~*jackies journal*~


New member
the aftermath

well... evea sence the little accident that happened to naithan

ppl have been tryin to buy him happiness

its not that he doesnt apperisate wat ppl r doin

but it seem like he cant take care of it and he hates when ppl think that he is like sum kinda charity case

anywayz this is sum stuff ppl bought him to replace the pain

1.robot - its whit and black, so cool

2. i pod - so ****** cool

3.my dad gave him his credit card (i want that so bad)


anyway iwent to the funeral

(i was so rockin all that black)

after that i went home, duh... wat else do i got other then home

and i just chilled out for a bit

thinkin about how ur life can change like that

then i went runnin 4 a bit

after that i tottaly needed a shower so i went back home toke a shower

then manny called up and was like

blah blah blah *** over

i was like okie dokie

went over there so not cool sum dumbass trashed up her dorm

it has got to be her bf or bff

(big fight, messy story)

i helped her clean up and all that i went home to chill finally

my dad brought up the trip that him and my mom r ganna be takin

their leavin on the 27th its like a 3 day trip


i cant wait but ill prob. be at my sisters house chillin wit the babies

when i say chillin i mean fillin bottals and changin daipers


at lest ill be wit my belovied sister


happy thanksgivin everybody!!



Active Members
Your life sounds so much like a movie...I love that....

and yeah...Happy thanksgiving!

I like your sig Danity Kane rules



New member
they have them in different sizes

and he is very shiny

and they might have him doin sumthin in the shop...

so... he cant be hard to find



New member

it does other stuff

stop and think of the other stuff it does

- waves and says "heyy"

- goes to sleep

- when it bumps into stuff it says "ouch!!"

- it could hit u

- throw stuff

- dance

- whistle (like the guyz use to pick up chicks) LOL



New member

its a robot

not a maid



well... i think it can but u have to control it

it would be easier if u just do ur self

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