~*jackies journal*~

jackie said:
yes it snows here u guyz
we got like a half of a inch yesterday :)

yesterday me and my lil bro were havin a re-match from the day be4
he was like u cant hand all of this
i was like yes i can
then he was like shut up jack
nooo!! then i pushed him on the floor lol
then he got up to his knees and i was no the floor
he was like put a sock in the big old mouth of urs lmfao
and he shoves his foot in my mouth good thing he was wearin a sock lol
but non the less our match ended short cuz my mom was screamin at us so we stoped till next time then
it was so borin but i quit my yoga class, so im stickin wit my boxin
umm... lets see yall wanna no wat i have 4 lunch yesterday? lol
well imma tell ya anyway
i have shish kabbob mmmmm..... taste so goood
and pepsi :thumbsup:
I could say something really nasty now...but I better don't...lol

ok ok....
yesterday i was over my sisters house wit my lil bro and my parnets
it was so much fun playin wit them
and i can finally kiss em cuz im all better YAY!!
so i gave out kisses like no tommaroo

soo.. i was holdin dav. up above my head
and he like tottaly druols al over my face lol
i did play wit ali
he loves soccer so we played soccer wit a little ball
then my sis was like go down stairs and play down there
we went down and we had fun ali was playin on his horse-thingy-miginngy

then we played sum soccer
and then we had ta go :(
gave kisses good bye

theni got home and my keybord stoped workin
so i was all like OMFG
but then i was chill jackie
(yes sumtimes i do gotta calm down my carzy ass)
so today i didnt go on till way latter ta c the problem
and guess wat it started workin

im really startin to miss my big brothers
The past couple of dayz have been bad but also good
The day be4 yesterday was bad cuz my computer stoped workin
Its cuz it froze on me and then I was all like wat the hell y don’t I just press this button bad idea Jackie but I still did it
Wat dumbass I can be sumtimes
I didn’t tell my dad cuz I thought I was ganna be in big troble

Then the next day I told my dad and he was like “ok once best buy opens we’ll go get it fixed”
So I stayed home and the bad thing is that best buy opens at 11:00am
Im all like I anit stayin here all day so I called the number on the box and they give this lady with a hearing problem or sumthin
Shes like yellin in my ear and im yellin back so she can hear me lol :D
Also yesterday I got in school a bit latter then usall it was like third hour when I got there
But anywayz….. heres the thing at the end of the day Kevin was like “wanna go out wit me tom.?”
I was like “umm… ok”
He was like “ok ill pick u up at 7”
I was like “ok then ill see ya there”
Played it kool and walked away without lookin back
Got in my bigass car and drove off

man i no like 6 micheal
5 kevins
2 jackies
3 toms.... and so on...
simple names so boring
i wish i had a better more thought of name​
^^ Ha Ha...that was a funny conversation...lol

so...what's going on with that Kevin?
my weekend dude!!

Hey yall
Ok heres wat happened over my weekend
Friday - ok at 6:00pm I toke a shower 6:30 I got out fixed my hair got dressed
At 7:00pm Kevin came he didn’t bring his car so I was like ooo k
Well he said hi to the family and then he was like “shall we go”
I was ‘we shall”
And then im like “ok wheres ur car kev?”
He’s like “we r ganna go walkin to the movies”
Im all like “I wore the wrong shoes tonight”
Anywho it was kinda sweet cuz instead of a short ride there..
We had a long walk and we talked a lot too… witch is alwayz good, till u say sumthin dumb
Ok we got there like at 8:00pm
then we had to choose witch movie we wanted to watch…
But we watched blood diamond
It was awesome!!!
mmmmm… Leonardo DiCaprio lol
so we got out at 10:00pm really there was no time to eat cuz my dad scared the kid 
even if he is just takin me out as a friend
well u no how dads r
on the way back I was bein lazy so I was like “kev im not ganna walk back ur ganna carry me”
and he’s like “ok jack”
so he piggy backed me all the way home
it was fun cuz i no how tall ppl feel now :D lol
ok we got up to the door steps and I was like “thnx man I had so much fun”
gave him a hug
and he’s all like “im glad u had fun” then we said our bye bye’s and went inside
I missed smackdown but ill just have to get a recap from my bro.
But it was more better then stayin home lol

Saturday – the offical party night in the D lol
So I don’t do stuff durin the day
Imma night person so yeah……
I got in the shower at 9:00pm got out a 9:30pm
Got my hair fixed up all nice and pretty
Then I said bye to my lovely mom and hoped in my bigass car and I have to pick up like four of my parrt bitches
After that we hit the dorms for the parrrtttttyy”s
It was so much fun!!!! Wish yall were there

Sunday – offical lazy day be4 week dayz 
My bros came back from alabama and my bro finally got back wit my dad after 10 months of fighting and not seeing each other
Yay… but I still think we r a broken family
But its nice to c my bro in our house at eaz
And seein him eat too 

oo and kev's doin ok... i think.... no he's ok
Seems like it was a nice weekend...

did you delete the picture you posted on here?...it was funny...lol

it was damn hot yesterday
foo real man its like i could have sumone lick the sweat off mt body hott
but enwho im bored at the moment
skool is gettin super hard :(
nuttin new happened so... yeah
Jeezy said:
Seems like it was a nice weekend...

did you delete the picture you posted on here?...it was funny...lol

yeah it was soooooo huge so toke it off
ill put it back up :thumbsup: