Jerry Springer Pisses Me Off


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
I am so damn tired of people going on talk shows to tell their spouse that they are cheating. It drives me ****in nuts, all of these fat ass inbread trailer trash ****s need get on TV to tell the world that they are ****ing their husbands sisters uncles cousins brothers father, which is their grandpa also. Number one if you are cheating on your spouse, the last way they want to find out is in front of somebody, let alone millions of somebodys. Number 2, i was trying to think of a reason that you would do this, maybe its because they dont want to get their ass beat. Hmmm heres an idea. Now go home and you have not only cheated, but now embarassed the **** out of them, dont you think you are going to get your ass beat now? What is worse is the fact that people eat this **** up, the ratings rock. Why do people love to see this kinda ****? Are we really that bored with our own lives, that we need other peoples drama to make us happy?
Personally, I believe it's all staged. Seriously, there aren't enough trailer parks in all the world to continue filling up the guest list as long as this show has been on T.V. Anyways, People love to watch angry midget striper transexual rednecks beat each while wrestling in a pool of chocolate pudding.
It is staged, my friend Josh was on Springer with his girlfriend.. It was a show about cheating (as usual), but anyways, one of her friends came on with them and claimed she was screwing him too.. which was a total lie, they just wanted the free trip to Chicago.

But anyway, they got into a nice cat fight with each other on stage and all that ****, did it a bunch of times, and when they got back, they were all buddys again, funny as hell.
hell ya id get on the show and fight but besides springer, look at somethink like the maury show or montel, where people really want to know who "da baby daddy" is and they have the paternity tests and all. i think it is ****ed up that people go on a talk show to say "you might not be the babys father" is it just for the free test? And then....they are upset when they find out that the baby is not they guys. Did they forget they had sex with somebody else. Oh and sometimes they say "that test is wrong, it dont know me", what the ****? Are they really that retarded?
Oh ya, and how about trying to understand the people talking. If they are black, its either the damn ebonics or the beeping, makes it so you cant even understand what their talkin about. (i.e. " you a broke )
All the show is is Bleeping. You can't hear ****. That's why I don't watch it. If they're going to allow **** like that to be on T.V., they shouldn't censor it.
dshogan1 said:
Did they forget they had sex with somebody else?
Because they can't figure out which of the current 60 toothless wiggers is the sperm donor!
Maybe they need to "ax" him if he is the daddy.
Besides, here in L.A. the most confusing day in a young black child's life is Father's Day :D
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Because they can't figure out which of the current 60 toothless wiggers is the sperm donor!
Maybe they need to "ax" him if he is the daddy.
Besides, here in L.A. the most confusing day in a young black child's life is Father's Day :D

That is some funny ****. There isnt anything more true than that.
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Because they can't figure out which of the current 60 toothless wiggers is the sperm donor!
Maybe they need to "ax" him if he is the daddy.
Besides, here in L.A. the most confusing day in a young black child's life is Father's Day :D
That makes me sooo angry!
I hate it when these dumb whores go on, and they do a paternity test on eight or ten different men, and NONE of them is the father!! How many people can you screw in one month? NASTY NASTY NASTY!!!!
angie said:
That makes me sooo angry!
I hate it when these dumb whores go on, and they do a paternity test on eight or ten different men, and NONE of them is the father!! How many people can you screw in one month? NASTY NASTY NASTY!!!!

One month? No more like one week, i know this girl who had sex with 5 guys in one night. And they werent together. I wanted to tear out her ovaries and sew up her loose ass infected cooch shut. God i hate nasty bitchez.
dshogan1 said:
One month? No more like one week, i know this girl who had sex with 5 guys in one night. And they werent together. I wanted to tear out her ovaries and sew up her loose ass infected cooch shut. God i hate nasty bitchez.
I think I'm gonna be sick!!
I puked violtently, in her lap, multiple times. And then i told her i ****in hate her, and told everybody i can think of about it. Then nobody would touch the bitch, now she moved out of state because of it, so i got the bitch...:D
Once I saw a woman on like Montel or something. She had already done 12 paternity done, then she went back for 3 more, and none of those guys was the father either. :confused: