It's Kezas B-day O.o

It's a bit late hun xD.. (Her birthday was 9 October)
anyways I left her a comment at myspace
I'm always a day late and a dollar short, but Happy Birthday.. I hope you had a good day.
arww thankies much everyone <3333
yer it was realleh good *nods*

*cuts cake && shares out with parteh bags*


*hugs everyone*
I may have posted lated BUT

I did wish her happeh bday the day before so im a mic of late and early lol........ how was it lil tartan babe ^_^
l m f a o thankies people
yoore ll realleh sweetie
it was realleh gdleh thankies matt
ima going parteh tomorrow
legal drink yer

Sorry to be delayed on your bday Keza but Happy belated bday 2 u hon :)
I hoped u had a good one!:D


Enjoy the chocolate cake!:D