Its been real but its over... officially

Well, kinda glad it's finally officially's been a very, very sad place for quite a long time, really...for what I've seen when I dropped by...
It was a nice place full of fun and interesting people...this site helped me change and grow as a person...I'll for sure never forget it...

All be good and live your best lives you can...

I don't know what inspired me to come back and visit, and I don't know why I'm sad to see the site finally go under, seeing as I haven't been here in forever, but I did have a lot of great times and this site was a big part of my life a couple of years back.

Thanks for all the love and support, to anybody who remembers me.


mmmm goodbye LPF (sorry i'm late ha)

For those who remember me, it was fun. In fact we had a blast.
Guess some of us got to the age of having to grow up and spend less time online.
Or some of you just found another forum :p.
Shout out to Hahninator, Stenners, Vash, Woody and Nick stay cool guys and add me on msn anytime:

[:-} LP for life.

EDIT: In the unlikelyhood she see's this, shout out to Jen aswell :D
****, so many people, i remember when we spread from like swine flu :p
Haven't logged on here in a few months, just came on here today to lurk around and see whats going on.

Had some good times here, farewell everyone!
whoa, I came here to see if my username still worked after yonksssss of not coming on here and it's dying. That's kinda sad. This was a mahusive part of my teenage years haha. Although it's been like 2years bubi LPF (even though you looked so very different when I visited you ^.^)
Oh wow...

I'll shed a tear...

This place was simply the place to be for LP fans no matter what. The community here was the strongest. Looks like everyone moved on. But ****... I got my start here, I learned everything about LP and met all of my LP fan friends here... I wouldn't know anything or anyone if it wasn't for this place. I wouldn't have 150+ bootlegs if it wasn't for this place... wow, I met some great people here, and its pure nostalgia thinking back on it.

I love LPF.

wow, wasn't here since.... well... MTM?

i got here to see whats going on with Dead By Sunrise.

I'm suprised the forum is so dead. where have all the guys gone? what has happened? i'd look it up myself but i'm too lazy to scroll through those bot-threads

it seems to be liveless in here for a long time. considering the last "news" i'd expect a 404 or something

since this is probably my last message on the LPF:
Good Bye