~*jackies journal*~

Damn I'm so sorry...

I mean I helped you to find her name...and now she passed away...
I feel so sad now

*hugs you*
Sygy said:
well, thats why u should invest in these flashing collars. u put them on ur pets in the darker months, when they go outside and it flashes red then white so ppl can see them when they cross the road.

thats a great idea

well...umm... my dad said he will by me a new puppy
and i dont think want one yet
but i was so sad and bored that i found these razors
and no i didnt start cuttin myself...well not on perpuse (sp?)
but i was goin around the house cuttin up apples and graps and boxes and stuff
but i cut 4 fingers and it hurts
left hand:index finger and middle
right hand: index finger and middle and my plam
watever im ok

just cant put my hand in soap cuz it stings​
you just walked around cutting some stuff?...well...you must have been really bored....
ok here is wat has been happenin at home and skool

home: myspace is soo stupid
so i toke mine off
so many pervs there ewww....

skool: there is this new guy at skol and every1 thinks he is soo fine
the head of our skool told me i can show him around
well... bla bla bla he is cute

ok thats about it ill be seeing u guys around​
lol okie dokie jeezy

umm... wel 2day was a half-a-day so i came home early duh
and i had to go to my sisy's house cuz her kidz were sick and she wanted to get them to the doctors and this wasnt the first time she tried goin

then i came back home ate
and chilled out

ohh and im gettin a new doggy
but i dont no when
and im gettin my hair cut on the 3ed of feb.
yay!! i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!​