~*jackies journal*~

break yay

Hello long time no see
Any way lets get to it….
My X-mas wasn’t that bad but my brother left 4 germeny the day be4
so I had gave him the gift I got 4 him
it was a watch, it was black and it had Swarovski crystals in it
and he gave me his but I couldn’t open it
then umm… I had to go get my stuff ready
rap up the last of my gifts and wat not

-ok X-mas day-
I woke up still in my jammies
And I opened my presents
….I got….
Sum awesome jeans – bro
Sum rockin shades – bro
Neckles – mom
Money – dad (he didn’t no wat to get me)
Shoes – sis
Dragon ring – Kevin
Godiva chocolates – zahraa
Smackdown VS. raw 07 – bro
More money – bro
…. i give ….
Mom – ring
Dad – tie (tho he never wears em)
Bro – watch
Bro – watch
Lil bro – jeans
Bro – awesome Makaveli tee
Sis – cram bracelet
Kavin – skull ring
Zahraa – polo (preepy ****)
That was it I think so….. yup
**And the in my avatar that was during lunch the day be4 we left 4 break**
It was so sad not ill see them durin the break anyway
Sounds like a nice christmas....

congrats on the presents...

In which City of Germany is your bro now?
Jeezy said:
Sounds like a nice christmas....

congrats on the presents...

In which City of Germany is your bro now?

yeah it wasnt that bad
he's not ganna stay there
he is only ganna be there 4 like a week or 2
thats like part one.... then aother stop and one more
and then he get ta iraq
i miss him already :(
jackie said:
yeah it wasnt that bad
he's not ganna stay there
he is only ganna be there 4 like a week or 2
thats like part one.... then aother stop and one more
and then he get ta iraq
i miss him already :(
oh damn..he's going to Iraq?...
so I guess he's a soldier...
**** thats gotta suck.. i mean so many people die each dai in iraq bloody suicide bombings... well have faith!!! remember we are always with you!! :)
Sygy said:
poor dude...iraq is totally going to get worst when saddams killed...the shia and sunnies are going to turn the streets into a bloodbath...hmmmm...iraq sux
ya hes gonna be hanged in 30 days its gonne be bad in iraq
Jeezy said:
oh damn..he's going to Iraq?...
so I guess he's a soldier...

yeah he is....
and its soooo bad he has this one video on his laptop
him and his group or w/e were in the car
and he's like yeah 2day was a good day
and BOOM!! just like a 100 ft away there was a bombing

thnx GraDoN

and Sygy i think he'll be ok
jackie said:
yeah he is....
and its soooo bad he has this one video on his laptop
him and his group or w/e were in the car
and he's like yeah 2day was a good day
and BOOM!! just like a 100 ft away there was a bombing

thnx GraDoN

and Sygy i think he'll be ok
Yeah...I just saw that movie Home Of The Brave....and somehow it shows you how bad it's down there...but on the other side it also gives you hope...because the soldiers are there for a good reason...so...I think he'll be ok...
its a home video that he made but is not at home...:p
ne who i really wanna show u it

but on another note
saturday is an arabic holiday
and my mom got this house super clean
i cant wait i gatta get sum new clothes 4 it
hmmm.... i think imma wear black and red
and we go to the grave yard every year and its ganna be kinda sad

mode: well im bored and feelin lazy
time: 1:28pm
(^check it out^)
yeah i think so

well yesterday the exacuted sadam and ppl up in dearborn were goin carzy
so i got my camera and grabed zahraa
and went there
it was so freakin awesome
we stayed there till like 11:00pm
and then we left
but every1 was hownkin their horns
it was awesome

and eid is sunday not 2day mii bad
thats ok wit me mick

ummm... its friday
and i have to retake three exams
stupid classes
but on the other hand im goin to the movies wit mii friends tonight cant wait
wanna come?
im so bored but doin good :thumbsup:​