~*jackies journal*~


New member
*~*worst day ever*~*

the worst thing happened yesterday

my brother was over his friends house...

just like a normal night but sumthin u would never expict happened

do u really wanna no?


marshall was having the worst day in his life he lost his gurl

lost his job

he also had a overdose of haroin (i donno some kind of drug)

and they were watchin T.V. and marshall goes into his room and comes out with a gun

my brothers all like "wat the **** do u think ur ganna do with that"

marshall hands naithan the gun and is like "shoot me"

naithans like "**** no"

marshalls like "fine then"

naithan: NOOOOOOOO


marshall opens he's mouth puts the gun is his mouth and then "bang"!!

dark red blood ozzes out the other side marshalls head

and gun shots were heard and the cops arived within minutes


they made naithan get on the floor put his hands over his head and all that ****

the officer let my bro. go


he came home with blood all over his shrit

my moms lookin at him like "i anit cleanin that **** up"


naithans life is foreva changed

so is marshalls

Message for all them guyz : dont kill yo self over sum ***** that dosent want u


and here is wat happened to me today

mark drove my car over a squarial

ashley came home 4 thanksgivin break

*kids still in hospital*



New member
no things like this never happen here

they where in a different part of michigan

it starts with a H....

its like the worst place 4 marshall to live

nothin ever happens here



Active Members
no things like this never happen here
they where in a different part of michigan

it starts with a H....

its like the worst place 4 marshall to live

nothin ever happens here
ah...ok...I see



New member
michigan looks dull

london is the place to be!

but the guy in the bottom picture on the left methinks looks....ermm...interesting?



New member
michigan looks dull
london is the place to be!

but the guy in the bottom picture on the left methinks looks....ermm...interesting?
ok michigan is boring

but it doesnt seem like london is the ****


Y intersting?

do they look gay?



New member
it is..london is just seems like one on going indie party now...lol

yes they do look a tad bit gay..lol

is that your cat in your profile pic? bc i have a pic of me doing the same with mine on my myspazz



New member
yeah is dose

thats so cute

ur cat looks like its enjoyin it

my cat is like "get the **** away from me"


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