

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
I personally think she is an idiot...just particulary in the case of our last disagreement.
I just want her boxed because of her statement.

**** Kanye West 09-04-2005 11:46 AM TheJenn88 That, I think, is the only thing you've ever said that sounded intelligent, or that I agreed with!!!!

Said LAST!!!
Sorry, I don't kiss ass, but she's my friend, and I agree with her, so I'm going to say so (and no, you stupid ****, before you say it, I don't agree with her because she's my friend). You've just never given me a reason to like you. I'm sorry if you think that makes me a kissass to her.

//edit// 'scuse me while I add you to my block list. I'm sure I won't be missing anything. I've never found you to have said anything particularly useful or interesting...

or intelligent.

Ya see...she cant make up her mind
What is with all of the Boxing latly? Did we join to Yellow Tag eachother ? Ok ,I can see why some did. . but yeah! Dammit! Leave this **** to the real shitheads.
I stuck up for her once too.. C.E.S. told me she liked **** sandwiches, I said "NO WAY, THEJENN88 HATES BREAD".

UMm OK so what was said in between? What, because she agrees with ONE statement you made she has to like you now? giggles oh wait you're serious aren't you. So what did YOU say between her two statements... HHMMM VERY selective evidence here
Yes, indeed that is a contradiction, but if that's the only way you can prove me an idiot, what are you doing wasting your time? I'm sorry if I do not remember every post I've made regarding you - I've never really held you that high on my priority list.

Thanks MRIH :p
Well, I think you also owe a big thank you to me, tizz, tori and angie too. We all made up the 5 votes that kept you OUT of the box. I moved this post from the IDIOT BOX POLLS forum when it ended with the 5 (x2) votes needed to make 10.

phreakwars said:
Well, I think you also owe a big thank you to me, tizz, tori and angie too. We all made up the 5 votes that kept you OUT of the box. I moved this post from the IDIOT BOX POLLS forum when it ended with the 5 (x2) votes needed to make 10.


big hug
thanks to all over you :)

I said thanks to MRIH though because we had a.. uh... disagreement, so his vote was kinda nice to see :)
tizz said:
UMm OK so what was said in between? What, because she agrees with ONE statement you made she has to like you now? giggles oh wait you're serious aren't you. So what did YOU say between her two statements... HHMMM VERY selective evidence here comment..the agreeing was for my kanye west comment and the other comment was for me yelling at her for brown nosing to SD
I don't need anyone to brown nose to me. Jenn is a friend of mine--and also a person who won't hesitate to tell me if I'm being a moron. If she agrees with me, it is an honour because she is a strong-willed, intelligent, thoughtful person. That is, if I were spouting ****, she'd let me know. She knows she gets the same deal from me. Only pathetic lowlives like yourself need their friends to kiss their ass.
Jeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.I would have voted to keep you out.

I'm sorry if I do not remember every post I've made regarding you - I've never really held you that high on my priority list.

You go gal! :D
Gray~Gal said: comment..the agreeing was for my kanye west comment and the other comment was for me yelling at her for brown nosing to SD

OK... so she agreed with you on one thread, but then lashed back for being yelled at from an entirely different post. I still fail to see a problem here, I do that on a daily basis. You could be my best friend on one thread and my mortal enemy on another, that's what makes these places fun!! Besides, you are calling her out because she did not become like your best friend after ONE comment where she was in agreement with you, yet you are busting her ass for agreeing with a real life friend. OK you are dangerously close to the box yourself here. I think you might want to rethink busting her ass so hard here
Silver_dragon87 said:
I don't need anyone to brown nose to me. Jenn is a friend of mine--and also a person who won't hesitate to tell me if I'm being a moron. If she agrees with me, it is an honour because she is a strong-willed, intelligent, thoughtful person. That is, if I were spouting ****, she'd let me know. She knows she gets the same deal from me. Only pathetic lowlives like yourself need their friends to kiss their ass.

sloppy kiss
I miss you around here. K-town is a bit empty without someone who's not afraid to say what they think, and not afraid to hear what I have to say and think (even my politics teacher called me freakish...).

And thanks for the compliments, babe. But it's right back at ya.