Japan declares US trade war


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005


Japan and other six other countries -- Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Mexico and South Korea -- as well as the EU took the issue to the WTO, which last year authorized sanctions amounting to 72 per cent of the sums reaped by the US law.

Japan is one of the closest political allies of the United States but the two countries have a number of trade disputes.

Japan banned US beef imports in December 2003 after a case of mad cow disease was discovered in Washington state. Japan, the biggest importer of US beef before the ban, is under intense US pressure to resume the imports but has insisted it will wait until its scientists complete a review. Japanese car makers have also been politically sensitive given the inroads they have made in the United States, where General Motors and Ford are struggling badly.
we really can't force them to buy our stuff... If they want to dilly dally on the science to resume beef imports, that's fine... But they should understand that we could shut that whole economy down by financing mexican auto makers to retool and refit for US car manufacturing.... It would be devistating to japan... American cars produced in the west by cheap mexican labor... a ford suv would go from $25k to $15k in the course of 2 years.... I doubt that toyota could keep up with that... It seems to me that Japan is playing with matches....
Im no expert, or well read on this subject...


Dont we import more crap from them than we export? And much of it, frankly, is crap we could live without.....or can learn to find other avenues of its production.

Isnt that economic suicide for them because of the amout we import? Isnt that law in place so we dont rely 100% of their products? (like we would if it wasnt in place)?
Vortex said:
Im no expert, or well read on this subject...


Dont we import more crap from them than we export? And much of it, frankly, is crap we could live without.....or can learn to find other avenues of its production.

Isnt that economic suicide for them because of the amout we import? Isnt that law in place so we dont rely 100% of their products? (like we would if it wasnt in place)?
Yes, Vortex... you are right. The Japanease do not invent any thing new, they simply take **** that is already being manufactured and improve on the design and manufacturing processes. All the **** they make is available through domestic manufacturers.
A piece of Legislation from Robert Byrd having a negative effect on the U.S.....imagine that! :eek:
Oh yeah, that's right. Someone does something you don't like and it's ****ing war! You don't even consider that they might have a point, or the right to retaliate against your bullshit. Don't even think about, your hateful god forbid, TALKING to people--a little something we civilized people called NEGOTIATION. But oh no, you assholes are up in arms ready to load up your shotgun and whoop some ass, just like you did when you dropped the ****ing bomb. You don't give a flying **** how many innocent people are killed, let alone affected, by your white-trash, redneck pride. **** I hate your country.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh yeah, that's right. Someone does something you don't like and it's ****ing war! You don't even consider that they might have a point, or the right to retaliate against your bullshit. Don't even think about, your hateful god forbid, TALKING to people--a little something we civilized people called NEGOTIATION. But oh no, you assholes are up in arms ready to load up your shotgun and whoop some ass, just like you did when you dropped the ****ing bomb. You don't give a flying **** how many innocent people are killed, let alone affected, by your white-trash, redneck pride. **** I hate your country.

silver baby, i love ya man, i really do.....but please dont lump us all in the cateogry of stupid redneck gun toting yankees....a very large chunk of us dont agree whats going on here and are trying to change things...hell id love to move to canada myself...but from what i have read they wont wont me...

simmah down...relax a bit...and all willl be just fine.....remember the global culture that has arrived...many of us from other countries want the same thing, but have different obsticles to go through...

Love one another, and piss off the stupid asshole that cant get their head out of thier ass..

I so happen not to be a redneck, but actually plan on having a successful life and proving all those guys who look down upon me wrong. And I will...I am no sheep.

As far as Japan goes, I still wanna go there. I like electronics, Godzilla, and Japanese women! :D

You still my friend Silver, even though I am just an "American"? :( lol
Silver_dragon87 said:
Oh yeah, that's right. Someone does something you don't like and it's ****ing war! You don't even consider that they might have a point, or the right to retaliate against your bullshit. Don't even think about, your hateful god forbid, TALKING to people--a little something we civilized people called NEGOTIATION. But oh no, you assholes are up in arms ready to load up your shotgun and whoop some ass, just like you did when you dropped the ****ing bomb. You don't give a flying **** how many innocent people are killed, let alone affected, by your white-trash, redneck pride. **** I hate your country.

You need to remember that it is our government that gets us into alot of **** we have no control over......sorta like every other government.

Godamn Silver....get a blowjob or something, and relax......you're going to have a stroke!

Just because Canadians are a bunch of pacifist pussies dosen't mean you need to get bent all out of shape on all of us! ;)
I don't mean to lump you all together, but you have to admit that MOST Americans are as I describe--just look at the red states. It's the whole goddamn map. The fact that I generalize and say I hate ALL of you is only the ALL of you who act in ways I despise. Some of you are exempt because you're Canadians at heart. :)

Spleef, I am seriously pissed off this week. Don't make me add you to my **** list by calling a peaceful people a bunch of pussies or so help me, I'll PUT you on that list and curse you for being a moron and for adding to my upcoming ulcer. (I'm not going to have a STROKE, I plan on having an ULCER, thankyouverymuch.)

I know you're not a sheep, Outlaw--hence the name, yes? I'll still be your pal ;) Just don't turn on me or you'll go on the **** list too c(o: Though even if you're not with me, it doesn't mean your against me--a mentality SOME people are inacapable of adopting. AHEM.

Vortex, first of all see my first paragraph, but also, why wouldn't we want you here? Medical ****?

I say the only obstacles to world peace are religion and the US. They should both be abolished.

PS: I'm not a man.
Vortex said:
Im no expert, or well read on this subject...


Dont we import more crap from them than we export? And much of it, frankly, is crap we could live without.....or can learn to find other avenues of its production.

Isnt that economic suicide for them because of the amout we import? Isnt that law in place so we dont rely 100% of their products? (like we would if it wasnt in place)?

Well vortex, apparently crap sells..and sells very well in the states.

Anyways...america outsources a lot to cheap labour/resource intensive countries.Yeah you would think you would get things cheaper...but no..the price of some of these items would be the same as if made in america,so no savings there.

e.g nike

..SD hahahahahaha canadians!!!
"steel products, machinery parts, printing machines, forklift trucks and industrial belts"

Hah! That's what Japan wants to charge tarrifs on. Go for it. The end consumer in JAPAN, not here, will bear the increase in tarrifs.

Do you really think that they can live without STEEL or MACHINERY PARTS, PRINTING MACHINES, and INDUSTRIAL BELTS? For how long? They won't.

They don't want our beef because of the infected mad cow **** from Canada. No worries. I'm quite sure it will sell here domestically or to other nations without a hitch.

They also make our domestic rice imports nearly impossible to import in large quantities and they have for years.

I say, place a 1 year moratorium on Japanese goods imported into the US. No tv's, microwaves, computers, DVD's, nothing.

The zipperheads would be begging to go back to the way it was.