>>>[ Jess' Journal ]<<<

Life is great... except for the fact that my legs hurt, my back hurt, my eyes hurt, my arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, my thumb hurts (again), and my tongue hurts...

But other than that yea, life's just awesome
>:O.... lol, try crashing in the wall a hundred times... not that easy

No really true story... i actually had sports, and working on a damn sculpture in the same tiny room for 3 hours with no fresh air... i almost suffocated...

Then i came upstairs and crashed into a wall ><
what sports do you play?
why were you sculpting in a tiny room?
and why was there no fresh air? :p

i can't believe someone actually crashes into walls xD
o_O last night i had these dreams... i dreamed that i was inside Brad's guitar case when they were going to a show. When he opened it he was like "Oh, crap, i forgot my guitar" I was just sitting there and out of nowhere he just found another guitar.

THen i woke up and fell asleep again

Then i was at a meet & greet... even though i'm not in LPU ^^;... and i had all of them sign some CD... and i had this giant painting of Mike's face... :p and he signed it. Then i found out that he didn't sign his name but "Mickey Mouse" @__@ and i sort of fell on my painting and woke up again.

Then i dreamed that i was awake and was thinking about my previous dreams... then i was like "I don't remember whether they were dreams" so i checked my CD and found out that the autographs were gone. So basically in my dream i was questioning about whether my previous dreams were actually dreams and found that they were. But then i was *dreaming* that i was in reality so i couldn't really decide that the previous dreams were dreams cuz i was still *in* a dream...

And then i woke up. For good.
Ok back in reality i have one more thing... Canada's finally returned to its proper climate/weathers... at last it's snowing heavily again :p
color change~ from now on i'm changing every entry :)


I dunno, felt like saying that

But today i did soemthing i thought was worth recording...

i ate three apples today.

Don't look at me like that, yes i think this is worth recording. Why? Cuz i never eat apples. Well i do, but not like... today... i guess it was because there were just like a lot of apples in front of me today for some reason... and they just looked so red and delicious and juicy... and so i ate three

This is cool, i should do it again tomorrow :D