~*jackies journal*~


New member
Sure is =]

yay im here

i missed yall more then you miss me in sure

i got a new myspace like yesterday

my mom let me back in the house :p


ummm lets see

oh yeah my new my space is myspace.com/cheezecrackers

... err theres nothing to say really..

And then i was blonde:


trashy makeup tho

all summer i had dark hair then skool came and now well there you go :p

i found out some was using my email addy so its like o_O


thats all for now c:

are you guys okay?



New member
thank you jos!!

err today is super exciting!!

im get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about today..

im moving to North Carolina

To live with my bestie!!

ganna get an apartment and everthing will be great

leave on the 14th

lets see N. carolina does halloween..

thats it?


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