of influence, which does testify to their genius!

Hamza123 said:
And it's not the Jews we hate. THEY ARE OUR COUSINS! It is the Israeli Zionist Regime that fights us!
At the very least it takes two to tango! Why don't you try not kidnapping, threatening her existance, and suicide bombing for a day or so... Maybe Israel will leave you alone (don't you think it's worth a try?)

Hamza123 said:
Drop your Christian beliefs
That's all islam asks of ayone (or they'll kill us)

Hamza123 said:
and forget what you learned at Bible study for a minute.
What the ****? How on earth d0oes "suffer little children to come unto me" have anything to do with your unfounded tyrade about Israel finally getting enough of that islamic crap and retaliating for years of terrorism?

Hamza123 said:
I did for Islam. You will learn that the morals the US people stand for are completley broken by the Israeli Regime.
The only thing Israel stands for is a homeland for Jews. They could give a rat's ass about their neighbors, except that their neighbors want them dead! Even you came up with some bullshit about God not wanting the Jews to have a homeland... piss off!

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